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Posts posted by zengac

  1. Okay, I started a thread called Jimmy's Pants! Enjoy! Here's another one of Robert... sorry if it's a duplicate... he's just sooooo worth repeating though!!! :D


  2. I believe that last pic I posted was from Japan in '72 .. but I'm not quite sure .. I'll check it out and get back to ya :)

    *edit* Here's the site where I found the last pic from:


    I'm sure there are plently more pics on the timeline section of the site here with Robert and the Union Jacket patch :)

    Kewl!! Thanks! I just can't seem to get enough of looking at this man!! :P

  3. I believe that last pic I posted was from Japan in '72 .. but I'm not quite sure .. I'll check it out and get back to ya :)

    Thanks! He looks incredible there... but then again, he always does! I'm trying out my new avatar...

  4. Some day I'd like to take a class on how to take the pic and turn it into a small....well....*cough, cough*....Sculpture.



    Small? Definitely NOT!!!! :lol: BTW... anyone know when the picture of him with the union jack patch (love the patches!) is from? What show? I need to see more of those!!

  5. Your welcome :) Here's some more!





    OMG! You're killin me here!! :D The first one I've seen but not the last two... He's magnificant and I can honestly say, other than perhaps my hubby, there is no other creature on this earth that does to me what he does. He is the only one my "if I ever run into him, I have my husband's permission to...." list!!!! Although, after seeing some of the hot Jimmy pics on this site, I think I may also have to include him as well!!! Thanks again! I always know where to come for a quick pick me up, that's for sure!!!!

  6. From what I've heard he didn't wear that either. At least not on stage.

    Okay, I must know your source! How does one learn of these things? I would love to be a student of such a subject!! :lol:

  7. I gotta say after watching a ton of YouTube clips from the reunion show, Robert still was pretty damn sexy......... there were some nice rear shots too. Of course I'm talking about the camera angle. :rolleyes:

    I wasn't at the show (boo-hoo) but I have also seen some of the videos and I agree. He couldn't possibly have been so sexy and lost it... he's still got it big time!!!

  8. Now while I FULLY agree that Robert's "jeans" are very nice, let's not forget the other side too! LOL His buttocks are sublime! B)


    OMG... yes, let's not forget the back of Robert's "jeans" now!!!! Ladies, I'm dying here... I had a dream last night that I was at a concert of just Robert's and it was recently because he looked like he does now... He came over to me and kissed me! Not even like a hot and heavy kind of kiss... but the sweetest kiss ever! Now of course, if that were real, the next thing to happen would've been me fainting... Needless to say, I woke up very happy today!!!! :wub:

  9. Oh I'm definitely thinking it's real :D ... even if it's not, though, Robert (and I think I speak for all of us)... we still love you to death! That's the great thing about him... there are so many gorgeous parts to him... his smile, his hair, his chest, his chest hair.... :D:lol: Once again, thank you thank you thank you for posting these pictures everyone... keep 'em comin'!!!


  10. This is one of those threads that sort of makes me hope Robert doesn't get curious about the forum, haha. That being said however, definitely time for more "jeans"!





    I kind of hope he does!! He should know how much we all like his, er, jeans, no?!! Nice pictures by the way... thanks for posting them. :D

  11. Haha, it's kind of hard to believe, isn't it? But after careful observation of Mick Jagger, who is a known pants-stuffer (lol!), Robert's pants just seem a little too "lumpy" for it just to be a sock, ya know? :lol:

    Oh I know EXACTLY what you mean!!! I've been staring at that for a long time now!!! :D

  12. LOL, i know! my hubby is jealous the way i get over him...LOL he came in the room one day while i was watching a video of him and had his pants stuffed with a huge wad of clothes in the area!? LMAO! i about died!!!! he says see i can look like Robert Plant! :hysterical:

    That's hysterical... sounds like something my hubby would do! So glad I'm not the only one who does this... I feel like such a teenager and I'm 40! But I can honestly say, I don't get this way about anyone else or any other music.. only LZ and only for my darling Robert! Do you think there is any coincidence to the fact that I married a man named Robert?!!! :lol:

  13. Robert is the most georgous man to ever be born!! thanks for all the wonderful photos of him! I adore him! he takes my breath away!!!!!!! :wub::wub::wub:

    I couldn't agree more! No wonder I have been in love with him for the past 27 years! My husband is so funny too, because he just doesn't see it. He just can't see what I see in this man. Oh boy, though, do I ever see it!!!!! :wub:

  14. I love this thread...I've had the worst day ever and just looking at those pics of the Golden God cheers me up!!! :)

    I know exactly what you mean. Today is the 6th anniversary of my dad's death so it's normally kind of a sad day. I'm of course thinking alot about my dad, but I also can't stop looking at this gorgeous man, I'm obsessed. I'm actually starting to think there is something wrong with me! Please convince me otherwise! LZ just makes me happy... always has in ways nothing else can. I'm so glad other people feel the same way but the "other" people in my life look at me like I'm insane!

  15. These are Fantastic 905!!!! Thank You!!!! :D

    OMG.. I'll say they are fantastic... very hard to concentrate here at work though!!! :D Does anyone know of a good publication that has such pictures? I just have to have these!!!

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