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Wal-Mart worker dies in Black Friday stampede


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fak has america really gone this low. stampede over a sale at walmart?

this will be really really sad if that worker was supporting a family or was new to the country just trying to get some experience.

wtf. it's sickening.

When I went to get my Zeppelin tickets in 77 they bent steel barricades and trampled a couple of girls, they weren't killed but I'm sure they didn't enjoy it :o

They did say the guy had a heart attack and fell to the ground.

Remember the night club fire in Rhode Island a while back killed like 100 people?

Once a crowd gets rolling you can't stop or you will get stomped.

But yeah management should've organized this better. <_<

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Little old lady dies in Macy's stampede !!!!

Lifesize Barney gets trampled at FAO Schwartz !!!

Entire crowd get electrocuted by tripping over exposed powerline while clamouring over each other to get into JR Electronics in lower Manhattan !!!!!!!

These are the headlines I'd like to see.

Wal-Mart though? Yeah, a bunch of third world savages. <_<

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fak has america really gone this low. stampede over a sale at walmart?

this will be really really sad if that worker was supporting a family or was new to the country just trying to get some experience.

wtf. it's sickening.

It is sick ! Dzldoc is right about management being better prepared. I'm sure some poor stock room boy of a manager made the call to open the doors regardless of the crowd that was waiting to pounce. Too, damn scared to make the right call and this poor gentleman has paid the ultimate price because of it.

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