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Posts posted by ~Bonnie~

  1. 1)I went to a Children Of Bodom concert last night!

    2)I made a new concert buddy!

    3)I drank lots of Screwdrivers until the wee hours of the morning!

    4)I didn't get any speeding tickets on either the way there or the way home!!(and no, I didn't drive home hammered, I stayed there overnight ;))

  2. Myspace. Because:

    1) Danzig finally got an account.

    2) The new music player is AWESOME!

    3) I found an old friend & his new band. Perhaps I will go to a gig. Hopefully his gf and her sis will be there! They're so much fun. It's totally my fault on the whole not keeping in touch thing...



    With her consent: 12 Calories

    Without her consent: 2,187 Calories


    With both hands: 8 Calories

    With one hand: 12 Calories

    With your teeth: 485 Calories


    With an erection: 6 Calories

    Without an erection: 3,315 Calories


    Missionary: 12 Calories

    69 lying down: 78 Calories

    69 standing up: 812 Calories

    Wheelbarrow: 216 Calories

    Doggy Style: 326 Calories

    Italian chandelier: 2,912 Calories


    Real: 112 Calories

    Fake: 1,315 Calories


    Lying in bed hugging: 18 Calories

    Getting up immediately: 36 Calories

    Explaining why you got out of bed immediately: 816 Calories


    If you are:

    20-29 years--36 Calories

    30-39 years--80 Calories

    40-49 years--124 Calories

    50-59 years--1,972 Calories

    60-69 years--7,916 Calories

    70 and over--Results are still pending


    Calmly...: 32 Calories

    In a hurry: 98 Calories

    With her father knocking at the door: 5,218 Calories

    With your wife knocking at the door: 13,521 Calories

    Results may vary!


    Right now, as you read this,

    69 Million People are having SEX!

    And you're on the computer!!!

  4. I have the day off from work today and tomorrow. My child's daycare is closed to prepare for the transition from all day daycare to after school program. So I kinda had to take the time off. So I got the rest of the school shopping done and cleaned the apt up a bit. It needed it...but now it looks nice and inhabitable again. :D

  5. http://tampabay.com/features/humaninterest/article750838.ece

    Reading that article and having it reaffirm my faith in humanity. The adoptive parents deserve some kind of award or immediate sainthood for what they've done. At least that little girl will know what a loving, warm, REAL family is like, even if she can't utter a word.

    I thank God that nice couple took her in. They are saints.

    But I still feel totally disturbed by this story. For one thing: there were 3 other adults living in the house with the mother--the 2 grown sons and the mother's boyfriend. Apparently everyone thought it okay for this little girl to be treated that way?? No one interacted with this little girl? I can't imagine not ever picking up a child and hugging them, or talking to them, or playing--my son is 7, and I still feel the occasional need to be the tickle monster, chasing him through the apt yelling "I'm gonna get you!!" I can't believe, that in a house with 4 adults, that no one gave her any food to eat, no one clothed or bathed her? And apparently everyone was ok with the human and animal feces all over the entire house--that amount of filth was ok?? Seriously? Yes, life is hard--but why weren't all able-bodied members of the household working, earning paychecks and trying to better their situation? There is no excuse for it. I mean, even if you want to sit around on your ass all day and be lazy as all hell: You can get housing assistance. You can get food stamps. You can get welfare. You can get medicaid. You can get WIC until your child is 5. You can even get assistance from non-government organizations such as the Salvation Army. As a parent, I can't even imagine this. I no longer feel bad about not being able to take my son out to the movie theater as often as I'd like.

  6. Ok, so like, we've been having this "fitness challenge" at work for the past week. This year we are doing the "sculpture walk" where we're supposed to walk around down town and look at the sculptures. I overdid it yesterday because I was powerwalking, and so my legs were a bit sore. So I was checking them out. And I noticed--my thighs do not touch each other! Even when my knees touch, the thighs do not!! I have been working out, on my own for three weeks, so I'm sure that probably helped. I don't know how long the thigh fat has been missing, but today was the first time I actually noticed. I am sooo happy. YAY!! :D

  7. Is he good looking? Good looking guys don't usually have a problem.

    Yes i had a good time. :D Didn't meet any cool women but the music and food were good.

    I could post a pic I guess but my looks would not blow anyone away. No one here is really missing anything. I don't really get a lof of compliments on my looks from women. Maybe that would improve my outlook. :blink::blink:

    Please do....

  8. Today at work, a couple of our departments were switching desks, so that all the phone people would be in the same area, and it would be quieter for the rest of the floor. I didn't have to move because I only do enrollment, but I helped out anyways because two of our girls were out of the office. So then, later, one of my work friends gave me a ginormous cream-filled cupcake--"because I helped so much." SCORE!!! I wasn't even expecting it, but I certainly wasn't going to turn it down! :D It was so deliciously fattening, you could almost feel it going straight to your hips....

  9. No such luck. :( I met a couple women but not in a good way. I don't want to talk about it in this thread because this is a happy thread. But to make a long story short i am on the verge of giving up on women altogether. :angry:

    That bad, huh?

  10. I know!

    ...I think walking out of that place would make you feel like you needed a wire brush to scrub yourself clean.. :blink:

    Thank God I've never had to be a whore to make money. :lol:

    Yeah, poor Spats is probably pretty traumatised by now...

  11. 800px-WildKat_Ranch_brothel_in_Mineral_County,_Nevada.jpg

    Or this one. We drove past this one on our way to Idaho from Palm Springs...LOL

    My boyfriend had told me all about how they tried to "classy up" the trailers by adding Roman Columns.

    Yeah, them's right there sure is some fancy houses.

  12. He's probably tied up in a pit in someone's basement with someone saying to him:

    "He puts the lotion on the skin, or he gets the hose again..."


    Maybe certain board members made good on their threat of kidnapping him and forcing him to have sex with hookers....

  13. Going out with my buddies tonight to get something to eat and meet women. Hopefully something good happens. And i don't have to pay for it tonight so that helps. :D:D

    He must've met someone, as we haven't heard from him since this.....

  14. OOoh, Danzig! What's your fave song, Bonnie?

    Also, what made me happy today: bf ruining camping plans with me to go with his brother. Oh, wait, that's what PISSED ME OFF today :( Is there one of those threads? So I'll try again.

    What made me happy today: knowing that my stupid bf had to work, and has a whole week of work ahead of him, while *I* don't have to and can lazy about at my leisure! AHAHA!

    There's quite a few, actually! I love his voice. A few songs I like: Black Angel, White Angel; Stalker Song; I Luciferi; Pretty much all of III.....

  15. Jack Black has done well with women because he is a celebrity. If Jack was Joe schmo walking down your street i don't think women would be giving him the time of day. You can say that about a lot of celebs.

    I don't know about that, he seems like a sweetheart with a great sense of humor. Girls like that in a guy. I think he'd do ok as a non-celeb.

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