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The "I Love To Smoke" Thread


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Weed. Now and then, preferably through a bong..

I quit smoking cigs 2 years ago and my lungs still feel like shit. I really love smoking pot but my lungs can't tolerate too much any more. But I love being hgh. I live in Vancouver and the locals grow great weed. :hippy:

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Considering I have a family member that's suffering the ravages of cigarette smoking through throat cancer I can't really work up any reasons on why I love to smoke. I quit a couple of months ago and intend to stay quit.

It's the hardest thing I've ever done.Good on ya :thumbsup: Jahfin. Keep up the good fight.

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I've just NEVER found it appealing or something I wanted to partake in. NEVER. When you think back on Junior High School and High School and the kids who started smoking back then...I mean what simple minded losers. Hell, I'm sure some started in elementary school. I wonder if any of them ever figured it out.

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i think smoking should be made illegal

it seems to me to be the single worst thing you can do to your body

given that lung cancer is supposedly the disease people fear the most

i'm surprised so many people still do it

I don't think it should be made illegal, if people want to smoke they should have every right to. Not to mention, even if it were made illegal, those that truly want to smoke will still find a way to. That's all we need, one more way for the government to intervene in our lives. I feel the same way about seat belt laws, it should be up to the individual, not the government.

As for my me quitting, I wasn't entirely motivated by a family member being diagnosed with throat cancer, I also have some health issues that would make it very beneficial for me to quit. I'm only two months out so I still have a long way to go. So far, so good though as I've put myself in many situations where I'd normally want to smoke but have had no desire to.

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I don't think it should be made illegal, if people want to smoke they should have every right to. Not to mention, even if it were made illegal, those that truly want to smoke will still find a way to. That's all we need, one more way for the government to intervene in our lives. I feel the same way about seat belt laws, it should be up to the individual, not the government.

As for my me quitting, I wasn't entirely motivated by a family member being diagnosed with throat cancer, I also have some health issues that would make it very beneficial for me to quit. I'm only two months out so I still have a long way to go. So far, so good though as I've put myself in many situations where I'd normally want to smoke but have had no desire to.

Well done Jahfin and I'm sorry to hear about your family member who is suffering

I can't put myself in the "I've quit" section just yet but I am making a serious effort. I agree that making it illegal is not the answer but I'm fine with smoking bans in public places. It's one thing to make a choice to be a smoker on your own terms but a completely different thing when it comes to sharing the experience with other's. Personally, I think it does help to spend more time around people who don't smoke when your starting a quit program so I guess I'll have to head over to Babs' place and drink all his booze :lol:

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^ Great pics, Rorer. Another thing you could mention is, sometimes you can remove all the cancer (hopefully you are cancer free now) and sometimes it has already spread (metastized) to other parts of the body/organs. Smoking most commonly causes Respiratoy problems such as Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and cancer...but smoking also causes heart disease, vascular disease, and strokes to name just a few others. I'm certainly not giving out information most of you don't already know, but in the event someone is too young to realize, it's worth saying.

Good luck to all who are succeeding in staying off the smokes!

Great site i found, A MUST SEE for smokers:


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Here's a coupla KOOL pics of my tumor,courtesy of my bronchoscopy.I had 2/3rds of my right lung removed because of smoking!!!Gotta love those smokes. :rolleyes:

Congrats to you Jahfin,keep it up!

Glad you survived! those look as bad as the tumor they cut out of me~ 3years 7months now. :thumbsup:

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Glad you survived! those look as bad as the tumor they cut out of me~ 3years 7months now. :thumbsup:

It'll be three years Feb 14,a perfect day for a lobectomy :D ...So far so good...I haven't smoked in almost 4 years.

Sounds like you're doing good too!

Great article Tangerine,don't know how many it will help.Hopefully at least one. :yesnod: It doesn't discriminate agewise!

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