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Posts posted by BMV

  1. This definitely falls under "related". I read that Page had looked into Syd Barrett in the 1970s. I find most of Page's musical likes quite interesting. They both had similar guitars with the same reflective discs in the 60s, and both looked very cool and Carnaby. I really like Syd Barrett, the music is so penetrating, you almost have to be careful around it. My dislike of Pink Floyd (what they're mostly know for, ie. without Syd) kept me from looking in to Barrett. I  am putting a link to a vid for Jugband Blues. This song is crushing, devastating.AxjWlTg4Pg8

  2. Babysquid! You NAILED it for me, like Dark Lord did in the ITTOD thread. The CD starts with that deadly acoustic tone, so vile. No atmosphere. I hate Ovations, they sound like tinny banjos. Page has never looked as bad in terms of what was happening in music at the time. It was crazy how good the music was in 1993, and then the C/P CD came out to make the other music look even better. I still don't get it. Those drums....every hit sounds like a super cannon going off. Easy Does It is a great track until the drumming comes in. Its so grating, its mars the listening experience.

  3. Is there anyone else out there that is crazy about this album? I have to admit, I could take it or leave it for the first 20 years that I owned it, but I realized long ago that we are never going to hear anything new from Jimmy, and I started going into the back catalogue. Damn, apart from Hot Tonight, this is one killer disc through and through. Even the obnoxious David Coverdale sounds great, and Page's guitar army is back with a Tony Iommi edge to the playing. Everything is here if you take the time to listen carefully, and who knew that Jimmy was such a good harmonica player? Outstanding. Recorded partly in my town, and an album that I now own on vinyl, cassette, and CD. One of Jimmy's most melodic solo's is evident in Take me for a Little While, and I can't get enough of that track. It's nice to re-discover an album that never really registered in the past, and now hits a home run.

    You know Dark Lord, just when I'm feeling all correct and solid on my post, I read this from you. While I'm obviously not a fan of the project, I also got no impression from Kashmir for about 15 years after 1st hearing it. Same with the studio version of Rock and Roll, still no real impression there, seems flat and non-engaging. Years later though, Kashmir finally jumped out at me. Who knows, I could one day have some appreciation for this CD. I'm curious, what is your favourite moment on this CD? Least favourite? For me, favourite is in Don't Leave Me This Way, when Page comes in with hard funk (under Coverdale "But you keep on giving love"), least favourite is the guitar sound and riff on the beginning of Shake My Tree.

  4. This cd, so over-produced to me. 72 tracks for a song like Feeling Hot? How could Page have written that? It boggles the mind. I do think there are good parts here and there in the songs, like in Absolution Blues. But first there's that inane intro, and the cheesy Aerosmith-like guitar riff right after it, its too hard to sit through. And that drum sound, it arches over the whole album, way too brash and splashly, like an annoyance making it difficult to appreciate the occasional good musical moment. Take easy Does It. Thats a good song, atmospheric, vibey, Coverdale even sounds good on it. Then the super cannon drums kick in, immediate downgrade. Now, if they had done that album with Butch Vig, those songs would have been a lot better. Like Dark Lord says, Over Now is grunge. Vig would have made that killer.

  5. Another anniversary is fast approaching for Coverdale Page, so it's time to reminisce a bit. I hate to say it, but I hated this album for 20 years, apart from Take a Look at Yourself, and Take Me For A Little While, which I loved. A year ago I gave it another chance, and I found that it wasn't bad. I have since listened to it about 25 times, and I have to say that I love it now. It was a very slow grower for me. It's certainly not perfect, and it suffers from a few ills, such as dated production values; atrociously immature lyrics; and too much shrieking, but I can deal with that. I think all the songs are excellent, except for Feeling Hot, which I find to be a banal turd that should have been replaced with Saccharine.

    So, although it took me forever to develop a taste for this album, today I would rate it a solid 7 out of 10, and I really get excited about listening to it. Page's work is stunning throughout, and yet again illustrates his ability to develop his style and approach to the guitar. I am an exception, in that I far prefer Walking into Clarksdale over CP, but I have to say that each album is brilliant in its own way, although very different from the other. Coverdale Page is a nice piece, and I'm glad that it has finally wormed its way into my heart, as in many ways it is a Page treasure, and it shows what a riff master he really is. Page's harp work on the album is astounding, as are his solos on Take Me For a Little While and Absolution Blues. Melody and Heavy Blues performed to supernatural standards.

    I agree re. Feeling Hot, what garbage! Silly and grating. Its the worst thing Page has done in my view. I really think that Plant heard this album, and thats what got him to work with Page again. It hink he was concerned about what Page invloved himself with re. musical projects.

