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"On-Line Dating"


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Are you thinking of signing up with a online dating site Doc?

Just an option to put on the table :)

My sister met her husband on match.com :)

Hey that's great! :)

I guess I'm a bit old fashioned, I couldn't join an online dating service. I like many traditional things in love, and life remaining traditional.

Yes I guess the Forest Gump way can work as well, I mean that's the way most of us met our first loves.

However that was when we were 19,20,21 and didn't have much of a history to be concerned about.

From what I understand most good services perform credit and background checks.

At my age I wouldn't want to get emotionally involved with someone only to find out they were a convicted felon or they couldn't hold a job or their credit history was a disaster or they were on the sex offenders list.

I've worked too hard to get to where I'm at and I don't want to get involved with some gold digger either.

But in either case you'll be better off if you do a little investigative work.

Look I've been on this planet for nearly half a century and have seen many wolves in sheep's clothing so it's best for both males and females to be a little cautious. :slapface:

Hey Dzldoc...my wife and I holed up in NOLA and attended a football game in Baton Rouge a few years back,and I gotta say,per capita,Lousianna must have the highest concentration of attractive women in the lower 48.

Don't know a thing about on-line dating,but you're living in an area covered with hotties.(spats lingo)Good luck on meeting a fine woman through whatever means.

:D You are correct sir, the quantity is no issue I can vouch for that!

It was never an issue in my early years, infact the issue was how to juggle multiple dates :whistling:

It's just after you have spent the last 28 years with the same person it's a little strange though exciting proposition to start going out with someone new, that and the fact I don't like to go to bars :lol: yeah I know I live minutes from the French Quarters just had my fill of that shit!

However if I did have a date lined up I would have no problem going there for a good time, just don't want to do the stag thing. B)

If you looking for pussy, it's a goldmine

I'll keep that in mind, I'm no Einstein but I would like a little intellectual stimulation to go with that <_< I have a neighbor that's always willing to take care of the other :rolleyes:

I appreciate every one's thoughts and opinions on this though, thank you.

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I've not tried any personally but I have several friends who met their husband/wives through them. Another friend of mine has been on many different ones and has dated a lot. Her biggest complaint was she found many of the guys she met in person posted pictures that were a few years old so which to me is kind of pointless. If you intend to meet someone, why would you put an old photo up like that?

I do think like anything these days, it's good to be careful and exercise caution when meeting someone for the first time.

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Hi all,

Seems to be a very popular venue for meeting people these days as our time is more and more consumed with work and various other tasks.

I was curious if anyone has ever used an on-line dating service to meet someone.

What was your experience like? Did it ever evolve into something long term?

What is your take on this outlet? :huh:

It's not all bad,nor it's all good.Like anything. Dzldoc,you got the s***,you can do this on your own.No need to spend 25-30$,please.Not in NO! B)

Forget it,don't worry about it.Someone will want to be with you. :D

F'in men!


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I tried some over 2 years ago. If you have a good pic of yourself, you get a shit ton of girls wanting to find out more. I always get nervous around girls, so the three dates i went out on did not end with a bang, but they were good. All of them, including about 5 more wanted to meet me within two emails. I didn't feel like going that fast, so i stuck to the ones that replied back after a few more emails.

If you got some game, like some of my buddies do, you can score very easily on those sites. Not all the girls are whores, but the whores do go there. I know a girl who is on that site like that and she had to sleep with 20 guys from there. Makes me uneasy, but she knows what she is doing.

Plenty of fish is one of the whore sites out there. Two of my buddies is on that and meets a new girl every week. The one who has game, has twenty girls phone numbers he can call, that pretty much will sleep with him if he asks. The other one is a dork like me, but has gotten laid once or twice.

If you are looking for a Girlfriend, its a good place, but just like bars, they are single for a reason.

If you looking for pussy, it's a goldmine

Ha ha. That's too funny. One of my oldest friends just met a guy on Plenty of Fish. She's been trying to get me to sign up for it, but I was like...ummm.... never. I didn't even know that about it. I do get the impression that he is only seeing her and they seem to be getting serious, but who knows. Some guys will just hide the other chicks from each other.

Hmmm, where would I got to meet a guy... I have no idea. And is it possible to meet a guy who doesn't expect you to lay him after he buys you dinner, lol? Maybe I'd start going to the Spiritualist church again... library, I have no idea.

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If you do,be careful filling out the forms....




Funny stuff :) Les Paul

Well to answer dzldoc, i have two close people in my life who have met very nice men on Match.com. Now unfortunately, the relationships aren't doing so well, but that seems to be the fault of the girls...

my best friend met someone there, dated him for a month, decided he wasn't her love match, and then a year later (and quite a few failed others she met there) she started dating him again, married him two years later, and now is divorcing him a year later. But he's a good guy and she's a great (although too picky) person herself.

My sister has met a few guys there (most turned out to be only friends). The love match she met is still in her life after 3 years, but his jealousy over my sister's flirtatious nature (and keeping in touch with an ex) has caused him to break up with her a few times. I think they are semi on again this week. The great thing is they have alot in common aside from the physical attraction. They are both divorced with shared custody of children who are close in age. They also enjoy alot of the same activities...etc...

I say if you try one of these services be as honest as you can about yourself and what you want, to find the best match for you. I would prefer to meet someone this way over going to clubs any day.

Word of advice, if you choose one of those "whore" sites, buy stock in Trojan...

disgusting that women will sleep around that way today...not a good statement for women's lib (and i can imagine what Sarah Palin would say about these girls, maybe something similar to what i think, yikes)...

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Hmmm, where would I got to meet a guy... I have no idea. And is it possible to meet a guy who doesn't expect you to lay him after he buys you dinner, lol? Maybe I'd start going to the Spiritualist church again... library, I have no idea.

The best places to meet someone are at work or school. Unfortunately, when you get older you aren't usually in school (or with people your age) and work depends on what you do in what kind of environment. I would think church might be a good place, too.

Most men i have known don't expect sex after buying you dinner, but i usually do...lol.

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The best places to meet someone are at work or school. Unfortunately, when you get older you aren't usually in school (or with people your age) and work depends on what you do in what kind of environment. I would think church might be a good place, too.

Most men i have known don't expect sex after buying you dinner, but i usually do...lol.

It's not a typical church. It's a spiritualist church. I've only gone a couple of times in the past. Somehow though, I'd rather not look and wait til I bump into the right person on the street, lol.

I totally sympathize with that doc is saying though. Do you have a criminal record is definitely on my list of questions.

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disgusting that women will sleep around that way today...not a good statement for women's lib (and i can imagine what Sarah Palin would say about these girls, maybe something similar to what i think, yikes)...

Most men i have known don't expect sex after buying you dinner, but i usually do...lol.

:huh: ? scared0010-1.gif

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