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Best preserved oldy!


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I fell in love with David Gilmour when I first saw him all those years ago, but as our musical heroes of yesteryear reach pensionable age, which ones have still got it and which ones havent?

Roger Daltrey still looks and sounds amazing.

Roger Waters looks better now than he ever has.

Brian May has only just started to age after staying the same for 30 odd years!!

Jimmy Page and JPJ both look great.

Robert Plant - I'm not to sure about maybe his hair needs a trim!

Mick Jagger is...well Mick Jagger.

Rod Stewart is amazingly well preserved - all that hair!

add to them Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney and Bill Wyman!

The ones who have aged badly IN MY OPINION!!! are

Keith Richard - not surprisingly

Roger Taylor - portly

Charlie Watts - looks old

David Gilmour - oh david!

Phil Collins - looks like my grandad

Jack Bruce - enough said

can you think of anyone else who has stayed amazingly well preserved for their years?

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Some smiles have cried,

some frowns have lied –

the evidence on my face.

The truth can never don the mask:

in skin it leaves its trace.

The tide of years,

their ebb and flow,

in peaks and troughs dig deep.

They mark their scars and etch their lines

and silent witness keep.

The crescent crease of many moons

shapes happiness and pain.

Flawless may be beauty’s goal

but wrinkles show life’s gain.

~ Kate Burnside

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And Mick Jaggers one of the oldest looking men I've ever seen

While his face is um... "lived in," his hair is awesome and he's incredibly fit. Talk about muscle tone - one could bounce quarters off that man's chest. You'd probably piss him off though.

Other youthful-looking chaps and chapettes:

Chrissie Hynde

Steve Winwood

Twiggy (not a musician, I just like her)

John Paul Jones

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Jeff Beck still looks like he's in his 40s. JPJ also is in awesome shape.

During the two P/P tours Robert had a very fit middle aged look to him, but over the last decade his face has gotten incredibly jowly. His pecs are sagging and his midsection is paunchy.

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Jeff Beck still looks like he's in his 40s. JPJ also is in awesome shape.

During the two P/P tours Robert had a very fit middle aged look to him, but over the last decade his face has gotten incredibly jowly. His pecs are sagging and his midsection is paunchy.

Robert saggy or paunchy? Nah. Not possible.

One more remarkably well-preserved personage - the beauteous Nigella Lawson. Can you believe she's 48?! She looks *almost* as lovely as MissHoneydripper.


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Jeff Beck still looks like he's in his 40s. JPJ also is in awesome shape.

During the two P/P tours Robert had a very fit middle aged look to him, but over the last decade his face has gotten incredibly jowly. His pecs are sagging and his midsection is paunchy.

yes i have to agree with that.

does he still smoke? - that can have a similar effect on the face as seen by his jowels!

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I appreciate well preserved oldies who are natural. I can't stand people who have "work" done and won't admit it, or have so much work done that they look like freaky caricatures.

Not that anyone mentioned so far has had plastic surgery. I just always wonder who has and who hasn't. Sometimes you can tell right away, but other times it's harder to tell.

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Jeff Beck still looks like he's in his 40s. JPJ also is in awesome shape.

During the two P/P tours Robert had a very fit middle aged look to him, but over the last decade his face has gotten incredibly jowly. His pecs are sagging and his midsection is paunchy.

Hey, that sounds like me ! They are just love handles :D

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True, true.....and maybe he's in such good shape because of the vegetarianism.

*changing menu to include more tofu dishes*

I'm sure it doesn't hurt, but he's just very active and basically a healthy person. I think he'd still be just as fit if he had an occasional bacon-cheeseburger or a FAT juicy steak. :D

Have you seen the young bassist he had at that festival ? She's very cute and may have helped keep him young. :whistling: That works ya know. :lol:


Oh yeah, that's her on the left, Jeff's right. Duh.

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