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What are your fears?


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I had to think about this for awhile to come up with something, so let's go through the list of things that have already happened in my life that I don't really fear as much any longer since I know what to expect somewhat. It's the unknown that really scares me I guess? :unsure:

I've had cancer along with major surgery, almost drowned a couple times, been set on fire, knocked unconscious(self inflicted) almost car jacked (he couldn't hang on long enough) had a gun stuck in my face, slashed by a knife, got caught up in razor wire, smashed my finger with a roofing hammer, had my fingernail pulled off by a ringer washing machine, got poison ivy in my eyes and swollen shut for 24hrs, been attacked by a dog, cat, bird and a squirrel. Crashed on a motorcycle and was stuck under it, had my knee split open by one of those old coffee cans you used to need a key to open.

Caught in a severe storm in the middle of a bay and the boat lost power.

Lost my job several times, homeless for a short time, hungry for a short time, nearly fell 100ft from an oil rig in the gulf of Mexico, nearly crashed with another helicopter coming off of a rig in the gulf, fell off of a two story house.

Hurricane nearly destroyed my house and fought with the insurance co. for two years,

wife went crazy(literally) and left with the kid and filed for divorce.

Well that's the abbreviated version anyway so I guess fear of the unknown and dying alone would be the worst thing for me :unsure:

On a positive note I'm still alive, have a good job, a roof over my head, good family and friends here and elsewhere. :D

Oh! and I've seen Led Zeppelin LIVE! :banana::hurrah:

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I had to think about this for awhile to come up with something, so let's go through the list of things that have already happened in my life that I don't really fear as much any longer since I know what to expect somewhat. It's the unknown that really scares me I guess? :unsure:

I've had cancer along with major surgery, almost drowned a couple times, been set on fire, knocked unconscious(self inflicted) almost car jacked (he couldn't hang on long enough) had a gun stuck in my face, slashed by a knife, got caught up in razor wire, smashed my finger with a roofing hammer, had my fingernail pulled off by a ringer washing machine, got poison ivy in my eyes and swollen shut for 24hrs, been attacked by a dog, cat, bird and a squirrel. Crashed on a motorcycle and was stuck under it, had my knee split open by one of those old coffee cans you used to need a key to open.

Caught in a severe storm in the middle of a bay and the boat lost power.

Lost my job several times, homeless for a short time, hungry for a short time, nearly fell 100ft from an oil rig in the gulf of Mexico, nearly crashed with another helicopter coming off of a rig in the gulf, fell off of a two story house.

Hurricane nearly destroyed my house and fought with the insurance co. for two years,

wife went crazy(literally) and left with the kid and filed for divorce.

Well that's the abbreviated version anyway so I guess fear of the unknown and dying alone would be the worst thing for me :unsure:

On a positive note I'm still alive, have a good job, a roof over my head, good family and friends here and elsewhere. :D

Oh! and I've seen Led Zeppelin LIVE! :banana::hurrah:

You forgot about the little brother that whomped you with a brick over the head, LOL


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I had to think about this for awhile to come up with something, so let's go through the list of things that have already happened in my life that I don't really fear as much any longer since I know what to expect somewhat. It's the unknown that really scares me I guess? :unsure:

I've had cancer along with major surgery, almost drowned a couple times, been set on fire, knocked unconscious(self inflicted) almost car jacked (he couldn't hang on long enough) had a gun stuck in my face, slashed by a knife, got caught up in razor wire, smashed my finger with a roofing hammer, had my fingernail pulled off by a ringer washing machine, got poison ivy in my eyes and swollen shut for 24hrs, been attacked by a dog, cat, bird and a squirrel. Crashed on a motorcycle and was stuck under it, had my knee split open by one of those old coffee cans you used to need a key to open.

Caught in a severe storm in the middle of a bay and the boat lost power.

Lost my job several times, homeless for a short time, hungry for a short time, nearly fell 100ft from an oil rig in the gulf of Mexico, nearly crashed with another helicopter coming off of a rig in the gulf, fell off of a two story house.

Hurricane nearly destroyed my house and fought with the insurance co. for two years,

wife went crazy(literally) and left with the kid and filed for divorce.

