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Posts posted by chicago73

  1. Reading the book "Stevie Ra Vaughan - Caught in the Crossfire". Here's an exerpt referring to Stevie's older brother and idol, Jimmie:

    "Jimmie's greatest contribution was putting the guitar back in its rightful place as an ensemble piece, a discovery that would still reverberate in music circles twenty years later. The average pimple-pocked American male teenager still believed that Jimmy Page and Eric Clapton invented the blues. It was time to educate them that the guitar was more than a big dick in the hand of an Englishman with a shag haircut."


  2. About 40 minutes til the new Family Guy!!!! Watching the American Music Awards until then. Waiting to see if there will be any actual "music". Haven't seen or heard any yet and it's not looking too hopeful. Looks like a bad Vegas stage show so far. Maybe I"ll spend the 40 minutes doing something more fun and entertaining - like maybe changing the cat's litter box or rearranging my sock drawer. Ho hum..............Family Guy; love it!!!

  3. Sweet! A great friend of mine is an electrician for Thyssen Krupp - I never saw their logo before. Thanks for putting it up.

    I don't have a photo that I can post but -

    This past February at Carlos & Charlie's in Cozumel I spotted a PG album cover on the wall by the cashier. Snorkeling was spectacular - Mohitos were fabulous - company was close & hilarious - the island is paradise beyond doubt - but it was the PG cover that really made my day! (Well, maybe that's an exaggeration, but it was way cool)

  4. I believe the topics of religious and political beliefs spark endless debates and there is plenty of proof of that on this thread!

    In answer to the original question, my mind is open to the possibility of the existence of big foot, the swamp monster, loch ness monster, Atlantis, Valhalla, Avalon, the chupacabra, mermaids, werewolves, vampires, dragons, sea monsters and all of other things mentioned in this thread and anything not mentioned. OK, so they haven't been "proven" to exist. Well, they haven't been "proven" not to exist, either.

    I definitely believe in magick, ghosts and alternate planes of existence, because I've had personal experiences in them.

    As far as God, or whatever any religious group lables their supreme being, I have FAITH he exists.


  5. I just had the ISO Figure Skating Championships on the TV (ESPN) while surfing the web, and what to my wondering ears should appear? An ice dance to a cover of SIBLY. Slow and jazzy style with a female vocalist. Although I think the band and vocalist were great, I didn't care for the cover. So now I'm going to turn off the tube and listen to the Allman Brothers w/ Derek Trucks - Hittin' the Note album - lovin the bros and wishin I could go to Bonnaroo amd scheming up a way to make it happen!

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