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Jimmy's A Legend

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Posts posted by Jimmy's A Legend

  1. hhhhhhheeeeeeeyyyyy been a while since Ive been on here! Missed this place...but good to be back with my silver fox n dark angel...mwhahaha...

    Alex...if ur on...this post is for yoooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuu :D






  2. I got a really bad boot of May 24 Earls court '75 and about half way through the image was so crap! it was nothing but blurred darkened figures and the sound quality was seriously poor I couldn't understand anything! Not to mention whoever got the DVD done had the setlist with 'In the evening' song on it :S

    Yeh didn't buy from that guy again, I had to re-buy the boot <_<

  3. Hey, people! Good work!

    Here's mine:

    Ok, Jimmy's birthday! I did this on his birthday on Saturday around noon and wanted to post it directly afterwards, but then the internet was dying on me. It’s now Monday I know, but it is the first time the internet works for more than just two minutes and I hope long enough for me to post it finally… Stupid Internet…

    Ohkay, exactly 40 years ago (on Saturday...) was the gig in the Royal Albert Hall - Jimmy's 26th birthday. So this was drawn in remembrance of it - and also in remembrance of his Black Beauty, which he lost shortly afterwards. (by the way, I noticed on Sunday, that the body of the Black Beauty is too small...)

    Uhm, the pose with the Whiskey glass didn't happen on stage... But I wanted to draw him with the guitar and he played it on the three encores. Just imagine the four boys going out and celebrating his birthday after the concert ^^

    So, well, Happy 66th Birthday, Mr. Page! I hope he'll stay well (and tours ^^ and comes to Austria) and gorgeous and all!

    I had a drink on him Saturday night at the Laurel Leaf that night (or two...or three...)


    Have fun with it!

    Oh this is absolutly gorgeous, I love how you capture him so beautifully! It's wonderful, I love your drawings!! :thumbsup:

  4. pagey32575.jpg

    Have a wonderful birthday, my everdazzeling darling....and a fantastic 2010. :D:D

    Oh Alex! :o this is stunning!! Oh this is wonderful! You've captured him beautifully, and I love how you've done the shirt!

    My little contribution, not perfect but, happy birthday Jimmy :D


    This is gorgeous too, I really love how you've done the hair...I can so feel the softness of it ;)

  5. Found out I got an A on my Pre-Calculus exam

    Yay :cheer: well done on that :D


    What made me happy today: I saw a man on the street with his dog and bought him a coffee and croissant, thing is what really made me do it was the fact that it's so bloody cold over here.

  6. Hi!

    First things first: Diana-loura, that drawing is great!

    Well, I haven't been here for weeks... But I come back with a Zeppelin drawing (ALL of them, this time!)

    This is my Led Zeppelin Christmas share. I especially did this for the christmas contest of a Led Zeppelin fan club on deviant Art, but I'm not sure, if there are enough participants ^^ I did it anyway.

    Well, what does it have to do with Christmas? In Austria it is tradition to have several so-called "Christkindlmärkte" (they also exist in Germany, but there they are called "Weihnachtsmärkte", so "Christmas Markets"). Alone in Vienna there are nearly twenty of them. This tradition is very old - the first real Christkindlmarkt (like it is today) dates back into the 18th century.

    Since 1975, the biggest Christkindlmarkt (and the best-known, but also most commercialised) is in front of the Viennese Rathaus (town hall) - and herein fits my drawing. Imagine Led Zep in 1975 at the Rathaus Christkindlmarkt. Today it is tradition to drink "Punsch" (I don't know the English word - is it "punch"?) there - I don't know if it was sold in 1975 already... But on my drawing it is. The four Zep boys drinking Punsch at the Christkindlmarkt (judging from their looks, they already had several of them ^^)

    So, now, I messed up Bonzo again... Jonesy is tolerable (again) and Jimmy and Robert look really good (especially their drunk grins). I don't know, I thought that earmuffs fit to Jimmy (don't ask me why ), Santa-hats fit to Robert and Jonesy and I thought a Russian cap would fit to Bonzo. But then I had no reference-pic of a Russian cap and I had to improvise - and now look what happened to it! Ah, what a shame... Poor Bonzo, I always mess him up...

    Anyway, Merry Christmas to all of you!



    OMG OMG!! I love it! love it love it love!!! Thank you, it's wonderful, Love how you've done Jimmy :D and you havn't messed up Bonzo, he's wonderful.

    I love your drawings. I love it!! :thumbsup:

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