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Posts posted by TheMadIrishman

  1. I’ve been getting heavy into Mitch Mitchell’s drumming style recently and I keep coming across videos where people play Purple Haze with a ride or high hat. Listening to the record I never hear him use any cymbals in the first and middle parts of the song. Anyone else have a take on this? Also any other general convo about Mitch Mitchell and his wizard like drumming would be great! 

  2. I recently stumbled across a video where someone explained what top wrapping a Les Paul was (essentially you string the strings backwards and over the bridge to get an absurd amount of sustain and looser tension on the string) and I had never heard of this technique.  They went on to explain that Jimmy Page and other 70’s guitarists were the pioneers of top wrapping so I thought “what the hell, let’s give it a go”. After doing so, my guitar has never had a better sound before. The sustain on a simple power chord lasts about a minute and there’s a filthy crunch you get from this method. 

    What’s your opinion? 

    Some say it’s BS but I found it works quite well 

  3. I was listening to “Lazy” by Deep Purple- an amazing song- and I was thinking about other RnB songs like “I’m Going Home” by TYA and I had the thought, what the hell happened to RnB? It stands for Rhythm and Blues and the fact that artists like Drake or Beyoncé are considered RnB is just disturbing. Any thoughts on the modern take on RnB? 

  4. 34 minutes ago, SteveAJones said:

    I fail to see a point behind these "vs." threads. "Jack Bruce vs. JPJ"..."Hendrix vs. Page"..."John Bonham vs. Neal Peart". Who's better? Is that what's being asked? Well, if so it's completely subjective. Some people will tell you Eric Clapton is the greatest blues guitarist of all time and others will tell you he's a cure for insomnia. Ultimately that's about all these threads ever amount to, is who someone prefers over someone else particularly when the choices presented are world class musicians regardless of whom one prefers. 

    That’s the hole point, which do you think would win a battle, which do you prefer. There’s no right or wrong answer is just to see what people think 

  5. Haven’t made one of these in a while but I was thinking one day, who would win in a Bass battle? Jack Bruce of the Cream, a pioneer of riffs and musical greatness or John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin, a wizard of multiple talents and ball breaking riffs. This one I feel is really tough cause I can’t really decide a winner of these two madmen. No limits, no extra anything, which would win? 

  6. 11 minutes ago, morningson said:

    I, for one, am grateful to Robert Plant for not agreeing to any more shows. Would anyone in their right mind want Zep to end up like The Stones or The Who? Very old men trading on past glories? The 02 was much needed to cement the legacy of Zeppelin in history after the horror of Live Aid and other subsequent reunions. Plant gets a lot of stick about not wanting to reform the group when it would have been so easy for him to say yes from a purely financial point of view because a Zep tour would have raked in hundreds of millions. And, in any case, Plant's last four years with Led Zeppelin were unbelievably traumatic and tragic. Would you want to revisit that, if that were you?

    It's time to give Percy a break. The man broke his voice singing for the best band that ever lived and lost even more on a personal level. I think he is the greatest vocalist and front man of any group that has ever existed. And he was Bonzo's best mate. 

    Just because they’re old doesn’t mean they can’t still rock and roll. Rock and roll isn’t about age, it’s about the music. Sure the Stones aren’t as fast and pretty on stage as they were in the 60’s and 70’s but you’ll still buy a ticket to see the greatest play. However, Zeppelin should do one last tour for their 50th anniversary to end it all on a high note. 

  7. This is a new development from NBC about Zeppelins Stairway to Heaven.

    Led Zeppelin must go back on trial in a lawsuit that accuses the legendary rock band of ripping off the intro to its rock anthem "Stairway to Heaven" from a little-known 1960s instrumental, a federal appeals court ordered on Friday.

    The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco overturned a 2016 jury verdict that found that the British band did not steal any original music from "Taurus," a 1968 track by the Los Angeles band Spirit.

    Taurus" was written by the late Spirit guitarist Randy Wolfe, better known as Randy California, whose trust brought the copyright infringement lawsuit.

