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Jeff Beck on Zep reunion


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Who gives a shit what anyone else thinks? If this makes the boys happy, good for them. They are not touring as LZ anyway. People act like they are not allowed to tour together unless it's under the guise of LZ. What a bunch of crappola!

I don't think people are saying they don't want to tour together at all - seems to me everyone is anxiously awaiting Jimmy's return to the stage. People are just not supportive of them doing it as Zep which they aren't.

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The question was probably framed to all these guys in terms of "what do you think of Jimmy Page and co. going out without Robert Plant, then?" and they said, as we all have, "well, that's disappointing, that wouldn't be Zeppelin.' In other words, they're AGREEING with everyone here, and there has been NO slamming involved!! I can't believe what's been dutifully read into these quotations, as directed by the headline which says "Joe Bloggs slams Zeppelin reunion" or whatever, when if you read the interviewee's words, he's doing nothing of the kind.

When I watched the Beatles doing their Apple Records rooftop gig at the end on Youtube the other night, it struck me how distant every individual was that day and how mechanical the music was. Brilliant, but somehow unsinspired.

What, when they were doing Get Back on the roof while the police were slowly gathering and waiting to break it up and arrest them?? At the time, that was just riveting! Absolutely the polar opposite of mechanical, etc.

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Oh, and one more point. These guys commenting on Zep-without-Robert aren't going out looking for a journalist to say it to, or just volunteering their opinions--the journalists are asking them, so as to get some kind of story out of a situation in which there's currently nothing else to report on.

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Oh, and one more point. These guys commenting on Zep-without-Robert aren't going out looking for a journalist to say it to, or just volunteering their opinions--the journalists are asking them, so as to get some kind of story out of a situation in which there's currently nothing else to report on.

I don't know maybe it's me, If there isn't a story to report on maybe nothing should be reported then. Are journalistic standards that far gone? I think they are, and it' unsettling.

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I don't know maybe it's me, If there isn't a story to report on maybe nothing should be reported then. Are journalistic standards that far gone? I think they are, and it' unsettling.

It's the accursed internet! There are some fine journalists out there, but the online version of most newspapers and magazines have lower standards of accountability than the print versions, then there's all the blogs--official, semi-official and unofficial. It would be fine with me if they didn't report anything until there's some actual news, but it's what people want, is the problem. Look how each of these reports has got its own thread and endless outraged posts--just what the hack who wrote the story was hoping for, drawing attention to him and his site.

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These guys commenting on Zep-without-Robert aren't going out looking for a journalist to say it to, or just volunteering their opinions--the journalists are asking them

So true. I wonder how many get annoyed by being dogged like that and refuse to comment.

Look how each of these reports has got its own thread and endless outraged posts--just what the hack who wrote the story was hoping for, drawing attention to him and his site.

And sometimes the more hits the site gets, the higher the revenue, right? :slapface:

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It's the accursed internet! There are some fine journalists out there, but the online version of most newspapers and magazines have lower standards of accountability than the print versions, then there's all the blogs--official, semi-official and unofficial. It would be fine with me if they didn't report anything until there's some actual news, but it's what people want, is the problem. Look how each of these reports has got its own thread and endless outraged posts--just what the hack who wrote the story was hoping for, drawing attention to him and his site.

I agree that the internet and and it's unaccountability is part of the problem. People who accept and support tabloid journalism are the real culprit. Always looking for a story and drama when sometimes none is there.

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Nowhere in the original post does Beck say JP, JPJ, Jason and whomever they "hire" as a singer should not record and tour "new material" as well as Zep songs.

Only in Jeff's opinion and without Robert on board, they shouldn't cash in on the name by releasing it and promoting it by touring as Led Zeppelin.

Fair assessment if you ask me.


Agree completely. B)

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If Jeff Beck did make these comments pertaining to Jimmy it's pretty disappointing. I don't understand Beck's and Paul McCartney's adamance against Jimmy playing Led Zeppelin material. Especially since their live sets are loaded with songs from their past that are as old or older than Zeppelin's music.

I agree- but hey, what are friends for?


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Beck's/McCartney's adamance against Jimmy playing LZ material? Where did they say this?

(Jimmy and co. touring as LZ, different matter.)

Good point. But the tones in these interviews are implying that it won't be a good thing for Jimmy to play [his own!] Led Zep material w/out Robert, which translates into saying it's pointless to tour or play Led Zep if anyone else but Robert sings Zeppelin. Personally, I can't see how Jimmy, John Paul, Jason and Phil Blank could avoid playing Led Zep b/c there won't be enough material with only one new album between them! This is a tangled web a'weavin; I'm getting an ulcer just thinking about this... :o

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Good point. But the tones in these interviews are implying that it won't be a good thing for Jimmy to play [his own!] Led Zep material w/out Robert, which translates into saying it's pointless to tour or play Led Zep if anyone else but Robert sings Zeppelin. Personally, I can't see how Jimmy, John Paul, Jason and Phil Blank could avoid playing Led Zep b/c there won't be enough material with only one new album between them! This is a tangled web a'weavin; I'm getting an ulcer just thinking about this... :o

I agree with you. But all poor old Paul said was that he was surprised Robert wasn't on board, as the O2 had been such a good show--not a word about how Jimmy shouldn't play LZ material! And even Beck just seemed to be talking about Jimmy touring with a Plantless Zeppelin, not that he shouldn't play Zeppelin material with somebody (the Bobless Nobs or whoever). I sure wouldn't want him to avoid Zeppelin stuff, anyway!

