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Lake of Shadows

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Posts posted by Lake of Shadows

  1. Who 'returned'...Levee? I never knew he'd "gone." :blink: But ...cool.




    damn, that's as good as having my jerkoff neighbor's toilet fixed Monday morning!!!!!!

    I finally slept like a baby last night!!! :zzz:

    What she said ... :goodpost:

    I don't often swear, let alone swear really badly, but ... THANK FUCK FOR THAT!

    :party: <some smileys deleted from quote due to limit on # of emoticons allowed>

    Actually Spats, I chose NOT to. I kept away from "your" thread because if I were to read any more of your self-pitying, never-ending, "for-God's-sake-change-the-record" whining, I swear I would throw something big and heavy through the nearest window. I just kept seeing "your" thread on the list of new posts, sighing to myself and wondering when it would all end. Well, at last it has, and that made me happy.

    But now you are all over the board like an unpleasant rash, posting your repetitive whines about your love life anywhere you can - so maybe it would have been better to keep you contained in one place, so to speak. Ah well.

    Just realised - this would have been better in the "Pet Peeves" thread. Sorry folks, :offtopic: - well, sort of.

    That's exactly why I started 'his' thread... now y'all can enjoy everything all over the place... just like it was before it was more or less kept to one thread.

    I hope everybody smiles and parties at every post they come across in every thread that becomes at least temporarily 'jacked.

    ...and for the record... no, I'm not pissed that the thread got deleted. I didn't go there much at all... but [sarcasm alert] I'm looking forward to all the posts bitching about Spats' posts everywhere, etc. [/sarcasm]. Y'all got what you wanted. Enjoy.

  2. We don't have the option of early voting, so I'll be doing my bit on Tues. My daughter has done her absentee ballot which I'll get to hand deliver on Monday.

    We both know how our state is going to go, but we voted our conscience(s?) anyway.

    Rock Action... I wrote in Colin Powell in '96 when I couldn't go with either candidate. Yes, I knew the vote would be a 'throw away', but I wanted to 'make a statement' anyway... even if I was the only one who knew or cared. B)

    edited for typo stupidity

  3. It was a chilly and rainy day today. I took a nap this afternoon. I rarely get to do that, but a nap during a rainy, chilly afternoon was just wonderful.

    Anyway, g'nite folks... I'm headed to bed... and that also makes me happy today. :)

  4. Steve,this probably doesn't belong on your thread,but if anyone knows,it's gotta be you.

    Do Page and Plant have direct lines of communication with each other?

    I mean,could Jimmy dial Robert up and say,"Robert,what's with this 'watch your sorghum drip,can't keep away'stuff?Has Nashville muddled your belfry?"

    Or Robert.."Jimmy, we're a little east of Tupelo,eating a fine meal of pork chops and fried okra.They have velvet Elvis tapestries here.How many do you need?"

    Kidding aside,I'm curious if they can dial each other up...or do they have to go through "handlers"to talk one on one?

    I can just about picture JPJ number listed in the public directory.Unassuming.

    Is it a situation of "have my people get in touch with your people"or is it more personable when rock royalty deals with rock royalty?

    Well who can guess as to the dynamic of their relationship? I am sure that with some business decisions, things are handled by management, which is not uncommon. One of the most important functions of an agent/manager is to insulate their client from potentially stressful or embarrassing situations. They now have different representation which apparently made the O2 negotiations more complex.

    However, I do remember in a recent (last 10 years) interview, Jimmy was asked if he and Robert still talk, and Jimmy's response was something like;

    "The other day I was getting the family ready to go out for the day and the phone rang. It was Robert on for a chat and I said 'Christ, Robert I've got everybody in the car, can't talk now'." He went on to say they talk fairly regularly.

    I have noticed recently that there is a phenomenon where people think that having an 'entourage' is a desirable thing. Having 'people' to do things for you had become the goal, and not a product of success. But it's a drag, it's not a healthy way to be.

    RP and JP are good mates, they both did their best work with each other, and have known each other for decades through all sorts of trials and good times. I very much doubt they would insulate themselves from each other in that way.

    Actually, not that it matters that much as the point is the same, but the interview was with Robert, from Blender, 2002.

    Q. How did your last telephone call with Jimmy Page go?

    A. What an excellent question. It was December 21, 2001. I said, "Hey, Jim, how's it going?" He said, "Oh, Christ, I can't talk now; everybody's in the car waiting to go." That was it. Word for word. I've seen him since, but that was the last telephone call I had with him.

    [sorry to be such an anorak! I imagine things have changed since 2001, anyway.]

