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Posts posted by Trapper

  1. Excellent points being made here in this interesting topic. I think the guitar playing of JP is one of the reasons why we all love Led Zep.

    I for one like Page his playing live better than his playing on the studio albums. Sure, he could be sloppy, he made mistakes and missed notes, but he took the studio songs so much further. And most important: there's so much 'feel' there.

    I like Toto and Dire Straits for instance. I like the solos in Hold the Line and Rosanna. But it in the end....it all sounds too 'clean'. Too polished. Too 'eighties'. I like my rock 'n' roll dirty. Imperfect. Warts and all. And with a lot of feel. Handsful of soul. That's why I LIKE Toto and Dire Straits for example. But that's why I LOVE Led Zeppelin.

  2. For me it was Whole Lotta Love. My father used to play that song from cassette when we were driving in our car. I was very young, but I can remember I was totally blown away by this wild song! :)

    Other tapes my father used to put on while driving the car were Emerson, Lake & Palmer, The Stones, Sabbath and David Bowie, among others. To this day I thank my father for letting me hear all that fantastic music when I was young. If I ever have childeren of my own I will make sure to introduce them to the great music made in the sixties and seventies. :)

    - peace all -

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