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Posts posted by clw

  1. I realize that you are making a joke, but Yes, more Powerful than any Miami Vice episode including the good but inept Ted Nugent. I have never seen this Miami Vice episode with ted nugent, but it he was really in an episode of Miami Vice (back in the 1980's) then he obviously did it for the maybe $1,000 that the producers paid him.

    How can you or anyone compare a cheesy and wannabe slick show like Miami Vice, to a show like "Breaking Bad"? As you have so eloquently put it, it is like comparing, "apples to blue meth". And the BLUE METH WILL WIN EVERY TIME!!!


    This scene was sad,I did not think they really would kill hank..I have to keep my mouth closed as my son has a few episodes to watch and I cannot spill the beans!!

  2. Here is the scene of Walter White saving Jesse Pinkman and at the same time the massacre of Uncle Jack and his Nazi cohorts. This clip was obviously filmed by someone as they watched it on tv, however, it is the only clip I can find of this scene (so far) on YouTube.

    In my opinion (and yes, most of you are aware that I have very strong opinions and convictions regarding this Show), this is one of the most Dramatic and most Powerful scenes in television history. Just over one minute in duration but what a Strong and Awesome scene it is (besides the fact that Walter takes a ricochet bullet to his abdomen and soon dies from this wound).

    Mr White was a genius

  3. Jesse was my favorite character, I really thought they were going to kill him off and what Jack's ass-posse did to him over the course of those last three episodes was inhuman. Killing his girlfriend right in front of him, you could see he was in a hell beyond explanation. If he ever stars in a motion picture with a good script, homeboy gonna walk away with an Oscar.

    Oh I loved him too,he was soo good,what a great actor!!!!

  4. Yes, I agree. I think Kingzoso is going a bit overboard on the love for Breaking Bad. It is a good show, one of the best indeed but not the best, in the top 10. Comparing WW to JP is silly because it is apples to blue meth! WW character was great but he was also a piece of shit who contributed nothing, he himself was a cancer and ultimately consumed all around him. Fuck WW! Rest in pieces...BITCH!!!!

    Great show though.

    I loved Jesse and his Bitch all the time!!!!

  5. I am still sad that Walter White, aka, Heisenberg, died, but it seems to me that He died on His own terms.

    Meaning that He did not get killed or murdered by Jesse or some other person and that He did not succumb to the Cancer that He would have eventually died from. Walter White died from a bullet wound to His abdomen from a "Say Hello to My Little Friend" machine gun that He rigged-up to the trunk of His car to kill all of Uncle Jack's Aryan Brotherhood crew and that the bullet that hit him actually ricochets off and hits Him while He is protecting Jesse Pinkman.

    What a tragic and equally fitting conclusion to the Greatest Television Show of All-Time.

    Once more:

    Edited to add: Bryan Cranston won three Emmy Awards in a Row for playing Walter White. Aaron Paul won two Emmy for portraying Jesse Pinkman. "Breaking Bad" just Won the Emmy for Best Outstanding Drama Series. The Emmy's are like the Oscars/Academy Awards of Television. They are voted on by Their Peers and Contemporaries, not the Public. Their Wins were not a Popularity contest. They won on Their Merits because "Breaking Bad" deserves Every Accolade that can be given to a Television Show that will be talked about, Loved, Watched, Etc... for the next 100+ years. (Walter White, I mean Bryan Cranston, is the equivalent of Jimmy Page. Both will go down in History as two of the Greatest Entertainers in the History of Entertainment).

    With all that said by me, Breaking Bad and Led Zeppelin will Outlive all of US for decades and Centuries to come. And that Makes Me Very Proud!!!

    I am still sad that Walter White, aka, Heisenberg, died, but it seems to me that He died on His own terms.

    Meaning that He did not get killed or murdered by Jesse or some other person and that He did not succumb to the Cancer that He would have eventually died from. Walter White died from a bullet wound to His abdomen from a "Say Hello to My Little Friend" machine gun that He rigged-up to the trunk of His car to kill all of Uncle Jack's Aryan Brotherhood crew and that the bullet that hit him actually ricochets off and hits Him while He is protecting Jesse Pinkman.

    What a tragic and equally fitting conclusion to the Greatest Television Show of All-Time.

    Once more:

    Edited to add: Bryan Cranston won three Emmy Awards in a Row for playing Walter White. Aaron Paul won two Emmy for portraying Jesse Pinkman. "Breaking Bad" just Won the Emmy for Best Outstanding Drama Series. The Emmy's are like the Oscars/Academy Awards of Television. They are voted on by Their Peers and Contemporaries, not the Public. Their Wins were not a Popularity contest. They won on Their Merits because "Breaking Bad" deserves Every Accolade that can be given to a Television Show that will be talked about, Loved, Watched, Etc... for the next 100+ years. (Walter White, I mean Bryan Cranston, is the equivalent of Jimmy Page. Both will go down in History as two of the Greatest Entertainers in the History of Entertainment).

    With all that said by me, Breaking Bad and Led Zeppelin will Outlive all of US for decades and Centuries to come. And that Makes Me Very Proud!!!

    hey,I agree,best frickin show I have ever seen from beginning to end!!!

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