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Holidays coming and stress with them?

Yukon Cornelius

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Wondering how the hodidays that are coming are affecting lives? Stresfull on my end. Trying to balance families and keep all happy. Looking for others to share their stories, good and not so good. And maybe share their traditions, like what they will be eating and drinking on the holidays? And how about gift buying? Is this economy thing really having a large effect?

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Lucky for me, we have a small family. That really helps. It's not such a terrible chore, figuring out shopping, where to have dinner, all that stuff. Saves cash that way too. :lol:

It's Christmas as usual this year. I love the holiday season, takes my mind off the crappy weather and the ensuing winter boredom. I'm not going to let all this economy shit ruin it for me either.

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It's Christmas as usual this year. I love the holiday season, takes my mind off the crappy weather and the ensuing winter boredom. I'm not going to let all this economy shit ruin it for me either.

you should get that printed in a christmas greetings card :D

Edited by caroselambra~
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Every year there's a battle over who to visit, how long to stay, and how to get to certain people's houses in time to eat or open presents, etc... It's almost never relaxing. And what's up with these fruity flavored crap beers that everyone buys "special, just for me"?

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Every year there's a battle over who to visit, how long to stay, and how to get to certain people's houses in time to eat or open presents, etc... It's almost never relaxing. And what's up with these fruity flavored crap beers that everyone buys "special, just for me"?


Trust me, I've felt your pain in the past. My ex's family (aka "Dysfunction Junction") were always finding some reason to fight and argue about something or another. Just because they CAN. Plus we used to fight over whose parents we'd stay at for Christmas, etc. What a pain in the ass.

Needless to say, I don't miss it. :D

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I may not celebrate the holidays, but when i do.

I say "Merry Christmas"

I really don't care about the holidays, but for some reason between thanksgiving and new years eve, i get really horny. My birthday is in the middle of it and I always say a man should get laid on his birthday, I have yet to get laid on my birthday, even this year, all i wanted to do last Friday was sit home, order pizza and get to Lvl 43 on WoW. She went out. She came home tipsy and bugged me how I never want to do anything on my birthday. I told her i wanted to do something very naughty to her and she just called me an asshole and went to bed. Now I really didn't want to do that to her, but I also didn't want to take advantage of the future mother of my children, so i picked a fight and did Razenfang Kraul

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I live with my mom and my older brother who lives close, comes over during Christmas day. We just eat, talk about music, movies, current events and have a great time. It is less stressful than years ago when the whole family was together, although I do miss those times. We have lots of fun reminiscing. :D

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Our Christmas shopping is either done or 90% done by the time Thanksgiving rolls around. There's a few things here and there left to pick up, but for the most part, everyone has been taken care of. I'm getting the new iPod nano for Christmas, and I've been socking away the money for that, so I think of our immediate family, I'm all that's left.

For Thanksgiving we always eat turkey, for Christmas it's ham. And rather than meat dressing, my mom will make bread dressing along with the green bean casserole and biscuits. No drinking though, even though we're all legal now (my sister turned 21 last Wednesday), my dad has a strict rule about alcohol in the house.

Back when we lived in Chicago, we'd always go downtown to see Daley Plaza and the big tree, then we'd see the Marshall Field's windows and wrap it up by having dinner at Berghoff's. Sadly, that restaurant doesn't exist anymore. We did that every single Christmas and we did even when we moved to Georgia. I don't know if we'll be able to get up there this year. :( Nowadays on Christmas Eve, we watch the movies White Christmas and Scrooge, watch the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing and then have hot chocolate and s'mores. With it being just the 4 of us here, it doesn't take much to entertain us. LOL

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We put up our tree and decorations Thanksgiving weekend, and usually don't begin shopping until December. On Christmas eve we have a pot luck dinner at my in-laws and exchange gifts with the extended family on that side (except my in-laws, because we return the next day). Then we go home, read "Twas the Night Before Christmas", hang stockings and put snacks out for Santa.

On Christmas Day we are usually up around 5am. My parents and siblings and their families come to our house for brunch, and later in the day we go to my in laws for a little visit.

We've also started getting as much of both sides of the family together as possible on New Years' Eve and having dinner at a nearby Mexican restaurant, then everyone scatters and does their own thing the rest of the night.

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We put up our tree and decorations Thanksgiving weekend, and usually don't begin shopping until December. On Christmas eve we have a pot luck dinner at my in-laws and exchange gifts with the extended family on that side (except my in-laws, because we return the next day). Then we go home, read "Twas the Night Before Christmas", hang stockings and put snacks out for Santa.

On Christmas Day we are usually up around 5am. My parents and siblings and their families come to our house for brunch, and later in the day we go to my in laws for a little visit.

We've also started getting as much of both sides of the family together as possible on New Years' Eve and having dinner at a nearby Mexican restaurant, then everyone scatters and does their own thing the rest of the night.



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Lucky for me, we have a small family. That really helps. It's not such a terrible chore, figuring out shopping, where to have dinner, all that stuff. Saves cash that way too. :lol:

It's Christmas as usual this year. I love the holiday season, takes my mind off the crappy weather and the ensuing winter boredom. I'm not going to let all this economy shit ruin it for me either.

