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Let's get our terms straight!

chef free

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I've noticed that people are using a few bootleg recording terms rather loosely. Here are the definitions used by me and many of my friends/trading buddies:

Patched: A recording with missing parts "patched" in with a different (lower quality) source. This helps keep the flow of the show from being too rudely interupted by tape flips.

Merge: A recording made using two or more sources "merged" together throughout the recording. This is usually an attempt to make two or more low quality audience recordings sound a little better.

Matrix: A recording made from a soundboard source and a high quality audience source mixed together. This can make an excellent listening expirence with the clear vocals and drums of the soundboard balanced with the roar of the guitar and crowd that you get with an audience recording. Plus it's cool when you think "WOW!" right as the audience erupts.

Any other opinions?

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