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what song started you on Zeppelin?


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WLL blasting out of my tranny on the rocks at Bondi Beach 1969, with some chick whose name I can't remember! :o

The first time I heard Kashmir was on the radio in '75 , and I was with my girl, my first love. :wub:

We had broken up about six months before and she just called in to mum's house out of the blue. :hurrah:

She said that she missed me and wanted to get back to the way things were and move in together! B)

On the way to the unit (apartment) in Bondi, we were on Victoria Road West Ryde and it came blasting out of the speakers. :stereo:

I looked at her and said something dorky like, "I love you like I love this song". :blush:

One of the best summers of my life! :inlove::party::suntan:

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Hi to all! This is my first post! For me, it was Black Dog. I was eight years old. When I first heard it, it felt so different than anything else I had ever heard. I was hooked right then and there. Till this day I still seem to " come alive " when I hear a Zep song.

Welcome to the board!! :wave:

The song that got me started was Stairway To Heaven.

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Yeah, it was Stairway to Heaven and to my grave I say this song will never be outdone. By anyone. It is the greatest song/music ever written or performed by humans. I love all Zepp songs now of course and am a die hard life long fan. And was fortunate enough to travel far and see them in 77. Stairway will be played at my funeral for sure. its in my will and my daughter just bought their entire collection so I know my wishes will be carried out. Just imagine the priest blasting it over speakers in a church! I made it stated in my will, it must be Led Zeppelin doing it.

Good times Bad Times, Album 1 Track 1

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I bought my first Led Zep 45 when I was 11 years old. "Fool in the Rain"... a song that most Zep fans don't like. It's still one of my favorite songs though. From there, I started looking back in their history to see what else they had done, and I have been a big fan ever since.

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