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Posts posted by tralf

  1. Greetings,

    One thing I have noticed about Page's playing is how he strums "up" often times. Starting at the high e string and strumming up to the low E string. For me that sound is very characteristic of his style. But I agree with the other remarks that mention his unique chord rhythms, and of course his Les Paul and the wah.


    Happy Saturday- Tralf

  2. Greetings,

    I think that it would be a total lift. Just imagine what they might be able to put out. Think of a tune in memory of John Bonham played by his own son among other things. It might be something that could really inspire people and if they were to use the proceeds to support whatever charities they would choose, it could really be a positive thing. Not to mention breathing life back into music form that could use it. It would be a total groove.

    IMO of course...

    regards- Tralf

  3. Okay (stretches and prepares for the worst), yes, Jimmy swapped to KT88s, but his volume was just set a 4-7 depending on venue. Not speaker blowing territory when you look at his rig.

    As for heroin, he (as far as I know) never shot with a needle. It was mostly coke with a little smack cut in. Clearly the set had gotten routine by '75. The magic was Bonham by then. He was the beating heart. The improv was gone for the most part. Tight but loose, yes, but the song didn't remain the same. People always want to blame it on the drugs. But it wasn't the drugs. At least not then. It was the road. The lifestyle across the board took its toll. It was just too big. By '77, the groupies weren't getting the services rockstar Page was delivering in '72. It was a diet of banana daiquiries and magazine interviews. Creem magazine painted the iconic picture. But it took Karac's death to plunge Jimmy into full-on self destruction. Yeah, Jimmy was doing some smack in '77, but that's not what broke him. It was the circus around him. It was off the rails (no pun intended), not the dope. That was present yes, but only took over when there was no Zeppelin, when he was sequestered in his home wondering if his band was over. Zeppelin was a band on autopilot in '77, not a band too fucked up to play. There was so much swirling around them. Like I said, it just got so big. It became more about the show than the performance, if you can follow my meaning. The exploration of the music took a back seat, and the spectacle took over. It wasn't the drugs. That happened later.

    Greetings all,

    Evster, thanks for this post. You state just about everything I was trying to get my head around in order to respond. 1977 was just a few years before Ronnie and maybe 2 years after the Sex Pistols broke in the US. The late 70's were a truly weird time, albeit not as strange as these days. Things had changed greatly. Rock and Roll would never be the same. It had become a Behemoth, and many great talents were consumed. It was all about to be packaged and neutered. I feel so glad that JP was not another casualty , especially now after 02. All in all we are lucky that JP was still here to play in such good form just over a month ago. Something I never imagined would happen.


  4. look for the homemade cult film "Heavy Metal Parking Lot", filmed entirely at the Cap Centre before a Judias Priest show in the early 80's.

    Yeah What a great film! Totally classic, thanks for reminding me of that one.I wonder if Netflix has it.. I had forgotten that I saw this back several years ago. Great Flick!


  5. Greetings,

    Back on the forum again, it has been a while. Four Sticks has been one of my favorite Zeppelin songs ever since I was in 6th grade home sick listening to IV over and over again. A great riff, with as spooky and psychedelic tone as any song ever was. I have never understood why it is panned in many of the books that look at the music of the group. I am glad to see that there are others out there who like as well.

    Cheers- Tralf

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