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Posts posted by ChildoftheRings

  1. Hi there, awesome topic. Pretty much life time Zeppelin fan, tarot reader of four years. 

    I've always loved tarot and the connection it has to the band, and this past year I've really really did some deep dives into it. Like there's this birthday book I've been using (I'll try to link it or the website that goes with it) that uses your numerology to tell you what major arcana card goes with your specific birthday, and one of my first projects (after doing myself and doing those closest to me) was finding out the cards that go with Led Zep. Here they are if you guys are interested: 

    Robert Plant: Date of the Satisfied Cryptic Secret. Tarot card: Judgement

    Jimmy Page: Date of the Studied Ambition. Tarot card: The Hermit (you could've guessed) 

    John Paul Jones: Date of the Enhanced Total Involvement. Tarot card: The Empress

    John Bonham: Date of the Grateful Cutting Edge. Tarot card: The Emperor

    You wouldn't think that things like this had much play in your actual life, but you'd be surprised. I have been so shocked at how accurate what this book/website has said about my life as a whole, and it's interesting to see this group's dates and cards. Page was obviously hip to it, considering The Hermit is on so much stuff. Each zodiac sign has a major arcana card as well, and when you pair your two cards together and really deep dive on their meaning, it's absolutely incredible. Just some really neat stuff I thought you guys might enjoy checking out! 

    Here's where you can buy the birthday book: https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Language-Birthdays-Complete-Personology/dp/0525426884/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+secret+language+of+birthdays&qid=1618428865&s=books&sr=1-1

    If you don't want to buy the book, they've got a free online version. You just key in your birthdate and it pulls up all this information. The link to that is here: https://sln.me/app/


    I know I'm quite a few years late to this forum post, but if anyone else is reading and feels the call of the tarot, happy reading! Be respectful, and you'll go far. Best of luck to all! 

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