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Posts posted by grecko1

  1. The "grunge" artists, particularly Soundgarden and Pearl Jam, where much closer in spirit to Led Zeppelin than the hair metal that ruled the day. Seems like with Steve Albini on board for Walking Into Clarksdale, Page & Plant would have been able to tap into some of that energy but for whatever reason, it just didn't turn out that way.

    Your idea of musical energy must be vastly different than mine. Walking Into Clarksdale would have sounded MUCH better if Jimmy Page had produced it. What has Albini ever produced the comes anywhere near having the amount of energy of LZI or LZII?!

  2. Agreed. Brutal production. I think it was terrible, those super cannon drums killed it. I thought at the time it would sound more like the grunge/alternative stuff that was out, even with Coverdale there. I've always found that most of Page's best work had more in common with that music than the metal scene.

    The same Jimmy Page, recently featured on his site with Nico (alternative), having written that sharp song of hers, having praised the Velvet Underground? Look at his work in the Yardbirds. Sharp, cool, excellent. Hard to reconcile all that with the Coverdale Page project. I don't get his reticence to get away from generic rock. He seemed to avoid it all through Zeppelin. It was a similar instrumental set up sure, but much different results.

    Why would Jimmy Page want to lower his standards and emulate the grunge/alt crap. This is such a joke that I can hardly contain my laughter. I hate grunge, I don't listen to it. You hate C/P don't listen to it, simple really. If Page called Coverdale and they put out another ass kicking HARD ROCK album, it would only be a short while before Plant would be contacting Page wanting to work with him. Just like the last time, you know it's true.

  3. Well again, they wanted to emphasize it was a genuine collaboration. Perhaps this interview among many will clear things up:


    Hit Parader July 1993

    Scan courtesy Steve A. Jones Archive

    Very insightful interview SteveAJones. Thanks for posting this.

  4. Seems that a lot of the folks that champion the Coverdale/Page record are the same ones that would like to see Page work with the likes of Sammy Hagar. While the Coverdale • Page album had it's moments I enjoy Whatever Happened to Jugula? much more when it comes to Page's post-Zep output.

    It's not my intent to champion the C/P project, I'm just stating that the guitar work on the C/P record is IMO outstanding and I've been a guitarist for 45 yrs. As most diehard Zep fans I own everything that Page has ever produced and none of it is bad. Both of the Firm recordings had some real gems as well as the DW2 sountrack and Outrider project. Whatever Happened to Jugula is also awesome work. I certainly don't want to be percieved as a Plant basher on this forum as RP is the best hard rock vocalist ever. I respect Plant for doing what he wishes but I just don't care that much for the music he is producing now. In fact IMO Pictures at Eleven and Principles are the best music he's made post Zep. Robbie Blunt is a most talented player and composer and the best collaborator Plant has had besides Page. As to Page and Hagar I would have no problem with it. Hell, I would purchase a Jimmy Page/Wayne Newton collaboration if it happened.

  5. It was good for him to do something, but I can think of many better collaborators than hair metal Coverdale, in my opinion. Much as people think his guitar on that is the best since Zeppelin, what was going on guitar wise in the Alternative/Seattle/Grunge /Brit Pop scene dwarfed Coverdale Page for guitar ideas and tones (and song writing, production, and coolness. Page never used to be short on coolness). I remember an article at the time where they were asked if they were aware of that scene, then current. The answer was yes, but that it didn't affect what they did. Why be influenced by something vibrant and new when you can produce something tired, generic, and over produced, I guess.

    Honestly, I think its his worst playing since Zeppelin. The Firm buries that CD. A 72 track facility for such music? Geez. The playing is technically fine, but the ideas sound contrived. I think he may have gottten the point by the time he used Steve Albini for WIC.

    I'm forced to totally disagree with every word of this post. C/P is easily Pages best playing post Zep. The music is completely natural and uncontrived. I really have to laugh to even have to try and convince anyone that the guitar on C/P absolutely blows away any Alternative/Britpop/Seattle and all that disgusting Grunge crap. The only good music that ever come out of the Seattle area was Heart which were Zep worshipers. Also Albini is a total piece of shit producer that doesn't even deserve to be in the same room with Jimmy Page. And as to Plant rescuing Page from this style of music that is such a freaking joke. Zeppelin did 10 albums of this kind of music! The real reason was that Plant heard the C/P record and got worried that Page and Coverdale might be on to something and just had to break that up. Thats why WIC is, except for a couple tracks, a watered down pretty uninspired effort.

  6. Not by a long shot. Then again, it's all about opinion so there is no one band that's the "greatest", even Led Zeppelin. It's all in the ear of the beer holder.

    That may be so, but could you imagine the excitement in the Zep universe if Page had just remastered and let these eleven songs out of the can for the first time recently? It would be like the second coming or something. Personally I think each of these songs have something going for it. They certainly are not Zeps best work for sure. As for as I'm concerned, Jimmy Page never laid down a weak rythym guitar track and John Bohnam is John Bohnam. I could just listen at Page and Bohnam make up stuff all day. In fact thats where most of Zeps songs originated from in the first place. Oh by the way, I still think the Mighty Zep is the greatest.

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