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Unexpected Encounters with Band Members Thread

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Yes, with one of the offspring. And I certainly would never have bugged him when he was shopping even if he hadn't had company. I generally don't like it when my students do that to me, so I'd never do it to someone else!!!!

What students? Do you teach a musical instrument? :)

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What students? Do you teach a musical instrument? :)

My university students--I teach 19th and 20thC English literature. And don't get me wrong, I love my students, but I kind of like to be anonymous when I'm out shopping or at the gym!

Edited by AllisonAdler
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Must be the now defunct one on Davie Blvd. Always thought it was an odd location given the area.

No it was on Powerline Road ( MARS) at Commercial Blvd. Just North of Commercial actually. I live right near Davie Blvd and that store (MAE) is still open, but the street is so clogged with construction that you can barely access the store.

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I doubt your going to be swamped by students then... ;)

I used to teach adult ed at Santa Ana College. It was fun but didnt pay the bills nearly as well as my current employ.

Anyway, back to our topic! :D

You'd be surprised how often I am (it even surprises me)! I think it's partly because I teach courses on literature of the occult, the 60s in Britain, the Pre-Raphaelites, Arthuriana--all the fun stuff.

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Is that the bookstore near the tube stop?

Feel free to share about the other times you've met JP also, if you feel like it :)

Yes, it's the bookstore across from the tube station.

As for other encounters, I once got an unexpected tour of Jimmys house in Windsor.

It was 1982, I lived in Manchester at that time. Four of us drove 200 miles to Windsor in the hope of getting an autograph. My friends were too nervous to get out of the car and sent me to the gates of the mansion to press the buzzer. I was nervously awaiting a voice on the intercom and was pressed up against it....then I heard a voice shout 'hello?' ..but not from the intercom. I looked towards the house and was astonished to see Jimmy! I was expecting his secretary or minder or somone ....

I smiled but couldn't speak!! Luckily, I was wearing a Zep Euro 1980 tour sweatshirt and carrying a Zep book. He smiled and the electronic gates parted. I was in !!

We shook hands and went inside...Jimmy said he thought I was the electrician he had been waiting for. He said Charlotte and Scarlet were in France and his assistant was off so he was the only one in. I expected him to sign the book and then I would be sent on my way but Jimmy went through every page of the book ( In The Light) ...commenting on the photos " ooh don't remember that" "that was in France ???" "Ha Ha Look at Robert !! " Stuff like that.

We then talked about Death Wish 2 and how he only had eight weeks to do the whole thing. Then we talked about Roberts new album ..which wasn't out yet (Pictures at Eleven) but jimmy had heard it and liked it.

I suddenly remembered my friends outside beyond the gates. They would kill me. I told Jimmy there were 3 more outside. Obviously, in hindsight, he would be wary of inviting three more into the house when he was on his own...but he didn't say as much...after a pause he said "OK let's go and meet them...I have to find some shoes though..come on"...and he beckoned me to follow him. He couldn't find them at first and I got a bit of a tour around the house whilst he looked.

Once he found them we went outside to see my friends peering through the gates...jimmy was carrying a remote control and opened the gates. He greeted all my friends...and one of my friends started taking photos of us all.

Conscious of taking up more of his time...every time there was a lull in conversation one of us would say "Thanks Jimmy..it's been great " and we would start to leave..but Jimmy kept coming up with more stories and anecdotes. It was fantastic. How Robert was "very shy" in the early days "but then when he grew his hair he became...." ( Jimmy puffs up his chest and does a strong man impersonation).

At one point Jimmy pointed to the book I was carrying...I gave it to him. He pointed to John Bonham and said "but HE was the governor!! I still can't believe he's gone." Lots of Bonzo stories followed.

Finally, Jimmy made to leave. He said "God Bless" as he moved towards the gates. He had already flicked the switch and the gates were closing...he ambled up to them and by the narrowest of margins casually, just in time, got through them. It looked incredibly cool and deliberate. We watched as he walked towards the house...then he paused, turned to us and in a piece of pure Michael caine said " do you know..one day those gates will take my f......g head off !! Laughter all around. We had permanent disbelieving smiles all the way home.

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Oh my gosh, Dave - what a wonderful story, thank you so much for sharing that. Jimmy seems like such a kind person. Nice to hear he was really positive about Robert's solo career. Stories in the press would have you believe otherwise.

Edited by FireOpal
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I've been lucky enough to meet Robert twice. Can't say they were unexpected, but luck was certainly in the cards. First time was in Vegas of "02" the dreamleand tour. My friend and I were lucky enough to borrow a meet N greet sticker from someone who had already been in the M&G . we ran in and managed a quick hello and picture before Robert had to leave to go on stage. He was very sweet, and gracious, and tall!

And the second was in "05" again in Vegas. My friends and I were out front of the hotel he was playing in about an hour before the concert and decided to wondered out back to where the band would enter. To make a long story short, Robert drove up in the black escalade and got out. Security all around him. My friend yelled to Robert asking if he'd sign something for us (which wasn't our stuff, we actually had a present for him instead, but had been asked by some guys to help them get it signed) Robert started toward us, but was stopped by security. He looked at us, shook his head, and pointed at security. We started to walk away disappointed, when security called us back, chasing us. They yelled "come back, he's going to sign for you!" We ran over, he signed the stuff for the other people, we gave him our gift, spoke to him for about 10 minutes, he gave us each a hug, and kiss on the cheek and said he had to go. A true gentlemen. :rolleyes:

He really had gone out of his way to let us come over, which speaks for his appreciation of his fans. He was genuinely nice, warm and friendly. He could have blamed it on security, but he went out of his way to convince them to let us come over.

