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Posts posted by ayalem

  1. http://arstechnica.c...real-guitar.ars (Link to an upcoming Rock Band style game which uses a "fake" guitar that switches to a real electric guitar.

    So, as far as I can see it people WILL be playing areal guitar soon enough with these games... this is why I said it was a bit closed-minded. Maybe it's time to re-evaluate?

    I also considered, the "it stops people playing a real instrument" statement in a bit more practical application. As in, there are plenty of people who would like to go out and buy a set of drums/guitar and start belting away on them to earn a living, however, many people a) can't afford to, B) have a job, c) have kids to look after.

    To me music is about enjoyment and emotional response, in the creation and application/hearing of it. To say what was said is just elitist jibberish to be honest and very far off the pulse with modern music/life. Anyway, this will be my last post on the matter, thank for all the replies.

  2. Like most news sources, they took what he said and flipped it. He didn't say anything about giving up the master tapes or even considering putting Zep's material in a video game. All he said was that those games are fun to learn the timing of the music. Zep doesn't need to be in a game. They're awesome without it!

    You also missed the point of such games entirely, yes LZ are awesome, and we know that,... the point is most of the current generation think Timberland invented 75% of music. If you are happy with this situation then carry on chanting the same tune. I fyou aren't happy with it, like me, wake the hell up realise the market potential out there for a band that atm is frankly being too anal about it... LZ may be great but Rolling stones/the Who/the Beatles all got on board... do LZ really think they're above this?!?! Get with the program Jimmy.... slapface.gif

  3. I don't think that Led Zeppelin ever had a recording that was only good if you listen to track 3 & 8.

    This was a group with consistent song's, song's people actually liked. I'm a song writer for decade's now and can say that they are one of only a hand full of "Modern Music" act's that did this with every disc they released.

    For that reson they do not, must not ever think of ever doing anything that they don't wish to do!

    And they have said many time's that they do not wish to do this sort of thing, so leave it alone please!

    I will leave it alone sure, but there's no harm in asking and quite frankly i see it all as very narrow minded in general tbh. Ah well..

  4. Firstly let me state I am new to these forums and in no way affiliated to any music companies/corps or games mentioned in the following post. I am just a music lover and one who has loved Led Zepp for a long time.

    As many people are probably aware, games such as Guitar Hero and Rock Band on modern gaming consoles are starting to make many old/new bands available to a new generation (this doesn't include me- i just play the games like a crazy old fart). I know Mr Page has been quoted in the past saying he believed these games stopped people from playing real instruments... however, I have to wholeheartedly disagree and know that myself and many friends/relatives are taking up instruments as a DIRECT RESULT of playing these games...

    So, all i ask is that if the guys read this stuff, or anyone who knows them could ask them to reconsider this... There's a huge new market out there for LZ with the next generation (The Who, The Police have already had come-backs on the basis of TV shows etc). Now i know the LZ reform concert was a huge sell-out and I loved seeing 2 of the members at Wembley play with Dave Grohl & The Foo Fighters 2 years ago, but come on, let's educate these kids that Timberland and all this other emotionless crap they listen to is nothing more than refuse bin material!!!smile.gif


    A big Led Zepp fan

    P.S The complete recordings pack is great:)

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