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david ball

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Everything posted by david ball

  1. yep, that was what i was gettin' at. don't know what page was thinking.....
  2. sorry folks, but paul rogers just doesn't cut it. he couldn't do it with free, he couldn't do it with bad company, he couldn't do it with the firm, and he couldn't do it with queen. i love jimmy page, but even the yardbirds released the "little games" album. speaking of little games, if they had not gone with mickey most and captured the sound glimpsed at in the "bbc" recordings, there might not have been a led zep (gasp!). alas, while i regret the passing of the "most blueswailing" band, led zep was basically a logical continuation of the same. plant could not only sing, he could wail on the blues harp. jonesy not only played the bass, he had great creative insight like paul samwell-smith (remember "no quarter"?) bonzo.........good lord. i'm not knocking jim mccarty, but there had never been a drummer like bonzo. it was the yardbirds, only BETTER. paul rogers? no comparison. no offense to pagey for trying, though. we appreciated the effort.
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