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Zep w/o Robert?

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It's becoming clear that Robert wants a true "One Night Stand" with Zep and then he will move on...to whatever project he chooses.

IF Jimmy decides to continue Zep, minus Robert, and move on with another singer - who would see the New Zep?

I, for one, would. No Doubt about it.

They all were LZ, and robert plays an important roll in the band, it wouldn't be the same.

personally i preffer the band with him...

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There are singers who can hit the high notes Robert can't hit any more, but that is not going to be Led Zeppelin.

Can you people imagine Page going out at 65 with a 20 year old kid playing Robert ?

That would be a major disgrace to the fans and to the memory of the band.

Was Puff Daddy the new Plant, was David Coverdale, was Kingdom Come ?

Well Paul McCartney has done well with a young band...but Paul is the Robert of the group so that's why that works...absolutely agree that if Jimmy goes without Robert there is no way they could be called Led Zeppelin...he should think of some new name and I don't think I'd buy the cds...just being honest....

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I think a more useful question who is a great vocalist, one that is of high enough quality to share a stage with Page, Jones and Bonham?

I think Jimmy, John Paul, and one other solid writing partner could get it together to make an hour long set of original music and an additional 45 minutes of cover songs. Zeppelin aside, who are the great voices known and unknown? A few years ago I heard Nora Jones on the radio a lot and remember being impressed with the sincere quality of her voice. For the sake of my question it doesn't matter if the singer can ape Robert or not.

I pretty much suffered through John Miles on Outrider and Outrider tour. I don't want to go through that again..

Or how about a super group with Sir Paul, they're buds, right?

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I'd certainly go to a Page/Jones concert but not Page, Jones, Jason Bonham and any random singer calling themselves Led Zeppelin. They cant get away with being called Led Zeppelin without Robert Plant and some could argue they couldnt get away with calling themselves Led Zeppelin without Bonzo.

Naming aside, it could work though for a few live gigs, say a handful at the Royal Albert Hall and a handful in the US. The Black Crowes/Jimmy Page stuff sounds amazing and so it certainly could work with an extra Led Zep member (2 extras if you include Jason Bonham but thats another argument entirely!). I think that if Jason, Jimmy and JPJ had gigs lined up, Robert wouldnt be able to say no. Anyway roll on the Plant/Krauss tour, will be a great consulation for those (including myself) who missed out on the O2 gig.

Edited by Hand_Of_Omega_91
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Led Zeppelin without Planty??? :blink: I wouldn't go. I feel it'd be an insult to Robert...an insult to Bonzo in a weird way...an insult to Led Zeppelin fans who love Percy. :angry:

If Jimmy does that, I dunno...I guess I'd be disappointed with him for the very first time and I really hope I won't...I can't believe he would do that! However, if he toured with Jonesy under another name and only played a few Zep songs, I'd go. But in no way would I go to a gig where the entire setlist is Zeppelin without Robert. No siree.

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I think this thread is suffering from "everythingEveryoneHasSaidWasSaid2PagesAgoBySomeoneElseButTheTitleOfTheThrea

dMakesPeopleWhoDon'tWantToReadTheWholeThingGoNutsBecause TheyDon'tRealiseEveryoneHasAlreadySaidThatTheyWouldn'tLikeLedZeppelinUnlessRobertPlantWasInIt" 's disease

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Bottem line i dont think Jimmy will carry on wittout page and call it Zep... I can put money on that. But if he is thinking "hey maybe if JPJ, Kid-Bonham and me get together something could happen". No question about it, I would buy tickets... Just like ZOSO it needs all its members to be, Without robert going along with page. This may be Led Zeppelins last gig and for thoese of us who didnt get to go... Dam what a way to go.

Edited by Olipticle
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I think Robert has known and accepted for some time it's too late in life to be living for others.

Maybe we should send him "The Art of Happiness" by the Dalai Lama...

"We need to teach the next generation of children from day one that they are responsible for their lives. Mankind's greatest gift, also its greatest curse, is that we have free choice. We can make our choices built from love or from fear. "

-Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

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I can see them going on after O2 without RP - I hope they do (obviously I hope RP joins them). If it has to be without RP I'd favour a young unknown singer over the likes of Coverdale.

Some of you might see this as sacrilege but Page & Plant's Unledded tour was every bit as good (if not better!) as the Over Europe date I saw in Brussels in 1980. I'm less sure than most of you that they wouldn't use THE name and to me they'd have every right to.

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But you see, THAT'S the problem. Jimmy Page cannot tour without performing Led

Zeppelin songs, unless he wants to do covers all night. Robert Plant has evolved

musically so much since 1980 he could drop Zep number's tomorrow and still have

sufficient material of his own to perform. If Led Zeppelin is not resuccitated next

summer Jimmy goes back to napping on the couch. What the hell else is a 63 YEAR

OLD ex-Led Zeppelin guitarist going to do, intructional videos? Celebrity signings?

If he gets bored, I would like to submit this "To-Do" list to keep the ol' guy occupied.

In no particular order...

- Write Autobiography

- Record instrumential solo album

- Open the flood gates with anything left in the Zeppelin vault. EC, Knebworth, Japan 71, purchase whatever is needed to get Bath 70 out, etc.


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If he gets bored, I would like to submit this "To-Do" list to keep the ol' guy occupied.

In no particular order...

- Write Autobiography

- Record instrumential solo album

- Open the flood gates with anything left in the Zeppelin vault. EC, Knebworth, Japan 71, purchase whatever is needed to get Bath 70 out, etc.


I'll second all those!

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Jimmy can get Jack White on the phone, set a rehearsal date, bring in Jason and John Paul, call a booking agent and sell out every f'n date anywhere they want.

Let Robert go for God's sake! Give him the freedom he wants!

Jack White can hang with the boys...and he can sing high notes that will mesh with Jimmy's guitar.

Don't forget Jack White ALREADY did the country blues thing with Loretta Lynn a couple of years ago and it kicked ass!! And she's in her seventies! Did everyone forget he beat Robert to the punch - and with the grand dame of country music. Loretta can sing rings around Alison and Alison would be the first to admit it.

Jimmy and Jack in '08! Rock it!

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