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Brody Dolyniuk

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Posts posted by Brody Dolyniuk

  1. After looking around online, I decided to take a crack at this myself. I'm using a Les Paul on the bridge pickup into Logic Pro X, and found a preset that splits the guitar signal into two cabinets, which are panned hard L and R. The basic amp I'm using is a Vox AC30. On each cabinet, I have a Flanger before the cab. Zero rate or depth, I just played with the Feedback and Manual settings to give it that metallic sound. Then on the guitar's stereo output bus I used a plugin called Sample Delay and offset (delayed) the R channel by a few ms. Lastly, I'm using a plugin called Match EQ which listens to a reference audio clip and then yours, and applies the differential eq to shape the sound.

    Here's an audio sample. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0n46kz4imtm3xkj/Houses-GtrSample.mp3?dl=0.

    Here's a screenshot of my amp and distortion settings,  one of the Match eq (note the huge scoop in the middle and boost on top), and one of my Flanger settings for the L and R channels. The slightest adjustments on either gives pretty big tonal changes. Hope this helps!



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    Screen Shot 2017-09-06 at 2.59.35 PM.png

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