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Posts posted by DoubleNecker

  1. I always found it amazing that that little ball was able to withstand thousands of asteroids hitting it when we had an asteroid belt some 50 billion years ago. If it can take it....I think the Earth can, we can rebuild!

  2. How's it going "DoubleNecker?" I'm sorry, my fault. You misunderstood me. I am referring in my comment to you to all of the many new FLEETWOOD MAC fans that are not familiar with the Peter Green era from 1967 to 1970. I should have addressed my comment to all of the new FLEETWOOD MAC fans. I realize that you are a hard core Peter Green fanatic as I am. My bad! ROCK ON!

    Well, not really. Of the three legendary guitarists for Mayall, I'm a Clapton man the most. Taylor is second, then Green.

  3. How's it going again "DoubleNecker?" I mean no disrespect in any way to the new and more familiar line-up of FLEETWOOD MAC consisting of Nicks, Buckingham, Christine McVie, John McVie and Fleetwood. Thats why I feel that it is my duty as well as my fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics to get the new FLEETWOOD MAC fans more familiar with the Peter Green era. The Green era not only Rocked out with their Hard Rock Blues music, but they influenced many other great legendary bands including the recent FLEETWOOD MAC line-up. If you really want to hear the foundation of what the early FLEETWOOD MAC REALLY sounded like, listen to the Green era from 1967 to 1970 including the John Mayall moments from 1967 before FLEETWOOD MAC was born. ROCK ON!

    Well, I've already heard the Peter Green era albums. That's why I said it. :P

  4. beatles overrated? this is only said by musical snob elitists that want to sound hip.

    what are you, a blue meanie?

    i do like throbbing gristle, though. great choices in graphic illustration. so-so music. they are right up there with hawkwind and the exploding plastic inevitable, although i give the musical ability vote to hawkwind by a country mile. (an expression we use in pepperland)

    the beatles still manage to affect peoples minds. i spit out gristle at dinner.

    where's the beef?

    if we are taking nominations for most overrated band, i would throw in the verve, velvet underground, and oasis.

    notice i left out throbbing gristle. they're not even rated.

    It's a joke, yeah, but I still think that some elitists would prefer something like Gerogerigege to The Beat Alls.

    Didn't finish my sentence, lol. I meant to say that they would prefer said shit over the latter, but it's insane, because even though it's a matter of opinion, I scratch my head when they say the Beatles are unlistenable when they listen to harsh noise.

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