  6. I agree with Hitchslap. The window validates them as a creative team. Ditching the classic rock approach, just making something entirely new. Also agree with Les Paul Player. Why expect or even want a Zeppelin type thing? Plant called it, its a young mans game. Page didn't realize that with the Coverdale Page project. After hearing "Feeling Hot" from that (to me, a career low point), its was really nice to see he could still do it right, with Burning Up. Page hits new ground in Blue Train, that solo is free of Rock God expectations, its like something Harrison would have done around Revolver. I also see what Blue Congo mentions, the sound is musty, old. I kind of like it though, its a bit dirty, human sounding. Jones and Lee are capable, but so what. Not remarkable. Plant has tended to sound strained a lot since the early 90s. I like that it is all new songs, as opposed to Unledded.That was a bit of a rip off to me, little in the way of original stuff (which was good, love Wonderful One and City Don't Cry). Its mostly a glorified Unplugged project, which was very much the thing to do then.

  7. Yes, those details I can agree with. I bought the disk because it was Page/Plant and was so excited to see a new release. I thought the CD had a decent amount of imagination as far as shedding new light on the few Zeppelin arrangements like "No Quarter" and "Nobody's Fault" but besides that it was kind of a weird album for me to handle. I still don't know if I can listen to it the whole way through again. The things they did with the desert musicians was something they have done and been facinated with for a long time. I think the "unreleased" recordings they did with the Bombay orchestra in 1972 ("friends") was such a better listen...for me anyway. The ones on Unledded had no impact on me at all, besides Wonderful One. As for The Clarksdale stuff, it had it moments where I still felt the fire, even though it wasn't continuous throughout.

    I forgot about the version of No Quarter, that was good! I preferred the stronger songs on Fate of Nations to the Unledded project as a whole.

  8. Personally , it's better than the Unledded album. All that was, were mostly Zeppelin songs re-arranged. That didn't do anything for me.

    Hi Rock Historian, I feel that way as well. I am somewhat bored by the 2 of them doing Zeppelin songs. I prefer them doing music live from a new CD. I only like the WIC songs on their tour for that CD, not the Zeppelin stuff, it wasn't interesting.

    I like the new songs from Unledded, very nice (except or Yallah. Great title, but the guitar theme is lacking to me). City Don't Cry has a great acoustic sound at the beginning, and for me, much more impact than what they did with the orchestra. The re-arranged songs were well performed by the extra musicians, but it lacked imagination for me.

    Wonderful One was a great song, Page sounded very sensitive on that one. It was well done.

    Page's playing on Thank You from that gig wasn't my favourite. His solo sounded shaky to me. His acoustic work on the CD was mostly hampered, for me, by his choice of Ovation for the guitar. I found it too thin sounding.

  9. I remember when the Coverdale Page record came out, it was a huge dissapointment to me and all my friends mainly due to Coverdale's overwrought vocals and the hideous production value. Sure, Page put some nice stuff down, but lets be honest, the sound they were going for was already dated by a few years,

    see the Seattle explosion in 1991.

    And, oh yeah Mr. Coverdale, everybody's big in Japan!

    Agreed. Brutal production. I think it was terrible, those super cannon drums killed it. I thought at the time it would sound more like the grunge/alternative stuff that was out, even with Coverdale there. I've always found that most of Page's best work had more in common with that music than the metal scene.

    The same Jimmy Page, recently featured on his site with Nico (alternative), having written that sharp song of hers, having praised the Velvet Underground? Look at his work in the Yardbirds. Sharp, cool, excellent. Hard to reconcile all that with the Coverdale Page project. I don't get his reticence to get away from generic rock. He seemed to avoid it all through Zeppelin. It was a similar instrumental set up sure, but much different results.

  10. Hi BMV:-)

    I can appreciate your thoughts. For me, I loved the collaboration. I also agree with Jahfin about Jugula...but then again I am a bigger fan of Jimmy with Paul Rodgers, always have been :peace:

    Me too! Page was a real space cadet in The Firm. To be fair, I also have to say, I liked the track Saccharine from Coverdale Page. I'm with Charles on Easy Does It, great guitar there. Page is really in your face on that one.

  11. They really seem to have fun together:-)

    Coverdale Page Mtv News 15th April 1993 - By Ari


    Coverdale Page Headbangers Ball 14th March 1993 - By Ari...(about 7 minutes in Jimmy talks about this being a 50/50 partnership)


    Hi Deborah, I think the 50/50 partnership took on a different meaning for Jimmy years later. From what I gathered, it was used initially, as Steve says, to show a partnership. Later, I think it was used as a way to distance himself from the results of the collaboration. This was in later years.

