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Fire Paramedic

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Everything posted by Fire Paramedic

  1. I would like to say, what a run these guys had between 1969 through 1979., a hole decade of extraordinary success, and arguably second to none, Led Zeppelin was king growing up in the 70’s with other legionary bands, such as YES, Genesis, Rolling Stones, Deep Purple, ELP, Moody Blues etc., Led Zeppelin was really the band that most kids admired growing up including huge followings in Jr., and High School with Tee shirts and dedicated following that were passionate that never faltered, which still exists today, which is remarkable to say the least. Here is the kicker to this post. I was never a fan, I was a fan of ELP, YES, Genesis etc. However, the respect for Led Zeppelin is monumental and Jimmy Page is one of my guitar hero’s. Isn’t that one for ages. P.S I hope Led Zeppelin live on such as Bach, Mozart, Beethoven etc., thank you, Led Zeppelin for making such an impact on Rock&Roll, hopefully remembered for centuries!…….
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