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Good point. But the tones in these interviews are implying that it won't be a good thing for Jimmy to play [his own!] Led Zep material w/out Robert, which translates into saying it's pointless to tour or play Led Zep if anyone else but Robert sings Zeppelin. Personally, I can't see how Jimmy, John Paul, Jason and Phil Blank could avoid playing Led Zep b/c there won't be enough material with only one new album between them! This is a tangled web a'weavin; I'm getting an ulcer just thinking about this... :o

I think again it's the media's spin on things. As many including myself have said, I would be they were asked about whether Jimmy should reform Zep without Robert to which they both said no, not whether Jimmy should form a new band without Robert not being Zep. I don't have any problem with this new band playing Zep any more than I do with Robert. It's part of all their careers and great to see what they do with the songs!

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Good point. But the tones in these interviews are implying that it won't be a good thing for Jimmy to play [his own!] Led Zep material w/out Robert, which translates into saying it's pointless to tour or play Led Zep if anyone else but Robert sings Zeppelin. Personally, I can't see how Jimmy, John Paul, Jason and Phil Blank could avoid playing Led Zep b/c there won't be enough material with only one new album between them! This is a tangled web a'weavin; I'm getting an ulcer just thinking about this... :o

The tones? I'd prefer read what they said as what they said. They were only saying there should not be Led Zeppelin without Robert. And Jimmy had already made that point clear.

And I don't think McCartney or Beck was trying to knock Jimmy. They don't need to do that to gain media attention or something. They just gave an answer when they were asked.

It's totally fine with me if Jimmy and JPJ will play Zeppelin tunes later, why not? Robert did that too. It always got on my nerves when people jumped at him saying he shouldn't. They made those songs and can perform them when they feel like!

Edit: Oops, sorry I'm too slow at answering, didn't see Aqua and nivelives have already said what I want to say. Anyway, we all agree there was no offence, don't search for something too hard when it's just not there. :)

Edited by glicine
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The tones? I'd prefer read what they said as what they said. They were only saying there should not be Led Zeppelin without Robert. And Jimmy had already made that point clear.

Jimmy didn't say it shouldn't be Led Zeppein w/o Robert. His "representative" said something along the lines, “Whatever this is, it is not Led Zeppelin... not without the involvement of Robert Plant.”

It's okay when Jimmy says what he says about Led Zeppelin, but when others who saw him play live with Led Zeppelin- what, once in 40 years? declare the O2 show should be the end of all shows, that takes nerve and sounds really pesimistic. Who needs to hear that? I love Jeff Beck dearly, but he and McCartney could have said "no comment" just as easily and left well enough alone.

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Jimmy didn't say it shouldn't be Led Zeppein w/o Robert. His "representative" said something along the lines, “Whatever this is, it is not Led Zeppelin... not without the involvement of Robert Plant.”

It's okay when Jimmy says what he says about Led Zeppelin, but when others who saw him play live with Led Zeppelin- what, once in 40 years? declare the O2 show should be the end of all shows, that takes nerve and sounds really pesimistic. Who needs to hear that? I love Jeff Beck dearly, but he and McCartney could have said "no comment" just as easily and left well enough alone.

So? Are we still waiting for Jimmy Page to come out and say "Ok, let's have another go of Led Zep, this time without Robert Plant!" ?

Paul and Jeff can express their opinions when they want. And again I didn't see any offence there towards Jimmy and his new project.

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Jimmy didn't say it shouldn't be Led Zeppein w/o Robert. His "representative" said something along the lines, “Whatever this is, it is not Led Zeppelin... not without the involvement of Robert Plant.”

It's okay when Jimmy says what he says about Led Zeppelin, but when others who saw him play live with Led Zeppelin- what, once in 40 years? declare the O2 show should be the end of all shows, that takes nerve and sounds really pesimistic. Who needs to hear that? I love Jeff Beck dearly, but he and McCartney could have said "no comment" just as easily and left well enough alone.

I can't find the quote right now but there was some interview within the last few months where Jimmy specifically stated it's not Led Zep without the four of them.

Jeff Beck was simply stating his opinion - we can certainly disagree with it but he was asked his thoughts on the subject and that's what he gave.

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So? Are we still waiting for Jimmy Page to come out and say "Ok, let's have another go of Led Zep, this time without Robert Plant!" ?

Paul and Jeff can express their opinions when they want. And again I didn't see any offence there towards Jimmy and his new project.

I'd like to hear a direct quote from Jimmy for a change instead of one from his "rep." Sometimes it's best to let well enough alone and discuss these things in private, not in public, and I'm sure Jimmy and Jeff get along splendidly w/out a lot of clap trap.

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I'd like to hear a direct quote from Jimmy for a change instead of one from his "rep." Sometimes it's best to let well enough alone and discuss these things in private, not in public, and I'm sure Jimmy and Jeff get along splendidly w/out a lot of clap trap.

What's the use to have someone as "rep"?

And well, Jimmy and Jeff are friends.

Personally I have no problem with an honest opinion from a friend. I know I'm repeating myself but I really didn't see any offence there.

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What's the use to have someone as "rep"?

And well, Jimmy and Jeff are friends.

Personally I have no problem with an honest opinion from a friend. I know I'm repeating myself but I really didn't see any offence there.

I didn't either. Whether he actually said it in the context that was reported or not. IMHO, he'd only be saying what most of us think anyway's and like you said, Jeff and Jimmy are friends and friends should give honest opinions.

Like so many of the reports that are coming in, I see nothing in this one that is slamming the proposed project

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