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About wrongeragurl

  • Birthday 01/05/1990

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    Car Jamming, having fun at whatever i'm doing, vinyl, Euphoria, dirty scrabble, 1960s and 1970s, cats, astrology, getting lost, Unitarian Universalism, Jimmy Page:), traveling(even though I'm broke), history documentaries, vintage shopping,mary jane etc.

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  1. Well, I saw you visited my profile yesterday ....not that it may be the most interesting thing to read in the cosmos, anyway, just wanted to tell you that you are not that average as you say that you are, since you like vinyl (great hobby, great sound, great mindvibe). Regards from Holland

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. reswati


      Amsterdam is a 2 hour ride from where I live.....the city called Venlo near the German border (we once were "famous" for having 27 coffeeshops)

    3. wrongeragurl


      Are there still 27 coffeeshops?? very nice

    4. reswati


      Nah, we only have 4 left, and from next month on it won't be possible anymore for foreigners to buy anything thanks to our new right wing regime.

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