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Posts posted by vanshipman

  1. TSRTS holds a special place in my heart as a huge Zeppelin fan. I remember when the album came out, and I drove my family (especially my Mother) nuts listening to it. My Mother would refer to Plant as that "screaming eagle", and between Plant and Steve Marriot constantly blaring from my room, I'm sure she was driven slightly mad by it. (Love you Mom!!!) I also cannot forget the time one of my sisters sit my copy of TSRTS, (along with several other LP's) in the floor by the heat vents, and warped them. I went beserk. lol Ah good times.......

    That being said, I love HTWWW, but 1973 for me was my favorite for live Zep recordings. Page's tone was dirtier and meaner, as his playing. The bands improv's were amazing. WLL and D&C were the best. But that's just me. Overall I love it all. Here's to Live Zep in 2007/2008!!!

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