  12. Well, it was a one-off album released nearly 20 years ago so what possible references could he make to it now? They both promoted the hell out of it at the time and he was ready and willing to tour more extensively than the seven dates that were ultimately performed. The intent in calling this Coverdale/Page and making clear DC had 50% input on the album was to emphasize it was a genuine collaboration as opposed to a second solo album or an offshoot of Whitesnake.

    Hi Steve! I meant he doesn't talk about it, its a past work, he's talked of other past works. The interview I saw (I don't recall the details, sorry, I didn't keep any, didn't want them) the interviewer was adressing the controversy around it (Plant issue probably). Page made it clear he only had half the project. I think he's a bit embarrased by the project. He enthuses about Zeppelin, the Yarbirds, and has talked of remastering The Firm. Artisits reference past works they are proud of.

  13. Seems that a lot of the folks that champion the Coverdale/Page record are the same ones that would like to see Page work with the likes of Sammy Hagar. While the Coverdale • Page album had it's moments I enjoy Whatever Happened to Jugula? much more when it comes to Page's post-Zep output.

    Page doesn't reference the Coverdale collaboration, not that I've seen anyway. I think he is not very proud of it. I've seen him make it very clear that Coverdale had 50% input on that CD, as if to say he only has limited responsibility for it.

    I agree with Roland about Paul Rodgers, although I prefer him to DC. People write about Page's sounds on CP, the Firm is much more interesting for that. Radioactive and Satisfaction Guaranteed have guitar sounds that are just ridiculous, completely in space. CP has its moments, I agree with Jahfin, but for me, the adherence to the commercial rock/metal approach on that CD cripples a lot of Page's work there.

  14. Perhaps if anyone saved Jimmy from anything during that period, it was David Coverdale, who got Jimmy off his ass and fired him up.

    Anyone ever look at it that way?

    Without David's encouragement, Jimmy might have just as easily stayed home and those songs may have never been written. Rather than simply waiting for Robert Plant to come around again, Jimmy forged ahead and kept the creative fires burning.

    David was exactly the right partner at the right time for Jimmy, IMHO, just as Paul Rodgers had been in the 1980s. These projects kept him actively engaged in music. Left to his own devices, Page may well have drifted away into a hermit's life, releasing no music at all.

    Jimmy would probably be the first to admit that he needs a collaborator to kick him up the ass and get him going now & Zen.;)

    It was good for him to do something, but I can think of many better collaborators than hair metal Coverdale, in my opinion. Much as people think his guitar on that is the best since Zeppelin, what was going on guitar wise in the Alternative/Seattle/Grunge /Brit Pop scene dwarfed Coverdale Page for guitar ideas and tones (and song writing, production, and coolness. Page never used to be short on coolness). I remember an article at the time where they were asked if they were aware of that scene, then current. The answer was yes, but that it didn't affect what they did. Why be influenced by something vibrant and new when you can produce something tired, generic, and over produced, I guess.

    Honestly, I think its his worst playing since Zeppelin. The Firm buries that CD. A 72 track facility for such music? Geez. The playing is technically fine, but the ideas sound contrived. I think he may have gottten the point by the time he used Steve Albini for WIC.

  15. Here's one from Jimmy's first return to the U.S. since Zeppelin broke up. MSG in December 1983. Although, the versions of this on the 1988 Outrider tour, I think were a bit better.

    Thanks for posting that. Page is ridiculously cool on that. His sound there is way, way out. His moves are fantastic. I think he would have been better suited at that time to make his appearances with more of the new wave/punk scene, with that approach. I get that those shows were for charity.

  16. Speaking of Outrider, I think Hummingbird is one of his truly great solos that doesn't get mentioned a lot...

    There's lots of character in that one. In press for CP, Jimmy seemed to belittle Outrider, I think he called it a glorified demo, delivered with condescension. That amazed me.

  17. That sounds feasible Dr. Death, anout a nod to Zep with a song from a Zep demo, that's a nice thing to do.

    Walter, I really like Outrider as well. For me, there's no comparison to the solos on each record. Listen to the solo on Wasting My Time, all strange and tormented with

    what sounds like a slide to me, or Emerald Eyes, that solo is in the clouds! Page seemed to come from a much more artisitic place on Outrider.

    Oddly, I found there to be more Jimmy Page in "Calling To You". The guitar on that was way more like something an inspired Jimmy Page would have produced that anything on CP.

  18. In line with (I think) Knebby's take on Shake My Tree in the setlist, I think Robert was just being respectful to Jimmy's choice there. They played calling To You, so I think he may have thought it proper to include something from CP, both their most recent efforts at the time.

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