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Posts posted by WhatWas

  1. 6 hours ago, IpMan said:

    Not to upset the apple cart here but I place 90% of the blame regarding these issues squarely on the shoulders of Peter Grant. He was the bands manager, it was his job to manage the band and all aspects of the groups business including staffing. Cole was the tour manager who was supposed to manage the day to day of the tour, dealing with promotors, venues, etc. Neither one of these guys were even close to managing anything in a professional capacity after 1975, and I would argue possibly after 1973 knowing some of the boneheaded decisions made in 75'.

    It's not that I disagree with your take on the management team, but ultimately people need to be responsible for their own choices. It's nobody's fault but theirs imo.

  2. 20 minutes ago, babysquid said:

    Squeaky? After the page and plant reunion I think. I remember Robert saying that Jimmy was drinking a lot at that time and how he’d sorted himself out by 2007. I think he’s said before that he gave up heroin and cocaine in the early eighties. 

    Makes sense. Recently I watched an interview where JP said he quit drinking in his fifties. He looked healthier at Knebworth than in 77, but didn't think he was done chasing the dragon at that point.

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