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Posts posted by Starbreaker

  1. The weather! It's been awful lately. If not the pop-up thunderstorms that cause severe cloud-to-ground lightning and blinding downpours, it's the temps in the upper 90s and heat indexes in the upper 100s. Yesterday the heat index where I live got up to 110. Of course our neighbors next door are from Arizona and proudly tell everyone who complains about the heat that they're used to the actual air temps being 110 and therefore, we shouldn't bitch about this heat -- 94 in the shade is an arctic cold front to them.

    If I could get Northern summers with Southern winters, that would be splendid. dry.gif

    I know what you mean. It's especially fun when in the middle of cross country practice it goes from blistering hot to thunderstorms (our coach won't cancel practice unless there is a hurricane or something like that).

    What made me unhappy today was that our cross country team was trying to get people together to play ultimate-frisbee today but not enough people committed, so it got canceled. angry.gif

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