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What instrument do you play?

Matt Harris

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I play guitar. I bet you're shocked that someone here is a guitar player.

Judging by how many on here play guitar...not really, but I bet we all agree as to how great it is!!

What have you got for gear? I don't know about others but I love to hear about what others have, pictures are always welcome.

Here's mine...


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I'm very very passionate about playing guitar, I started with classical, then went on with electic guitar (I'm playing it right now). I'd play the guitar even at night, but I really have difficulty in finding someone to play with, like a band. Now I'm just a session musician, thanks to blues music, which I really LOVE.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can anybody help me I have a 1974 Eko accoustic(don't laugh it,s all I could afford) a few weeks ago my daughter knocked it over and broke the neck about half way down. Is it possible to have it repaired......and is it worth it?

that is a tough one. I would highly doubt it is salvagable, but you should still take it to a good guitar repair person for their input. On a personal note, my dog knocked over my 50 Watt amp into my Yamaha acoustic that i had had for 20 yrs, and loved dearly. The neck broke at the body. I took it to a repair person who said it would cost $300 to repair. The guitar was never worth that much but played and sounded beautiful.... I ended up buying another acoustic (a Norman...fantastic). The Yamaha is now played as a Dobro lol......My dog is still #1 with me. He's a "Black Dog"....he could never do no worng,,,good luck...

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Thanks fisshead, I'll have to check out some guitar stores unfortunately I can only think of one in Liverpool, and they "overhauled " and I use the term very loosely my Zenta electric which I purchased in 1975, and it still crackles when I adjust the volume control.....What a waste of £30.00.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I play trumpet, euphonium, french horn, guitar, bass, harmonica, and keyboard. And im not trying to brag. I only took lessons for guitar and im not a prodigy or naturally good...the only reason im any decent is from dedication and hours of practice. Music is my entire life.

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that is a tough one. I would highly doubt it is salvagable, but you should still take it to a good guitar repair person for their input.

exactly! a broken neck seems a bit final. but almost all broken necks can be fixed, if you find the luthier that knows how to do it.

Most of the times the broken parts becomes the sturdiest part of the guitar.

Especiallu for a 1974 EKo, I would go to the trouble of getting it fixed. There are people who collect these old Eko's and they pay quite a bit of money for them.

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exactly! a broken neck seems a bit final. but almost all broken necks can be fixed, if you find the luthier that knows how to do it.

Most of the times the broken parts becomes the sturdiest part of the guitar.

Especiallu for a 1974 EKo, I would go to the trouble of getting it fixed. There are people who collect these old Eko's and they pay quite a bit of money for them.

I wish I could find someone who collected them......Where would I begin to look?

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you could put it on ebay and let the collector find you.

How much do you reckon it would be worth, or should I keep it? My parents got me an Audition guitar (they didn't have much money), and as soon as I started working in 1974, I went beserk bought the EKO (£95) a seperates hi fi system (£700) and a Fantic Chopper motorcycle (£325). All with a loan which took me 3 years to pay. At least I still have the EKOalbeit broken. I read somewhere that sometimes when you bought EKOs you either got a dud or a good one , but it lasted a long time before it was broken. I also (in 1975) bought a Zenta electric with a Bird valve amplifier and I still have both, the amp doesn't work anymore. But when I went on a website about Zentas it really slagged them off saying that they must have been made of balsa wood, it showed pictures of them, but none of them are like the one I bought, it's in a Strat shape, it has 3 pick-ups, no tremelo arm, and instead of a slider control for the pick ups it has 3 seperate switches, it is also a lot heavier than the Squire Strat that I have. I wonder if you are familiar with it. I hope this doesn't bore you, me rambling on.

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