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How's it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? I do not know if a thread like this one has ever been started in the past so I figured that I would start one now. If there is a thread like this one, I deeply apologize and combine this thread with the original one as an attachment. I'm here at the local bar having a few drinks and using the owner's (A good friend of mine.) computer in his office. This topic of discussion has been so interesting here at the bar, that I thought that I should share this discussion with all of you, my fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics. The question is: "What Song Did You Lose Your Virginity To?" I know everyone has one, even I do. I lost my virginity in 1972 to the babysitter when I was eleven years old and she was fourteen. I had a serious crush on my babysitter, she was a total fox. I willingly lost my virginity to her. The song I lost my virginity to was 'Jumpin' Jack Flash" by THE ROLLING STONES. Now its your turn. ROCK ON!

LATE EDIT! I'm going to amend my question to this: "WHAT SONG OR MOVIE DID YOU LOSE YOUR VIRGINITY TO?" I'm looking forward to hearing from all of you with your responses. In the mean time, ROCK ON!

How's it going all? Here's another thread that my fellow intoxicated partiers are enjoying at the moment. I know that there are many of you that haven't commented on this thread yet! Its time to fess up fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics, the truth shall set you free. In the mean time, take care and ROCK ON!

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  • 1 year later...

Back seat of a nondescript 4 door sedan in the church parking lot - no music playing.

2 very early instances that DO stand out in memory was getting head from the same girl (my first) while Cold As Ice by Foreigner was playing on the radio, and having sex with another girlfriend in our living room while my parents were out of town listening to side 2 of Aerosmith Get Your Wings - Train Kept A Rollin' baybee.

Good times.

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I was 15 and it was the summer after my Freshman year of high school. We went upstairs to my ex's room and decided it was that "time." She didn't want her Mom to hear so she grabbed a mix CD and pressed play. The very first song on the CD was "Kashmir" by Led Zeppelin. So my love for Zeppelin runs very deep I guess you could say. :yes2:

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It was one of those Bieber masterpieces that did it. She and I turned into pure putty. The name of the song escapes me, but I believe it to be on his greatest hits LP or the 'Bieber Comes Alive' album. Justin, I owe you bro.

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  • 3 months later...

Back seat of a nondescript 4 door sedan in the church parking lot - no music playing.

2 very early instances that DO stand out in memory was getting head from the same girl (my first) while Cold As Ice by Foreigner was playing on the radio, and having sex with another girlfriend in our living room while my parents were out of town listening to side 2 of Aerosmith Get Your Wings - Train Kept A Rollin' baybee.

Good times.

Train Kept A Rollin'

All Night Long

Train Kept A Rollin'

All Night Long

Train Kept A Rollin'

All Night Long

With A Heave!

And And Ho!

:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

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I know I had been drinking and I was clueless as to what was on the radio. If it was even on. It was too long ago and with someone I would rather forget. I would have done things differently if I could go back in a time machine. I know it wasnt Led Zeppelin. Wish it had been. But I wasnt thinking of music.

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I was actually listening to an early Led Zeppelin bootleg. And as you know, Robert often does his jokingly plantations at opportune times. Well, he really did it to me that time. During Dazed and Confused he threw in this lyric,

Jimmy's got the whooping cough

And Timmy's got the measles

That's the way the story goes

Pop! goes the weasel.

What a rockin' way to pop a cherry, ehh ? :lol:

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I'd love to be able to say I lost my virginity to a Led Zeppelin song...or any other cool music, be it Miles Davis, Marvin Gaye, or Johnny Hartman.

But, as I had snuck into the girl's room in the middle of the nigh, it was in total silence that our love was consummated.

But that's a long story.

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I'd love to be able to say I lost my virginity to a Led Zeppelin song...or any other cool music, be it Miles Davis, Marvin Gaye, or Johnny Hartman.

But, as I had snuck into the girl's room in the middle of the nigh, it was in total silence that our love was consummated.

But that's a long story.

Not playing music was probably a wise choice considering ya'll were trying to be sneaky. :shifty:

On another note, what Zeppelin songs would ya'll recommend putting on while fooling around?

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^Album sides, not just the songs.

Physical Grafitti blew the wad for me, but I honestly do not remember which of the four sides was serenading us... probably close to the whole album. Had a Latin final the next day. Studying in her dorm room.

Main props to my Latin lass study buddy.

Passed with a 'B' average.

Seize the Dame!

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On another note, what Zeppelin songs would ya'll recommend putting on while fooling around?

Can't say I've done much horizontal jogging to LZ. But I can recommend Hallowed Be Thy Name by Iron Maiden. Or Priest's Painkiller. Both just about the right length, with good steady rhythms and the occasional staccato interlude for added emphasis.

Still thinking about LZ....ok, for a sloppy quickie, howzabout Hot Dog? 'Specially if you happen to find yourself in a trailer :P

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Can't say I've done much horizontal jogging to LZ. But I can recommend Hallowed Be Thy Name by Iron Maiden. Or Priest's Painkiller. Both just about the right length, with good steady rhythms and the occasional staccato interlude for added emphasis.

Still thinking about LZ....ok, for a sloppy quickie, howzabout Hot Dog? 'Specially if you happen to find yourself in a trailer :P

I never would have thought about Priest or Maiden! Of course she would have to be into metal in order to use those songs. If she's not into that then nothing will go down. :lol: You must have gotten very lucky meeting a girl who was into Judas Priest and Iron Maiden. :thumbsup:

Oh, and in case anyone is curious, I still have my V-card B)

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You must have gotten very lucky meeting a girl who was into Judas Priest and Iron Maiden. :thumbsup:

It wasn't the same girl, and both of them hated heavy metal. But sometimes, you just have to be...assertive B)

Come to think of it, the Maiden girl also reacted very positively to Charisma by KISS. Ah, nostalgia...man, that chick was dynamite in the sack :fan:

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It wasn't the same girl, and both of them hated heavy metal. But sometimes, you just have to be...assertive B)

Come to think of it, the Maiden girl also reacted very positively to Charisma by KISS. Ah, nostalgia...man, that chick was dynamite in the sack :fan:

Is your current hottie reading this forum? Ha. No way.

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