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Posts posted by Kip

  1. Great discussion. I’m learning to play Tangerine from a Zeppelin III  TAB portfolio, The sheet music does have a G major key signature but as stated early seems like it’s in A minor. “woz70” You explained it beautifully. And ur explanation makes more sense than what I initially thought. When I first noted G major scale notation my brain tried to make sense of it as a mode. However, I was thinking Locrian mode, which is based off of the 7th step of the G major. I know there is a F chord (rather than F#) during the solo. But doesn’t the minor tonality of the Locrian mode conceivably fit the dark n somber feeling of the song? I’m just throwing out ideas. Grasping at straws so to speak. Ya know, causing problems. Things like that. Thanks!

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