Well that's the abbreviated version anyway so I guess fear of the unknown and dying alone would be the worst thing for me :unsure:

On a positive note I'm still alive, have a good job, a roof over my head, good family and friends here and elsewhere. :D

Oh! and I've seen Led Zeppelin LIVE! :banana::hurrah:

Ummm, that's intense. I've had lots of emotional scarring, but not any of the physical crap you went through! ouch.

I'm glad it ended on a happy note

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Failing at life....

BINGO!! Good one. I have this fear about being exposed as a fraud at work, that people think I'm boring and that I just get by on luck.

Regarding dying, I read the obituaries almost every day. My wife just tells me to stop. I just sit with my mouth wide open reading about some young kid who died in a car accident, cancer or some illness. Then there are the people my age dying with brain aneurysms, cancer, accidental falls at home. Oh CHRIST, I will never fall asleep tonight.

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I am always consumed by fears that someone will break into our home and do us serious harm. I can't sleep at night unless every door and window is locked, every set of blinds is down and drawn and if all curtains are covering every window. If I think a window somewhere is open, I will lay awake at night having panic attacks. The thing is, nothing like that has ever happened to us before, so it's not a fear of it happening again that drives it.

I'm also terrified that our financial situation will never improve and I'll be unable to leave. I get so consumed with the minutiae of our finances. Every time we go out, I worry that the money we spent eating lunch could have gone somewhere else. I purposely avoid buying new clothes, or underwear or shoes or things like that so there is more money left in my parents' bank account. I will sometimes lay awake at night and cry that we'll lose our house. If we could afford it and I had insurance, I'd consider seeing a therapist or something, but for right now, I'm stuck.

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True story. I'm still in recovery for emotional scarring, and still getting slaps here and there.


Regarding dying, I read the obituaries almost every day. My wife just tells me to stop. I just sit with my mouth wide open reading about some young kid who died in a car accident, cancer or some illness. Then there are the people my age dying with brain aneurysms, cancer, accidental falls at home. Oh CHRIST, I will never fall asleep tonight.

Fear of the unknown.

Trust me if there ever comes a time in your life where you think it may be the end,

you will have an eerie sense of calm as though all the weight of the world has been lifted from your shoulders and you will only think of your family.

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I had to think about this for awhile to come up with something, so let's go through the list of things that have already happened in my life that I don't really fear as much any longer since I know what to expect somewhat. It's the unknown that really scares me I guess? :unsure:

I've had cancer along with major surgery, almost drowned a couple times, been set on fire, knocked unconscious(self inflicted) almost car jacked (he couldn't hang on long enough) had a gun stuck in my face, slashed by a knife, got caught up in razor wire, smashed my finger with a roofing hammer, had my fingernail pulled off by a ringer washing machine, got poison ivy in my eyes and swollen shut for 24hrs, been attacked by a dog, cat, bird and a squirrel. Crashed on a motorcycle and was stuck under it, had my knee split open by one of those old coffee cans you used to need a key to open.

Caught in a severe storm in the middle of a bay and the boat lost power.

Lost my job several times, homeless for a short time, hungry for a short time, nearly fell 100ft from an oil rig in the gulf of Mexico, nearly crashed with another helicopter coming off of a rig in the gulf, fell off of a two story house.

Hurricane nearly destroyed my house and fought with the insurance co. for two years,

wife went crazy(literally) and left with the kid and filed for divorce.

Well that's the abbreviated version anyway so I guess fear of the unknown and dying alone would be the worst thing for me :unsure:

On a positive note I'm still alive, have a good job, a roof over my head, good family and friends here and elsewhere. :D

Oh! and I've seen Led Zeppelin LIVE! :banana::hurrah:


Breakfast of Champions !! :lol:

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Hi all,

I don't fear death. Not that i'm brave or anything. I just don't believe in an afterlife and my theory has always been that what you believe in after death is what will happen. I have apprehension about how or when I may die, but not really fear. Like someone said here earlier, why worry about something you can't control. I think that is so true. One thing I have always feared, and still do, is getting injured seriously, or having a serious medical condition that leaves me paralyzed. I don't think I could deal with that, and I've known people that have lived entire lives and it never stopped them. I salute them. Don't know what i would do if I lost use of my limbs.

danelectro59!How have you lived?You seem full of life and love to me,as you have posted on here,since I do not know you,...

