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Posts posted by norwich_fc

  1. me-1.jpg

    You guys here look really cool! Then again, what do you expect with Zeppelin fans!? By the way, did you know there is a symbol that combines a question mark and an exclamation mark, called an interrobang!? Best word ever, and I could really do with one now...

  2. We had a pretty heated discussion on this very subject this evening. I personally believe that there is nothing at all supernatural in the world. There is no hard evidence to back up such claims. But at the same time, whilst it is impossible to disprove such (crackpot) theories, nor can we deny 100% their existence. And to be honest their are some equally ridiculous theories in science. At the end of the day, I personally don't care an awful lot about what is true and what is a sham - my life is too short to try to disuade one group from another. As long as I live a decent life, note only have I lived as you'd hope most decent people would, but hopefully (although, let's be honest God is a pretty big control freak if He exists) I got myself a decent shot in the afterlife after I die. You can probably tell from these ramblings, that it was a somewhat drunken disussion.

  3. The search for this place is shit - I tried to search for my current favourite band 'Brand New' and I got an error. Would love there to be a discussion on this, frankly ludicrously good, band, but alas, it seems there is not.

    But anyway yeh, listening almost constantly to their Devil and God are Raging Inside Me album. That and Deja Entendu are basically all my ears are being subject to at the moment. They have rarely had it so good.

  4. What a nice, friendly looking bunch of people. Haha, kissing tiny flowers - like it!

    I don't think you can really tell, but I'd just drank some cheap, dodgy alcopop (I know I'm not a teenage girl, but they're CHEAP!) and my tongue has turned a funny colour.


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