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Posts posted by Hippie

  1. Beautiful pics everyone :wub: I can't understand, how this man can be so beautiful? :wub:

    I heard on TV yesterday what every man on the Earth has a twin )) =)) I even know one example!)), one of my class-mates resembles Pete Townshend a lot! =))))

    But where is that guy who looks like Jimmy!!???? I hope I meet him at once.. angel-1.gif


    There's this kid in the grade below me who I think looks sooooo much like Jimmy Page, some people agree and some don't so I want you ladies to decide. He's young, but he has characteristics of Jimmy. Plllease don't think I'm a creep for having pictures of him hahaha because I really actually don't know him. I think it's pretty funny, but here are the pictures. Talk up a storm




    here's a picture of Jimmy that was on the back of a CD case


  2. You found a real gem there!! There are several cool things about this vid...the first song Jimmy wrote for Jackie DeShannon whom he was leaving in London to make it big in the States...it was later restructured as Tangerine as you can probably tell. BUT, the coolest is that second song..."She just Satisfies" It's the ONLY song Jimmy ever sang, and he played every single instrument on that recording except the drums. That 45 would be quite a collectors item!!

    You ladies are all so wonderful! It's great to be able to come here and relate to fellow obsessed women, LOL! We should actually be a 'support' group. "Hi, my name is Medhb and I admit it, am obbsessed with Jimmy Page"

    Truly, I can think of no other single person outside of Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley that are such legends. And Jimmy's the LIVING one!! I'd be curious about the age range of all of us....he can excite us whether we're 13 or 130!!! I wonder if he has any clue what he still does to women....even when he's thousands of miles away?! Ahhhhh....I think maybe he does ; ) Jimena is certainly the luckiest woman in the world. She must be quite a special lady. I'm certainly glad that she makes our Jimmy happy and healthy!

    OK....wow! Off my soapbox now!

    Oh, God I know. People think I'm crazy. My mom calls him the Quaker Oats guy (I think its just his hair that makes him SEMI look like him lol) And when Zeppelin was on the cover of the Rolling Stone someone wrote in to the magazine "I understand why Robert Plant and John Paul Jones are on the cover, but what's the deal with the Quaker Oats guy?" So now I never hear the end of it. Well, he's the sexiest Quaker Oats man in the world then hahaha. And I'm going to be 17 next week, and I want to lose my virginity to a 63 year old. Amazing lol.

  3. Thanks Martha :D

    Wow I watched that video, hmm..

    Well I haven't thought like this in long time but GOD DAMN IT I'm so jealous. Lori was lucky to be with Jimmy and the story that she told about Jimmy in that video, wow. Jimmy seems so mysterious and interesting person. :wub: He could kidnap me anytime he wants :P

    And Lori looks pretty too, she was such a pretty girl. But too young for Jimmy :(

    Yeah, I know its fustrating. Have you read Let's Spend the Night Together miss pamela's fourth book? Lori tells her story in there. There's also a picture of her today and she doesn't look so hot anymore :P

  4. Hi! I'm new here. I've been secretly just coming and saving pictures 'n such, but i feel left out. i want to join the Jimmy obsession. (now i know i'm not alone in thinking jimmy is hot even today with his awesome silver hair lol) the main trigger for my joining is this sheep picture. i gotta see it. so someone send it to me please lol

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