    Michael Skidmore, the trustee for Wolfe, has said Led Zeppelin lead vocalist Robert Plant and guitarist Jimmy Page may have been inspired to write 1971's "Stairway" after hearing Spirit perform "Taurus" while the bands toured together in 1968 and 1969. Skidmore has claimed Wolfe never got any credit.

    The defendants have said Wolfe was a songwriter for hire who did not have a copyright claim, and that the opening of "Stairway" — a descending chromatic four-chord progression — is a common musical convention that did not deserve copyright protection.

    The jury in the 2016 trial found that the two songs were not substantially similar.

    But the federal appeals court panel that overturned the 2016 ruling held that parts of the jury instructions in that trial were erroneous and prejudicial. The appeals court also found that the U.S. district court that decided the first trial abused its discretion by not allowing recordings of "Taurus" to be played during the proceedings.

  8. All of the Bon Scott era is amazing. I feel bad for Brian Johnson- the man is an amazing singer but after the first three 1980 releases, it kinda just started to dwindle in creativity but nontheless, AC/DC is still one of the best 


    While ago I did a thread on Solo: A Star Wars film and thought it went okay. So this time, what did YOU think of Incredibles ii. I thought it was great and stuck with the immediate story from the first film. 

  10. 2 men in a forest are walking and find a huge hole. One guy says to the other “Let’s throw a rock to see how deep it is”. So they drag a huge rock and drop it in. Not even an echo comes back to them. “Huh” one guy says, “what about that anvil over there, let’s use that”. So they both drag this anvil and drop it down the hole. Still no sound comes back but then, a goat goes hurling  towards them into the hole and they dodge it just in time to avoid being hit. A farmer then comes into the forest a little while later and asks “Have you guys seen a goat?”, “Yes” they responded. “He went running into that hole”. “Impossible” the farmer replies, “He was tied to an anvil”. 

  11. From a musical standpoint, Taurus is nothing like Stairway to Heaven. The reason why the Spirit estate lost was because they tried to sue Zeppelin for the entire song even though they meant the intro. Another reason why they lost so hard was because they were basically sueing them over an A minor chord. If you read the sheet music, Stairway is completely opposite to Taurus- one is an A minor ascending chord while the other is an descending chord. However if you listen to them, thay sound simular because of this one chord progression. If you skip to 3:40 in this video, it really explains the riff 



  12. I know I’m if anyone reads this I’m a newbie, but besides the fact that I’ve only recently discovered Zeppelin, it was on complete accident. It was 2013 ( I was only 10) and I found my Grandmas old record player. A bit later, I found an album- Led Zeppelin II. But me being a bit dull in the head, didn’t read the album. It, surprisingly, was a Jimi Hendrix record (also how I discovered Hendrix). Then a bit later, I went to the YouTubes (once again, I apologize for my insolence) to look up some Zeppelin and very surprised to find out it wasn’t Hendrix. As soon as I heard Dazed and Confused, I was very impressed but it was when I listened to How Many More Times that I was completely hooked. Since then I’ve deticated my life to get every album. 

  13. I think that ITTOD was just to pushy. The I and II albums were focused on that hard blues rock that Zeppelin was known for. In the III and IV albums, they started to be more creative and it was beautiful. Houses of the Holy showed stunning ideas and amazing feels. Physical Graffiti was just an explosion of new and fantastic sounds nobody expected to happen. But Precence was a bit iffy on its sound and mixing. Then comes the mad man named In Through the out Door.


    Not only was it the end of 70’s, but it was the spiral of Rock and Roll. Zeppelin was starting to be out of the public eye and Bonham and Page were dealing with addictions. So with all these problems and the new sound of the 80’s, the very pushy and misunderstood album ITTOD came out. It could have been a better album but it just wasn’t. 

  14. I mean, it's a little harsh to be calling one the Gods of Guitar 'sloppy'. Jimmy Page definitely has some moments of screwed up but he has a certain sound that I can't really identify to be. If you've heard people commit on Ringo Starr's drumming, they say he has certain sound called 'swamp'. Basically it's like crisp mush but it fits perfectly into every song that Led Zeppelin makes. 

    Thats the only way I can begin to call Jimmy's guitaring. For example; Black Dog. If you listen to it, it sounds sorta off tempo and mushy but then it picks back up to a crisp sound. 

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