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The Inauguration of Pres. Barack Obama

Robert's Plant

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I'm not being literal.

I'm being honest. It wasn't in any way an allusion to the music of Zeppelin.

If you can't see the coincidental irony, the connection...Levee, friend(s), Stairway ALL within a couple of sentences, you need to go back to school to learn something NOT taught in the books.

Let me post these again, it's pertinent to this interchange of ours.

To stimulate creativity, one must develop the childlike inclination for play and the childlike desire for recognition.

Divine souls suffer violent opposition from mediocre minds.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.

Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from that of their social environment.

The important thing is not to stop questioning.

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But it still has NOTHING to do with Zeppelin.

There is NO evidence linking it to Zeppelin.

What does that matter? I'm not American, but I think he mentioned some very important serious issues in his speech, and that he happened to use some words which also remind me of my favorite band and and put a smile to my face, it's just something extra. :slapface:

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He recently had third row seats at a Metallica concert in Columbus, so I don't think that it can be topped! :lol:

But he loves U2 and Steve Wonder and has never seen them live.

Errrm................................ok...better leave this one. ;)


I watched it all - very entertaining, very positive.

Of course he wasn't making references to Led Zeppelin. That would be a totally moronic thing for a President to do in his inaugural speech. What a crazy idea.

And finally.....the poet.....jeez, maybe she can write - I'm unfamiliar with her work, it might be ok read by someone else or to read it yourself - but that was awful, plain embarrassing. She read it like she was reading to kindergarten. Terrible.

Oh, REALLY finally - I loved the Reverend. :D

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7,944.71 -336.51


1,441.81 -87.52

S&P 500

804.47 -45.65

Bank worries slam stocks on Inauguration Day

Investors fret over global banking crisis and corporate earnings

updated 1 hour, 18 minutes ago

NEW YORK - The dawn of the Obama presidency could not shake Wall Street from its dejection over the banking industry’s growing problems.

After hearing the new president’s inaugural address Tuesday, investors continued selling, sending the major indexes down more than 2 percent. Traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange paused at times to watch the inauguration ceremony and Obama’s remarks, but the transition of power didn’t erase investors’ concerns about the struggling economy. Obama said the economic recovery would be difficult and that the nation must chose “hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord” to overcome the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

Investors are expecting Washington will be a central part of the economic recovery. But the first few minutes of Obama’s term did little to ease their concerns.

“At this stage, markets in general and bank investors specifically are really looking to government as the way out,” said Jack Ablin, chief investment officer at Harris Private Bank. “Certainly, of just about all of inaugurations that I can recall today’s event probably has the not only the symbolic importance but really tangible importance to the stock market.”

Obama’s speech suggested Wall Street would see greater oversight: “Without a watchful eye, the market can spin out of control,” he said.

Investors already nervous about the state of U.S. banking were rattled by the Royal Bank of Scotland’s forecast that its losses for 2008 could top $41.3 billion, the biggest ever for a British corporation. The British government injected more money into the struggling bank Monday. The government also announced another round of bailouts for the country’s banks.

The moves in Britain are designed to insure banks against further losses and are similar to steps the U.S. government has made to protect Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America. Both companies on Friday reported multibillion dollar fourth-quarter losses. Citigroup also said it planned to split its operations in two in an effort to return to profitability.

Meanwhile, the Financial Times is reporting that Bank of America will begin cutting as many as 4,000 jobs in its capital markets unit as it consolidates its operations in that division with those of recently acquired Merrill Lynch & Co.

Investors were uneasily awaiting the bulk of companies earnings reports to see how badly industries beyond banking are hurting.

“Today’s market is under pressure with fourth-quarter earnings season (increasing this week) and it may not have been effectively priced into the market yet,” said Arthur Hogan, chief market analyst at Jefferies & Co.

State Street Corp., which had been performing better than most financial services companies, reported a 71 percent drop in fourth-quarter profit as it was forced to billions of dollars in write-downs on its commercial paper program and investment portfolio. The bank also said it expects 2009 operating earnings to be flat with 2008, below the company’s long-term goal of 10 percent to 15 percent growth. State Street plunged $17.18, or 47 percent, to $19.16.

In midafternoon trading, the Dow Jones industrial average fell 213.93, or 2.58 percent, to 8,067.29, its lowest level since Nov. 21. The blue chips closed Nov. 20 at their lowest point in more than five years.

During much of Obama’s address, the average was down about 150 points. The Dow generally declines on Inauguration Day. Traders hadn’t appeared so focused on TV screens since Sept. 29, when the House initially voted against the banking bailout package and the Dow tumbled 777 points.

Broader stock indicators also declined. The Standard & Poor’s 500 index fell 44.87, or 5.28 percent, to 805.25, and the Nasdaq composite index fell 88.47, or 5.78 percent, to 1,440.86.

