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Who is your favorite U.S. President throughout this nation's history?

Rock N' Rollin' Man

Favorite U.S. Presidents.  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. 1789-1850.

    • George Washington
    • John Adams
    • Thomas Jefferson
    • James Madison
    • James Monroe
    • John Quincy Adams
    • Andrew Jackson
    • Martin Van Buren
    • William Henry Harrison
    • John Tyler
    • James K. Polk
    • Zachary Taylor
  2. 2. Continued... 1850-1901.

    • Millard Fillmore
    • Franklin Pierce
    • James Buchanan
    • Abraham Lincoln
    • Andrew Johnson
    • Ulysses S. Grant
    • Rutherford B. Hayes
    • James A. Garfield
    • Chester A. Arthur
    • Grover Cleveland
    • Benjamin Harrison
    • William McKinley

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Because I don't support Obama?

No.............there are plenty of people who don't support Obama and they're perfectly fine. But people who call him Osama and say he reminds them of the anti-Christ? Those are the sickos. Scratch that, they're not sick.......they're fucking frightening.

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Because you equate Obama to Osama bin Laden and have no respect for anyone else's opinions.

I do respect other people's opinions you come out at me about thinking Mckinley was a better president than Lincoln and so I stood up for myself, and I was just making a joke about Obama because I hate him so much.

Coming from someone who doesn't have a high school diploma yet, I'd say you need to hit the books and shut the fuck up, bub.

Don't tell me I need to hit the books I bet I know far more than you do about American history, bub. I'm kind of a social studies expert American history is just my specialty.

No.............there are plenty of people who don't support Obama and they're perfectly fine. But people who call him Osama and say he reminds them of the anti-Christ? Those are the sickos. Scratch that, they're not sick.......they're fucking frightening.

I'm not a sicko because I made a joke about him, and I say he reminds me of the anti christ not based on a bias but because of the facts of the anti-christ and how they are "frighteningly" similar.

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I do respect other people's opinions you come out at me about thinking Mckinley was a better president than Lincoln and so I stood up for myself, and I was just making a joke about Obama because I hate him so much.

Not what I'm talking about

"I doubt you know anything about Mckinley, I doubt you know much of anything if you actually support Osama...I mean Obama."

That is not respecting an opponents views

Don't tell me I need to hit the books I bet I know far more than you do about American history, bub. I'm kind of a social studies expert American history is just my specialty.
yeah, so is everyone here if ya haven't noticed :rolleyes:

I'm not a sicko because I made a joke about him, and I say he reminds me of the anti christ not based on a bias but because of the facts of the anti-christ and how they are "frighteningly" similar.

There are no similarities

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Don't tell me I need to hit the books I bet I know far more than you do about American history, bub. I'm kind of a social studies expert American history is just my specialty.

Judging by the way you're defending your uncanny knack for the subject and from what I've read, you are a text book example of high school ignorance towards history. Your own assumptions and conclusions made from "high school history books" show your education. Sometimes you get the advanced lectures from good teaching, which tend to include what is generally left out. Sometimes you get that in high school. Obviously, you haven't. Keep reading.

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I'm not a sicko because I made a joke about him, and I say he reminds me of the anti christ not based on a bias but because of the facts of the anti-christ and how they are "frighteningly" similar.

No, there aren't. Is your tin foil hat on too tight?

Edited by Electrophile
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I'm a Virginian; we're born Jefferson admirers :)

I admire Jefferson for what he did..before and after his Presidency. He, along with John Adams were probably the best political minds from 1770-1826. I felt the HBO show "John Adams" made a valiant effort in showing this. Jefferson's vision of America is what I truely believe we should have. And I'm the biggest supporter in updating the Constitution, which was Jefferson's calling of such, "every 25 years."

But his Presidency was marked with failures, in legislating and governing. His second term was a complete botch. Again, he achieved legendary status for his accomplishments before and of course, the Louisiana Purchase. For these reasons, his failures are largely left out of the history books. But they are well documented and do show he was not the best leader in a time when we needed one.

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The Louisiana Purchase turned out great, but it was unconstitutional in the way it was taken unfortunately. And I have a problem with that, especially since it was Jefferson who took it

Yuuuup. He went against everything he ever said or wrote about democracy and took the land. But he's considered a hero for it, despite it being completely against the the main principles this country was founded on.

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Yuuuup. He went against everything he ever said or wrote about democracy and took the land. But he's considered a hero for it, despite it being completely against the the main principles this country was founded on.

Exactly. He goes against he stood for and America loves him for it...

That's why I'll take Hamilton over Jefferson anyday.

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They all went against what they wrote. I mean "all men are created equal"? They were all slaveholders. Freedom of speech? Adams authored the Alien and Sedition Act.
Slaveholding was, unfortunately, just a part of the time. It was common. Not justifying it, but using that against them seems a bit different from what I was talking about.

Jeffersons deal was how much he wanted to follow the constitution, he fought to defend and uphold it...then he's goes ahead and goes against it. That's my problem with Mr. J

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Slaveholding was, unfortunately, just a part of the time. It was common. Not justifying it, but using that against them seems a bit different from what I was talking about.

Jeffersons deal was how much he wanted to follow the constitution, he fought to defend and uphold it...then he's goes ahead and goes against it. That's my problem with Mr. J

Just pointing out an example of them going against what they wrote. My issue primarily is that you're chastising Jefferson for something other Presidents had done, and have done. As I pointed out, they all wrote some very idealistic things, and mostly lived up to none of them. What I did when making my choice was look at the overall package. Jefferson's insane intelligence and abilities is what edged him past Washington, in my mind.

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Just pointing out an example of them going against what they wrote. My issue primarily is that you're chastising Jefferson for something other Presidents had done, and have done. As I pointed out, they all wrote some very idealistic things, and mostly lived up to none of them. What I did when making my choice was look at the overall package. Jefferson's insane intelligence and abilities is what edged him past Washington, in my mind.

I'm not saying other presidents haven't done the same thing. I'm just pointing out how hypocritical it was of him. He sold his beliefs for land to the West. It's unfortunate in my mind. And yes, most polticians in some way went against their beliefs, but his hypocrisy was in a whole different league at that time IMO.

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It's hard to actually know how hypocritical these men were because so little of their thoughts are well documented. However, in Jefferson's case, throughout much of his writings-especially post-1808, he proves to be very hypocritical of his beliefs in democracy and was quite the caniver with his friends and foes. One aspect of his personality that I do admire was his ability to continually challenge his own beliefs in the system he valiantly defended, and broke several times. One could say it was almost as if "guessing which Jefferson would wake up that morning and engage you." Surely an enigma of a man, he is still without a doubt a political genius. But the genius goes hand in hand with his own inner skepticism of himself and the new democracy he helped create.

Edited to Add: One of Washington's greatest talents was surrounding himself with talented minds in their given fields. Such a trait at the time was as important on the battlefield and in office as it is today. While he may have lacked the political-insider know how of a Jefferson, he undeniably understood the dangers of politics and what could happen to America if the government became corrupt.

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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That's what i'm hoping Obama does

I'm just curious if there are such talented people out there who can help this country.

If there is any truth to fear, it would be there are no worthy candidates in the highest positions that can help reboot this country. Sure, some say Obama is an example. Only time will tell.

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I'm just curious if there are such talented people out there who can help this country.

If there is any truth to fear, it would be there are no worthy candidates in the highest positions that can help reboot this country. Sure, some say Obama is an example. Only time will tell.

Perhaps not as talented as the Founders, but I'm positive that their has to be some talent still out there to help us..

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