    Jimmy Page, Robert Plant and John Paul Jones can and most assuredly do call each other directly. One such occasion was in 1987 when Robert called Jimmy to invite him to come to the studio and contribute to his 'Now & Zen' album. A date was arranged and Jimmy recorded solos for 'Heaven Knows' and 'Tall Cool One' in just one afternoon.

    In November 1983 Jimmy rang up Paul Rodgers to inquire if he fancied playing with him on the ARMS tour in America…Paul readily accepted. When he got to Los Angeles the

    following month he immediately called Richard Cole. Jimmy also maintained a tradition of calling Ronnie Lane every year on his birthday (April 1st) to express birthday wishes and warm regards. These are a few examples of Jimmy reaching out to touch someone so to speak.

    In contrast, Slash and Axl Rose haven't spoken directly to one another for nearly eight years and not long ago Axl went so far as to have Slash turned away from attending a Guns n Roses gig but then their relationship is far more acrimonious.

    Looks like the answer is yes...

    Collaboration is indeed the key.

    ... and Aquamarine, I still haven't gotten used to that use of the word 'anorak'. To me, it's a kind of jacket or coat. :lol:

  5. My boyfriend talking about things like buying me a ring :)

    As in... THE ring. THAT ring. We've only been dating for about 9 months, though, and I told him to wait another half a year.

    It was something which totally cheered me up, tho, cuz apparently someone was throwing my name all over the board the other day... ugh. BUT NOW I AM HAPPY. Yays :)

    Wise words. I'm glad you're happy. Yays indeed. :yay:

    BTW, love your sig!!! B)

  6. My sympathies too Lakey, also to you Del.

    My 23 year old Arab mare is profoundly lame now, messed up the annular ligament in her left rear hock. She's been ridiculously healthy and sound her entire life, in fact the exam for this was the first time she'd had a large dose of sedative and she was a cheap drunk, practically fell on top of the vet. She's been my best friend for a long time, gave me a beautiful filly 8 years ago, and she's off to surgery in a few weeks. Even if it turns out well, as the vet says it will, it's a whisper of things to come, and is very upsetting. They're such spiritual and giving creatures, I can't even stand to think about it.

    Best of luck to both of you... and I'm glad you get to enjoy such a friend.

    About this race and racing in general... good heavens, Eight Belles gave it her all, probably only second because of her injuries, which were probably worsening with each stride, and she was only out run by the best horse in years. I know horses love to work, love to run, and I don't have anything against racing per se. But it's a sin and a crime to run them so young, and to have a field that huge, with one filly in a huge group of colts. Doesn't anyone in that business have a lick of sense? That was a nasty display of human greed.

    I was in Louisville on business a few years ago and had some time on my hands, so I went to Churchill Downs, where a quiet little meet was going on. Very few people about. Never been so close to the track before and was watching the horses up close, a field of two year olds. Absolute babies, terrified and pushed way beyond their limits. It was eye opening and quite nauseating.

    There's enough money in this game that there should be a law against racing horses younger than four years old, far as I'm concerned. Make fun of PETA if you must, but these fantastic animals don't deserve to be exploited literally to death as Eight Belles was.

    The age horses are raced at is much too young IMO as well. Run a horse as a two year old and they retire from racing at age 5 or so. A lot of horses (non-racing ones anyway) are just reaching their prime at that age. Most non-racing horses aren't even trained for riding until they're two... or three.


    Well, my biggest problem with the sport is just that the age seems to be a bit too young for the bone development. Eight Belles stood something like 17 hands, she was a big horse. And even if most of the injuries happen long before a day like this one... and are more commonly ligament related. It still causes me to stop a wonder about the bone development.

    I think a lot of injuries are due to cumulative stress/injury. I think they're pushed too far, too fast.

    I think of it like some of the Olympic athletes we have. Some of the sports have very young contestants... 16 year old, sometimes even 13-14 year old gymnasts and skaters, etc... so you know they started at much younger ages than that... and they're retired by the time they hit their twenties.

    Did anybody hear what actually happened? Was it a mis-step after the finish, or something else? I saw Big Brown spook just after he turned around. But I never saw Eight Belles go down.

    In regards to PETA, I have heard them make some good points on many aspects of this sport and others. But since they are such a radical fringe in my opinion, most of their arguements end up falling onto deaf ears. They can bring up issues about the training in this sport, and the rules that allow for such young horses to race. But when some of their members go out and throw red paint on people wearing fur, or stand outside a McDonalds shouting "meat is murder" as moms and kids are arriving to have a 'Happy Meal'... they lose all credibilty. I don't know if you said you are a member of that group or not. But they would need to fix their organization before they stand much of a chance of convincing change in other areas of our culture. IMO.

