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Posts posted by kingfish888

  1. On entering my Freshman year of High School, I overheard some other students, in class, talking about something fantastic that they had heard on a Led Zeppelin record. I had lost interest in music after The Beatles had stopped touring in 1965. I was ready to give another band, that was worthy, my heart & soul...

    So, I was curious. On a dark October night, a few days after turning 14 in 1969, I rode my bicycle up to the Department Store, and went to their record department. On display in the Led Zeppelin section were 15 new Led Zeppelin II albums. So, I bought one, and carefully rode home with it. I placed the record on the turntable, and put the headphones on. When I dropped the needle, and WLL began to play....it was so fantastic.... that I was hooked from the beginning. As you may, or may not already know.... those original US pressings of LZ II were very dynamic. I had one of those pressings (with RL in the groove stamp...) After listening to HB, I was fully down the rabbit hole, and deeply into the eye of the storm, that was Led Zeppelin.

    So, I got hooked on LZ with a pair of Koss Headphones on. I had never heard Hard Rock before that. What a way to begin the journey into Blues-based Hard Rock, that was and is ... Led Zeppelin !!!

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