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Broken Levee

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Posts posted by Broken Levee

  1. I made up a song for my son to the tune of yellow submarine. His nickname is "mama's booger".

    It goes, "mama's booo-ger is a boog, mama's bo-oo-ger, is a boog. This looks alot more stupid than I thought after I typed it out, but you get the picture.

  2. Though it may not necessarily apply to AC/DC, some bands such as Van Halen, Springsteen and Tom Petty were marketed as "punk rock" back in the mid to late 70s as it was the in thing then and was merely an effort to help move records.

    I can understand AC/DC and Van Halen. But not Tom Petty. Maybe a few songs like refugee or something. I was also surprised to hear he's been around since the 70's. I grew up in the 90's and I remember Tom Petty was ALWAYS on the radio and Mtv.

  3. I watched Zach and Miri make a porno. I really liked it. It's sort of a chick flick, but crude enough for a guy, which seems like Kevin Smith's specialty. There's always got to be a love story going on in midst of penis and fart jokes. But he's never let me down before!

  4. I used to go out with a guy like that. Notice the used to part :D

    "Unforgiven" is next, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow.

    I wonder what people are most looking forward to seeing. I really want to see the Wolverine movie (the ass who leaked it on the net is going to be blacklisted when caught), and also "Iron Man II" (LOVE Downey Jr.), "Public Enemies", and "Imanigarium..."

    I don't know if your into marvel, but it just seems like you are^ n e ways, there's gunna be a thor movie. I want to see that.

  5. My daughter's second name is Revolution, also thanks to the Beatles.

    (was quite cool giving her that name, cause after I gave her her name some official geezer who was stuck behind a phone walked up to me and told me it was inappropiate to give a child that name....I waved the paper at him that his colleague just had signed and asked him "what the fuck are ya gonna do about it then?")

    Fav album: The White Album, I was born on the day they recorded Ob La Di Ob La da, and thats on that one, also love it's diversity.

    Well I think that's a beautiful name.

  6. Just got 5 vinyls about a week ago. The Beatles, Abbey Road, Hard days night, Help, and Yesterday, and today. Got em at half priced books, someone must have brought them in at the same time, and I swiped them up fast. Oh yea, I also got Richard Pryor, that N@#$%^& crazy. Couldn't pass it up.

  7. It's good sometimes to go into something without expectations, you tend to enjoy it more and just see it for what it is rather than compare it to graphic novel/novel/play, etc. Adaptations are always tricky, and it seems to be especially so with Moore's projects.

    Alan Moore, the creator of "Watchmen" and many other great graphic novels, apparently vehemently hates the movies made from his work. I really liked "V for Vendetta", for instance, but couldn't sit through even 1/2 hour of "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen". But he doesn't seem to like any of them. Maybe there are some here who know more about Moore and can comment on his position in depth. Still, there's value in just seeing and appreciating a movie for itself. Good to know that "Watchmen" doesn't just appeal to the purists :)

    If I remember my boyfriends rambling correctly. Moore didn't even want watchmen to be a movie because the story would be changed, and sure enough it was. I think the same goes for v for vendetta because it was a graphic novel first.

  8. I saw Gran Torino a few weeks back - thought it was great.

    Last week I saw Watchmen with my boyfriend. He'd already read the graphic novel, so knew what was coming - I, however, did not. It was okay, and since it wasn't my type of thing to begin with, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

    The last movie I saw in theaters was watchmen also. AND, my boyfriend had also read the graphic novel, so not only did he know what was coming, he had to tell me every time something was different from the book. :rolleyes: My b/f is a dork.

  9. Led Zeppelin is my fav band and Bob Dylan is my GOD! His lyrics are like a bible to me.

    My favourite albums are Highway 61 revisited, Blonde on Blonde, Desire and Nashville Skyline.

    Right now I'm listening to Shelter from the Storm :)

    Same here, I find it hard to listen to anything else these days. I really love The Freewheelin bob dylan album. One of my favorite songs are masters of war. It has a really erie feel to it, with powerful lyrics.

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