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Posts posted by brasshat

  1. Well I haven't been playing a guitar for 30+ years, (I did play the recorder when I was 6 though LOL), so I don't notice when he plays a bad note on an album. I wouldn't know if he did or didn't intend the intro to Hotdog to sound how it does. I do know though that I think he writes and plays brilliant music. That to me is more important..

    Everyone has a bad day in the office. But Page on form plays some of the most amazing music out there. I have always thought that Jeff Beck is a better technical player, but I don't think he writes or produces music anywhere near as well as Page. So, yes, maybe Jimmy is a bit "sloppy" at times but he makes up for it in his own brilliant way. That's my take on it.

    I would also hazard a guess that he vast majority of the population would not recognise a badly played note in a song on any album. We don't know what was meant to be played, so accept the result.

    I am 56 and fortunate to have seen Zep play in 1975. During any live performance it is not so obvious when a few notes or chords are played badly, however if you get the chance to listen to the tapes over and again, mistakes will always be there. Thats the problem with "live" albums I guess.

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