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Posts posted by Popeyedrums

  1. Hi everyone!

    I want to chime in that I like both the Firm and Coverdale/Page, but I hear them as being so different so depending on the mood I am in I might lean towards one over the other.

    I realize that many people are "offended" that Pagey would work with Coverdale, and David's influence might have "80'd" the sound of the songs, but everyone would have to admit that Page BURNED on that album from start to finish.

    I feel very strongly that if they had used a drummer more like Jason, Michael Lee, Cozy Powell (can't think if he was even alive but he is a good example), Tommy Aldridge or anyone with more "live & open" drum sound, that this collaboration would have been more accepted by classic rock fans. I would definitely listen to it more but i hate the drum sound for that type of music. It sounds wimpy. Denny Carmassi is a great drummer, but he has a very "shallow", "dry" and "controlled" drum sound. That can change the feel of a song very drastically. Especially because his snare sound is so "dry". His drum sound is actually almost the exact opposite of those drummers I mentioned above, with maybe the exception of Cozy Powell. Cozy also liked a "dryer" drum sound for a "rock drummer" although being a power player he still had some "depth" to his snare, kick drum and toms.

    A good example of what i am trying to describe is try listening to the original version of Heart's Barracuda and comparing it a version with the line up that included Carmassi. It does not have the same "feel" even though he may be playing it note for note. I realize that any version with Carmassi playing the drums on it is probably live, and some situations back then he used electronic toms but he usually used a "real" snare and that only makes my point more. Obviously the sound of a studio album versus a live album will have some differences because of all the variables added to the live recording but the drum sound is what it is and should actually gain some "depth" and "fullness" live. Denny's drum kit actually sounds weaker when he is live. Check it out and then picture Coverdale/Page with a real drum sound. AWESOME!


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