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Posts posted by Ultra_Dog

  1. Thanks. Laura Lynn's version was produced by Danny Kessler, who is also credited with co-producing Robert's version. But Kessler was based in America so I suspect that he did not have any direct involvement with Robert aside from suggesting the song.

    BTW, I'm also trying to find the original version of Robert's 1967 song "Laughin', Cryin', Laughin'." It lists the songwriters as "N. Brandt" and "J. Principato", which I have determined to reference "Neil Brandt" and "Jesse G. Principato", two part-time songwriters based in New York. They sold several songs to the Eddie Kassner music publishing company, which had a very strong connection to Robert at the time (Listen's 1966 song "Everybody's Gonna Say" was published by Kassner).

    It seems logical that "Laughin', Cryin', Laughin'" would have first been recorded by a U.S. artist, but I haven't found any evidence of it so far.


    I am a personal friend of Neil H. Brandt. Yes, he did write the original song's lyrics. He has a couple of the original 45s on his wall. It is the B side of the single.

    Today, Neil is not doing well and may not be long for this mortal world. This little piece of history may pass soon.

    Maybe somehow Mr. Plant could send Neil a note. Just a thought...

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