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Posts posted by zoso97

  1. my all time favorite band i will never apologize for it! Noel inspired me to pick up the guitar and Page taught me to strive to be a better player.Great songs,they brought guitar pop back to England.Be Here Now will always be my favorite album ever,better than Revolver,To Our Childrens Childrens Children or Presence!(the other top 4 albums)

  2. if this has been asked before i apologize but i'm wondering did the band or management have any plans after August of 1977?i know there was some larger dates left and possible recording of shows....but maybe another european tour or anything?

  3. wasnt sure where to put this but i'll put it here...was wondering if anyone has any information on the comedic sketches filmed during the Knebworth rehearsals?Davis's book mentions them,and while I don't take the whole book seriously these caught my attention.Has anyone seen them?Were they completed?Also were the Knebworth rehearsals really filmed?were they stolen from Page in the early 80's?

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