    I didn't hear yet exactly what happened, but I did see some of the footage briefly... and I don't care to watch it again.

    I understand what you're saying about PETA and I agree with some of it. They ARE extreme and I don't agree with some of their stances or their way of bringing attention to it. However, as extreme as they are, and regardless of their credibility, they do bring things to the public's attention. As a result, some folks start looking at the issues raised and sometimes things get changed. Turning lab animals loose that have never been 'free' can be really foolish and ironically dangerous for the lab animals... BUT the way lab animals are obtained, treated during their 'careers', discarded afterwards, etc. have been changed as a result.

    (But then, I tend to think that 'radical fringe groups' serve a very valuable purpose... and that is to get attention placed upon issues that otherwise aren't considered, or maybe even known. Sometimes that is what it takes. I often don't think the radical 'solutions' these groups come up with are practical or appropriate... but the change that does result may very well not come about without the radical fringe element making a lot of noise about the issue at hand.

  7. Yeah, I can hear PETA having a hayday as a result of todays injury at the Derby. Although I suppose these types of injuries are to be expected when an animal of this young age is made to compete at this level. So much muscle mass and speed on bones that are not fully developed.

    But that being said, anyone who allows a Thoroughbred to be bred knowing of a problem is a piece of shit. Right now a friend of mine is just about to have her horse put down due to scale four lameness. She had tried over the last two years to rehabilitate the horse to at least be sound enough to trail ride. However, unfortunatly the horse is only getting worse. But the sick thing is; you would be shocked at how many breeders want my friend to "donate" her horse to them for breeding anyway. So damn irresponsible and greedy of some breeders.

    Kudos to your friend. Unfortunately, there are a lot of unscrupulous folks, and not just Thoroughbred breeders either.

    A few weeks ago we had to put down our 29 year old retired racing Quarter Horse. Some folks would've sold her at auction a few years ago, but we wouldn't... she'd been a good broodmare for us, and deserved to have a decent retirement. It was a rough event though. She had a lot of heart and "there wasn't any quit in her"... so she was almost literally dead on her feet after the sedation but she wouldn't go down, and her trying to stay on her feet made it difficult to get the actual euthanasia drugs in her. It was all reflex and instinct at that deep level... I don't think she was really even concious, but it was hard... real hard. I was in tears, the vet tech nearly was, and the vet was upset... said it was the toughest one he'd ever done. Despite that, it was still the right thing to do, no doubt about it.

    As usual a horse had to be put down again. <_<<_<

    Makes me sick!

    They should drug test them, due to so much corruption in horse racing. Scary. :(

    They do get drug tested.

    It is very sad. But the horses are very well treated. Treated better than the jockeys. It doesnt happen often. It just gives the sport a black eye when it happens in such a big race witnessed by so many. You may watch racing for a year and not see this. But unfortunatley it happened two years in a row in Triple Crown. Big Brown is going to break the thirty year hex.

    That's for the horses that make it that far. A lot of horses don't ever get to the track due to injuries during training, starting gate accidents, etc. We've had a couple Thoroughbreds and several Quarter Horses with racing pedigrees. I won't go into details on some of the 'mistakes' that were made, but there are a couple of trainers we won't ever have anything to with again. It was ignorance or indifference, but either way, we won't repeat that mistake again.

    ... and Big Brown... go for it!

  8. What's up with these "vs" threads? Hendrix, Page, Van Halen are all incredible in their own right. When you get as good as these guys were/are, it's just a matter of opinion, and that's it.

    It's because threads on 'mine is bigger than yours' are kinda discouraged... some twit would want to post pics as proof or something... and we can't have that now, can we?


  9. So now the Stone Temple Pilots are getting back together and touring. What is the deal with the future of Velvet Revolver? Does anyone have the word on that?

    The STP reunion will be short lived, just for the sake of a short tour. VR isn't going anywhere, there will be more. :)

    Got that info from a Slash interview, so it's most likely reliable.

    Ahh, that's good to hear... err, I mean that's good to know... and will be good to hear. B)

  10. Recent Purchases...

    Libertad- Velvet Revolver

    Icky Thump- White Stripes

    Jimi Hendrix at the Monterey Pop Festival (the dvd)

    a skynyrd compilation (I forget the exact name of the cd...)

    (I love gift cards). B)

    edited to add a couple I forgot...

    Dream Street Rose - Gordon Lightfoot

    Don't Say No - Billy Squire

    Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer- Dr. Elmo (this was a dud fer sure... glad it was only $6 :bagoverhead: )

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