That evening after the concert, which we had front row seats for :D we went out and ran into Clive Deamer (drummer of strange sensation) and talked to him for hours. Another true gentlemen and nice guy!

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I've been fortunate to meet Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones, Jason Bonham and Bill Curbishley (Page/Plant manager) on separate occasions. I don't want to go into the

particulars of my meeting Jimmy Page in a public forum as it was a private meeting at his

home. Suffice to say, it remains among the highlights of my life and ended with a warm, farewell handshake I'll never forget either.

...see what I mean Stevie...?

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They yelled "come back, he's going to sign for you!" We ran over, he signed the stuff for the other people, we gave him our gift, spoke to him for about 10 minutes, he gave us each a hug, and kiss on the cheek and said he had to go. A true gentlemen. :rolleyes:

You are soooooooooooo lucky! I nearly bit my hand off, reading this part!! If Robert would kiss my cheek, I would faint or die because of a heart attack!

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I met Robert Plant once, only that I don't remember it. My mom told me that we visited New York once when I was about 1 year old and we were at the airport getting on the terminal tram, and guess who is standing next to her? Robert Plant. The night before he was on David Letterman or Jay Leno (Obviously I wouldn't be able to remember which) and my mom told him he did a great job. Apparently he just nodded and smiled. When my mom told me the story she said she was lying through her teeth because she thought that his new music sucked. Keep in mind this was about 1992, before the Unledded tour and after albums like Manic Nirvana.

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I met Robert Plant once, only that I don't remember it. My mom told me that we visited New York once when I was about 1 year old and we were at the airport getting on the terminal tram, and guess who is standing next to her? Robert Plant. The night before he was on David Letterman or Jay Leno (Obviously I wouldn't be able to remember which) and my mom told him he did a great job. Apparently he just nodded and smiled. When my mom told me the story she said she was lying through her teeth because she thought that his new music sucked. Keep in mind this was about 1992, before the Unledded tour and after albums like Manic Nirvana.

You were 1 years old in 1992?? Holy Cow now I feel REALLY old... LOL

*looks around for cane*

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I suppose I am a youngin' compared to most people on this forum. I'm reading all of these posts about 1977 and 1982 and I am thinking, my god, I wish I grew up in this time period! Hanging out with jimmy would be amazing, I wish I could see his uber-guitar collection, I bet he has an amp that goes to 12 in there.

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You are soooooooooooo lucky! I nearly bit my hand off, reading this part!! If Robert would kiss my cheek, I would faint or die because of a heart attack!

LOL! Trust me, we were all in a state of shock and awe. :blink: We then were lucky enough to have front row seats, and found out once we got inside that the first row was allowed to stand in front of the stage! So we got to stand right in front of Robert all night! It was a night to remember thats for sure...:D We should have done some gambling because luck was certainly on our side! B)

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I suppose I am a youngin' compared to most people on this forum. I'm reading all of these posts about 1977 and 1982 and I am thinking, my god, I wish I grew up in this time period! Hanging out with jimmy would be amazing, I wish I could see his uber-guitar collection, I bet he has an amp that goes to 12 in there.

well I'm 13, and I also wished so much I could have been there in the 70's! All the great music and everything was there...

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EVERY generation wishes they were born to the generation behind them. Trust me, young 'uns...you'll look back on your own generation fondly over time. :)

Not musically; how can anyone betray themselves to like Fall Out Boy, Christina Agulera, Green Day, and Panic at the Disco? There better be some great force that comes out of the blue to slay the demons of pop music.

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Not musically; how can anyone betray themselves to like Fall Out Boy, Christina Agulera, Green Day, and Panic at the Disco? There better be some great force that comes out of the blue to slay the demons of pop music.

Christina Aguilera can sing her ass off!! It is too bad that some people still can't stop lumping her with all those girls that just shake their booties and lip synch. Anyways, there is some good music out there, you just have to search a little harder for it.

(Sorry to get off topic but I had to get that out!)

Edited by Melanie_72
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Not musically; how can anyone betray themselves to like Fall Out Boy, Christina Agulera, Green Day, and Panic at the Disco? There better be some great force that comes out of the blue to slay the demons of pop music.

Yes well, it wasn't all Zeppelin, Cream, Beatles , etc. during my generation either. We also had to put up with crap like Leo Sayer, The Captain and Tennille and (shudder) The Bay City Rollers.

There's great music to be found in EVERY generation. Ya just gotta wade through the crap.

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Yes well, it wasn't all Zeppelin, Cream, Beatles , etc. during my generation either. We also had to put up with crap like Leo Sayer, The Captain and Tennille and (shudder) The Bay City Rollers.

There's great music to be found in EVERY generation. Ya just gotta wade through the crap.

Yes - beware nostalgia. It wasn't all flared jeans and afro hairstyles. The way people get nostalgic over all the drugs/alcohol in the 70s is dangerous, because they assume that after the 70s it must have stopped. But it didn't and people are now taking more hard drugs than ever before. I know in Australia, not sure about elsewhere but suspect it's the same in the UK at least, binge drinking is an almost epidemic problem amongst young people.

My point is, people are drinking more and taking more drugs than ever before - if they look back at the 70s and think 'its ok, look what happened back then', they are wrong.

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