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Posts posted by clw

  1. Thanks Strider!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Since the other thread was misleading and indifferently titled, it made sense to me to create an actual Mother's Day thread for today, Sunday May 12 (in the U.S., Mother's Day is the second Sunday in May).

    For all you Mom's out there that loved and raised your children, thank you and Happy Mother's Day! Enjoy your day with your family...or away from the family in peace and solitude if that be your preference.

  2. he looks like a sad little boy,a adorable one

    seeing that picture makes me want to go have a word with the person that upset him and give them a word of warning that I will kick their butt the very next time that they upset robert and comfort robert afterwards and stroke his hair

  3. I bet it was almost like he stood out in his own glow,like the angel he is

    Loved this little snippet from the memory banks (and if there was any reason for folks to keep journals, your stories would be a definite inspiration).
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. What a beautiful family you have

    Thanks one and all. You have made this a terrific experience for me. Led Zeppelin fans are the epitome of graciousness.

    Here's a photo of me and my family. My son is a big wall climber and rigging grip, my eldest daughter is the creative mastermind of her own art/performance band The Back Pockets, and my middle daughter is a film production assistant. My beloved spouse is a Key Grip and my biggest fan, and the little puppy licking my nose is Madeline.

    Thank y'all again for the nicest welcome anyone could wish for.

  5. I was laughing when I read that too!!!

    ^^ A puddle yes but paddle?? (Oh matron!!)...*ahem* lol

    We DO try to keep it clean and wholesome here but it NEVER seems to work, right ladies?? ;)

  6. he is so perfect,he does look like a God

    do you see that paddle on the floor?? That's me cause I've just melted..oh my goodness me..that pose and the cigarette..and his face, god his beautiful face..oh so angelic..I'll drag him into a corner and do some very very dark things with him..

  7. thx for the yummy pics and I will pm you

    awwww honey send me a private message on what happened to you and one delicious batch of Robert coming up

    awwww honey send me a private message on what happened to you and one delicious batch of Robert coming up

  8. oh wow,I am going to have to look for that flag myself!


    LMAO...well, tell your husband to be prepared. "Whole Lotta Love" was the first encore of the O2 gig! I'll go ya one better.....I'll give you a money back guarantee. If not fully delighted with the DVD, I will buy it from you. As much as you have delved in to the band in preparation for your painting, I'm sure you'll enjoy the show. Besides, I have no doubt I'll wear out the copy I plan to buy!

    One final note. If you do get the DVD, keep an eye out for a small American flag waving along the front row just between where Robert and Jimmy are standing in between the last three songs. That would be me representing .......

  9. well said strider,have you really watched it that many times,I am catching up with you!!! I think my husband is getting a bit tired of it!!

    What an utter and most welcome surprise!

    Finally, after all these years the mystery of the girl in "The Song Remains the Same" has been revealed, and the ray of light piercing the darkness is wielded by none other than the fair maiden herself.

    Thank you, thank you, and most definitely and sincerely THANK YOU, Ms. Virginia Parker, for taking the time to share your experience with us...and for being willing to reveal yourself after so long.

    From the time "The Song Remains the Same" premiered in October 1976 to the end of 1980, I saw the movie 88 times, and I often wondered about you: Who was that beautiful princess? Why did I not see her in other movies after that? Was she a friend of the band?

    Many many years later, all I could find was a name...Virginia Parker...but little else. I thought I would die without finding out anything more. Thankfully, that will not be the case now, thanks to your generosity in sharing with us strangers a little slice of your past life.

    Thank you for giving this Led Zeppelin fan a little closure on a facet of their career that has long fascinated me. Best wishes on your future endeavors.

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