Same here. It's just me, my parents, and my grandma. We don't do holiday stuff with my mom's side of the family...Christmas at my uncle's house is an absolute circus. My aunt has a HUGE family, and each of them shows up with 10 of their closest friends. :rolleyes: Forget having a place to sit - there's nowhere to stand! So yeah, we just skip that little get-together. My mom and my uncle see each other every day at work anyway, so it's not like we never see them.

Let's see, we do most of the festivities on Christmas Eve (in accordance with Scandinavian tradition)...we have the Big Dinner, make lefse (which are like Norwegian tortillas but better because you put brown sugar and butter on them), open presents, do the nut prize game (everybody gets a bowl of rice with milk & sugar, one has an almond in it, whoever gets the nut gets a prize), etc. Then on Christmas Day we open the stockings and go see my Grandma. This year we're going over to my best friend's house, too; they're like a part of the family, and my friend's coming down (he lives near Santa Maria now), so we're going to go hang out with them instead of our family, haha.

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For Christmas itself, I'm excited. I love giving people their presents, especially when it's exactly what they wanted.

However, I have four more presents to buy, and no money to buy them with.

And I have finals to study for. I'm swimming in a sea of stress.

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Our Christmas shopping is either done or 90% done by the time Thanksgiving rolls around. There's a few things here and there left to pick up, but for the most part, everyone has been taken care of. I'm getting the new iPod nano for Christmas, and I've been socking away the money for that, so I think of our immediate family, I'm all that's left.

For Thanksgiving we always eat turkey, for Christmas it's ham. And rather than meat dressing, my mom will make bread dressing along with the green bean casserole and biscuits. No drinking though, even though we're all legal now (my sister turned 21 last Wednesday), my dad has a strict rule about alcohol in the house.

Back when we lived in Chicago, we'd always go downtown to see Daley Plaza and the big tree, then we'd see the Marshall Field's windows and wrap it up by having dinner at Berghoff's. Sadly, that restaurant doesn't exist anymore. We did that every single Christmas and we did even when we moved to Georgia. I don't know if we'll be able to get up there this year. :( Nowadays on Christmas Eve, we watch the movies White Christmas and Scrooge, watch the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing and then have hot chocolate and s'mores. With it being just the 4 of us here, it doesn't take much to entertain us. LOL

Which Scrooge movie do you watch? The Bill Murray one? If you haven't already watch the one with Alistair Sim from like the 40's or something. That's a classic. I always try and watch that on Xmas eve.

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I usually leave my Xmas shopping until the days before. And i usually get cards, and coupons, movie passes so there is no real stress involved. My guy friends and i are easy to shop for.

Before Xmas we will probably get together and do something. For Xmas i don't do much but watch tv. I live alone with just my cat so there is no real need to do anything else and my attached buddies will be having to spend it with their girlfriends/wives etc. I don't even bother with the Xmas tree anymore. The cat sure as hell does not care about that.

One of my friends is going to be having a New Years Party again this year. Hopefully something good will come of that for me and i will strike gold.

Edited by spats
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I may not celebrate the holidays, but when i do.

I say "Merry Christmas"

I really don't care about the holidays, but for some reason between thanksgiving and new years eve, i get really horny. My birthday is in the middle of it and I always say a man should get laid on his birthday, I have yet to get laid on my birthday, even this year, all i wanted to do last Friday was sit home, order pizza and get to Lvl 43 on WoW. She went out. She came home tipsy and bugged me how I never want to do anything on my birthday. I told her i wanted to do something very naughty to her and she just called me an asshole and went to bed. Now I really didn't want to do that to her, but I also didn't want to take advantage of the future mother of my children, so i picked a fight and did Razenfang Kraul

Dude i agree with you perfectly. One of my ex girlfriends gave me that for my Birthday one year. It was a great time. Best Birthday I ever had. :P:P Xmas sex is great too. :P I miss that.

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Oh my God. Spats. We have something in common. Yikes. That is my all time favorite. The 1951 Allistair Sim version. I just picked up "Its a Wonderful Life". I still have yet to figure that whole movie out. I also love the Grinch (Karloff version-animated, not the carrie version even though I do love Carrie as an actor), and Im getting into this Polar Express. Tom Hanks. Miracle on 34th street is great too, but it always makes me sad to see little Natalie Wood and imagine what could have been if not for her tragic end. Rudolph, oh yeah, Im in that one.

There is a rep theatre here that will by showing "It's a Wonderful life" on the big screen. I am going to check it out. They are going to have free food there and everything.

I also love to watch The Orginal Grinch and those animation ones like Rudolph and also the Charlie Brown one. Takes me back to my childhood. :D

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Great idea for a thread Yukon.

We will doing our usual Christmas Eve at my in-laws. A traditional Ukrainian dinner. They've been doing it for over 50 yrs and it's alway's a great time. My side of the family goes as well. My mother in law makes the food and my father in law looks after the booze and the live music. We just have to show up, eat , drink, and sing carols.

This year my two son's will be suprising their Gido by bringing their guitars over so they can join in while he play's his accordion. I look forward to this night more than any other night of the year.

As for the stresses of Christmas. Having the family together in one place and having a good time was all I ever wanted for Christmas anyway's. Unlike the first 18, it hasn't been a stressful occation for the last 33 yrs.

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