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A special thread for Mr. "President Elect" Obama,


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It's not hard to figure him out. He's the worst kind of troll; the kind who thinks it's funny to play the part of the bad guy, because he gets his rocks off over it. I'd bet that he's a peace-and-love hippie from Berkeley who is just pretending to be some mentally deranged neocon.

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My god, its like listening to two 5 year olds arguing about whose dad could beat up whose.

You perfectly described the Vice Presidential debate. :D

Here's a good one: "McCain Wins B)"

A question: Do you actually understand the words you just quoted?

Very off topic, but PLEASE tell me you've read the V for Vendetta graphic novel. It's so much better than the movie.

Edited by MisterMcLov1n
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Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't every new president an unknown quantity even if they have been a governor of a state. To me the two posts are worlds apart.

Bush has taken America backwards both witihin America and worldwide and turned your country into the most mistrusted and despised country in the world.

The world reaction to Obama has been totally different to what i have seen before.

Yes he has to prove himself but don't they all?

As for the originator of this thread he has no political argument other than stupid one liners, racist pictures and probably can't string a sentence together.

I hope Obama does well and turns America back into the country it should be and not what it has become.

As an outsider I care about the international impact of the USA and its president but not about its gun laws. Its different here inthe UK hence my opinion on that.

And for those here who argue against green issues you really ought to do something about it cos the good old US of A is one of the worlds major polluters, right up there with China and India.

I like my car to get over 30 miles to the gallon, some seem tjo think that its cool to drive some that you are lucky to get 10 out of.

All anyone can do is wait and see what he does.

Exactly right. This time around (after eight hellish years) thanks to The Democrats (yeah!) being in control, again, we have a chance. Left with the worst mess imaginable, they have their work cut out for them. Any forward movement will be positive. At least McCain and Palin didn't get the chance to push us further back a century or two cool0001.gif

I love to read thoughtful posts from people outisde this country. It proves to me, too many blind Americans allowed us to wind up in this poor condition. At least more Americans had their say this vote! Good luck, America (and Obama/Biden Administration)!

and to add one more thought, for The First LedZep (who probably doesn't even own a Led Zeppelin CD) ... cool0001.gif funny thing, now that WE WON, TFLZ's useless garble doesn't bother me one bit! What a Stupid fool. :)

Edited by ~tangerine~
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President Obama.... It's just fantastic isn't it? I for one am thrilled! Yes We Did!

His campaign alone was historic. Record numbers of volunteers, record numbers of donors and donations.. It was just amazing to watch so many people come together and work to elect this man. I hope we continue to work together to get this country back on track.

YES! !

Surely some rasict bigots here have to know, he won by historic measures.

^..They'll just have to pull their heads out...someday.

For now....Cheers to the world! I love our new President! :yay::beer:


ps: moveon.org has free "Yes We Did!" stickers. You can also purchase some for friends. :toast:

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YES! !

Surely some rasict bigots here have to know, he won by historic measures.

^..They'll just have to pull their heads out...someday.

For now....Cheers to the world! I love our new President! :yay::beer:


ps: moveon.org has free "Yes We Did!" stickers. You can also purchase some for friends. :toast:

So the pro democrats theory here is:

If you did not vote for Obama your a racist bigot

And if you voted for Obama you have now saved the world?

Good thing this is not to one side and very democratic :slapface:

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Anti-gun? Yes, there IS something wrong with that. Environmentally concerned? No, as long as it isn't taken to radical lengths.

But this is something for another thread. :)

Rock, you're taking the wise approach. I wouldn't worry too much about the gun issue though. He really only wants to ban assault weapons...I don't think that should impact most Americans. If you are a hunter, you can still buy all the guns you want. If you want a handgun and like to practice shooting...no probs! But no one really needs to empty 100 rounds into anything now do they?

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As an owner of a handgun and a shotgun, used to hunt, I agree with you totally. Knee jerk reaction by estremists running out and buying up all the guns they can get their hands on. Idiots.

Agreed.I just hope the demand dies down some by Christmas. B).I've got them picked out and everything:

Two handguns;one for me,and one for the wifey......

Two shotguns;one to keep intact,one sawed off to barely legal length,with a pistol-grip.

...not that I've thought about it or anything..... :whistling:

Edited by 59LesPaul
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Not funny enough, try another :slapface:

Her point: >------- whoosh --------->

.....Your head: ..... :huh:

At least you used to actually make real posts with some actual content. I thought they were often too simplistic, and when not too simplistic, they were usually something said by someone else (even if not properly and appropriately attributed to the actual authors). This kind of crap is just pathetic on your part.

I know you are actually reasonably intelligent, and that if you cared to put in a little bit of effort, you could actually have something worthwhile to say/discuss... even if your viewpoint differed from mine. Instead, you do this kind of stuff... and that is what makes it pathetic.


As for the actual topic, such as it is...

Obama has a tough job ahead of him... Duh-bya and his administration have left quite a mess for him. Just as we didn't get into this mess overnight, I don't expect Obama and his administration will be able to turn everything around overnight either. I do hope that folks will work with him and not try to obstruct things just to be partisan.

It's been a long, long time since I celebrated the outcome of an election... but I did celebrate this one.

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