Don't worry what *might* happen,think of what you have done.And will do,... :)

KB(yeah,I know,...)

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Hi all,

I had to think about this for awhile to come up with something, so let's go through the list of things that have already happened in my life that I don't really fear as much any longer since I know what to expect somewhat. It's the unknown that really scares me I guess? :unsure:

I've had cancer along with major surgery, almost drowned a couple times, been set on fire, knocked unconscious(self inflicted) almost car jacked (he couldn't hang on long enough) had a gun stuck in my face, slashed by a knife, got caught up in razor wire, smashed my finger with a roofing hammer, had my fingernail pulled off by a ringer washing machine, got poison ivy in my eyes and swollen shut for 24hrs, been attacked by a dog, cat, bird and a squirrel. Crashed on a motorcycle and was stuck under it, had my knee split open by one of those old coffee cans you used to need a key to open.

Caught in a severe storm in the middle of a bay and the boat lost power.

Lost my job several times, homeless for a short time, hungry for a short time, nearly fell 100ft from an oil rig in the gulf of Mexico, nearly crashed with another helicopter coming off of a rig in the gulf, fell off of a two story house.

Hurricane nearly destroyed my house and fought with the insurance co. for two years,

wife went crazy(literally) and left with the kid and filed for divorce.

Well that's the abbreviated version anyway so I guess fear of the unknown and dying alone would be the worst thing for me :unsure:

On a positive note I'm still alive, have a good job, a roof over my head, good family and friends here and elsewhere. :D

Oh! and I've seen Led Zeppelin LIVE! :banana::hurrah:

That sound about right,close but no cigar.Oil rigs being the only other factor,...the other is dying alone.Nope will not let that happen.PM,you are not alone,.....how many times I got to say this?Tough old hooters like you don't go that way,.....?capisce ? :D


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Hi all,

True story. I'm still in recovery for emotional scarring, and still getting slaps here and there.

For what,if I may ask?I am being bold since we have not talk for a long time.

It's over,correct,so who is hurting you?

The X?

One more thing,...do NOT put up with is BS any longer.I can't speak for the "Houses of the Harley" but will will be there and straighten out this BS,right quick I'll wager!

Chin up.


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I had to think about this for awhile to come up with something, so let's go through the list of things that have already happened in my life that I don't really fear as much any longer since I know what to expect somewhat. It's the unknown that really scares me I guess? :unsure:

I've had cancer along with major surgery, almost drowned a couple times, been set on fire, knocked unconscious(self inflicted) almost car jacked (he couldn't hang on long enough) had a gun stuck in my face, slashed by a knife, got caught up in razor wire, smashed my finger with a roofing hammer, had my fingernail pulled off by a ringer washing machine, got poison ivy in my eyes and swollen shut for 24hrs, been attacked by a dog, cat, bird and a squirrel. Crashed on a motorcycle and was stuck under it, had my knee split open by one of those old coffee cans you used to need a key to open.

Caught in a severe storm in the middle of a bay and the boat lost power.

Lost my job several times, homeless for a short time, hungry for a short time, nearly fell 100ft from an oil rig in the gulf of Mexico, nearly crashed with another helicopter coming off of a rig in the gulf, fell off of a two story house.

Hurricane nearly destroyed my house and fought with the insurance co. for two years,

wife went crazy(literally) and left with the kid and filed for divorce.

Well that's the abbreviated version anyway so I guess fear of the unknown and dying alone would be the worst thing for me :unsure:

On a positive note I'm still alive, have a good job, a roof over my head, good family and friends here and elsewhere. :D

Oh! and I've seen Led Zeppelin LIVE! :banana::hurrah:

I think you win the prize! :) Wow, is it true, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger? :)

Glad you got through all this hard core stuff with such a great attitude!

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Hi all,

That sound about right,close but no cigar.Oil rigs being the only other factor,...the other is dying alone.Nope will not let that happen.PM,you are not alone,.....how many times I got to say this?Tough old hooters like you don't go that way,.....?capisce ? :D


So true KB ! Couldn't say it better myself :D

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