Bond prices fell. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note, which moves opposite its price, rose to 2.39 percent from 2.34 percent late Friday. The yield on the three-month T-bill, in demand because it is considered one of the safest investments, rose to 0.12 percent from 0.11 percent late Friday.

Light, sweet crude rose $2.38 to $38.89 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

The dollar was mixed against other major currencies, while gold prices rose.

Richard E. Cripps, chief market strategist for Stifel Nicolaus, said the market’s decline was interrupted by Obama’s inauguration speech but that the markets then continued to trade on the problems in the financial sector.

“There’s just tremendous fear and uncertainty in the banking sector,” Cripps said. “Even those closest to the issue, like executives and analysts, there’s a feeling of tremendous uncertainty. They’re not giving any positive guidance because they just don’t know. Lacking that (certainty) we’re left to our worst fears, and that’s what you’re looking at with bank stocks.”

Some banks showed steep declines. Citigroup fell 48 cents, or 13.7 percent, to $3.02, while Bank of America fell $1.38, or 19 percent, to $5.80. Morgan Stanley fell $1.44, or 9.2 percent, to $14.15.

Johnson & Johnson reported a better-than-expected fourth-quarter profit of 97 cents per share, but provided a 2009 outlook below analysts’ average expectations. Johnson & Johnson said it expects to earn between $4.45 and $4.55 per share. Analysts polled by Thomson Reuters, on average, forecast earnings of $4.61 per share for the year. J&J rose 1 cent to $57.45.

Italian automaker Fiat signed a nonbinding agreement to form an alliance with struggling U.S. automaker Chrysler to share technologies and vehicle platforms. Fiat will acquire a 35 percent stake in Chrysler as part of the deal. Fiat will not invest cash, but provide access to products and platforms.

Overseas, Japan’s Nikkei stock average fell 2.3 percent. Britain’s FTSE 100 fell 0.42 percent, Germany’s DAX index fell 1.77 percent, and France’s CAC-40 fell 2.15 percent.


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^I'm saying that it's ridiculous to even discuss it! It's got nothing to do with the MEANING of the speech.

Who has said that it has? :o

However, I do think Bill Clinton did intentionally refer to the "We Shall Overcome" protest song in his inauguration speech in 1997. ;)

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I missed the poet but I thought his inauguration speech was quite moving. To me it had the right tone - as much as we want to celebrate, there is much to be done and I thought that was a good approach to take. Aretha sounded amazing. The Reverend was also quite good. My eyes teared up through much of it.

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And let's not forget WORLD peace. The world will again love America, and Americans.

Having an American leader who thinks globally and wants to be a part of "the World" is a good start.

The anti-American feeling the rest of the world has towards America is totally the effect of an Anti-social and Anti-human President. Out the door with him "finally"... anim_22.gif

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There was a live feed to CNN set up in one of our conference rooms at work and I got to watch some of it. I did get to see the part of him and Biden getting sworn in and then about the first 10 minutes of his speech, but unfortunately had to go back to work. Made my day, I must say! :cheer::D

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Oh yeah... if it keeps on raining were gonna have a party!

There were many ambivalent moments in the inauguration. On one hand it was a day of great joy, even for us foreigners, and but the grim reality wasn't forgotten either.

Edited by Zanadu
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Other than Chief Justice Roberts messing up the Oath a little, it was a great Inauguration. I am beyond proud to see the man I supported, defended and voted for sworn in as our President. What a great day for Americans.

Also, my thoughts and prayers go out to Ted Kennedy's family; he collapsed and suffered a seizure during the Inaugural luncheon.

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Here's the exact text from the speech, pretty close to the end,

For as much as government can do and must do, it is ultimately the faith and determination of the American people upon which this nation relies. It is the kindness to take in a stranger when the levees break, the selflessness of workers who would rather cut their hours than see a friend lose their job which sees us through our darkest hours. It is the firefighter's courage to storm a stairway filled with smoke, but also a parent's willingness to nurture a child, that finally decides our fate.


I also want to point out in this same text, friend was mentioned. Add the 'S', and there's another Zep reference.

VOILA !!! Booyah !!!!

LOL. Booyah's right! As much as the President was not about to chant on Booyah! Zeppelin 4eva! on his inauguration, I do think it was a catch phrase - that he and the writer of his speech knew it would not go unnoticed from people speaking the same language - Zeppelin lol.

The young man who wrote that inaugural speech btw, is named John Fabro.

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My friend has a huge crush on Obama, she blushes when we tell her so! Anyway, she has an old boyfriend who works for the Secret Service in D.C. so he is supposed to be getting tickets!

Kool! I myself don't have the hots for Obama, just for Robert Plant LOL.

Hope she made it! I do admire this new President. Isn't that cool his fave president is Abe Lincoln, who's mine too.

Party on folks!

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