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Posts posted by danelectro

  1. Mainstream popularity means nothing to me. However some of the most influential musicians in history were very popular amongst other musicians and that means something to me. Sometimes being progressive means alienating people, for some being true to themselves is more important than acceptance.

  2. I don't think Black Sabbath could be more important, it can be argued they are directly responsible for kicking of a genre of music that grew into a very big thing. Not many bands can be attributed to something that remarkable. In that regard they are amongst a select few.

  3. True enough, though with the advent of Mick Taylor he gradually slid more into the rhythm guitarist slot.

    Without a doubt. As much as I enjoy MT's playing I often find myself thinking some songs would have benefit from an extra dash of Keith, especially live where there was no blurring of the roles. I swear he layed back on purpose at times. Some of the old vids, like the R&R Circus and '72 tour rehearsals, show him to be fleet fingered when he wanted to be. Though certainly not one to grind out some trill filled soloing a-la Page or Iommi.

  4. Nobody's ever claimed Richards was a great soloist, including him. He IS the Human Riff, however. And many current rock guitarists owe him a debt they can only imagine, on the same order as his own acknowledged debt to Chuck Berry.

    Still I don't think he gets enough credit for his soloing. For example in the days of the early Stones he was their primary soloist, with the exception of Brian's slide work, and those early Stones records are chock full of blues tunes with tasty solos and fills on par with anything anyone was doing at the same time.

  5. Iommi's work in BS was definitely more riff based and less about texture so by default he sounds a lot more "riffy" than others. I don't think that's a good or bad thing, it certainly worked within the context of BS, but comparing his work with that or others not as committed to a defining style is tough. Especially players like Page and Richards that didn't really have a signature style, they covered too much ground for that.

  6. The Band. I like them but I am not crazy about them. Always felt as good as they were at that time many bands were more impressive. Of course my age means I had to to look back through time without actually being there, which tends to provide more info than necessary to be objective. Their best stuff amazes their worst is less than average for the era. Though they never strived for more, from their name on it implies anything can happen. Their history, which is second to none with regard to authenticity, is enough to awe a person. Myself included.

  7. IM are an important band for me, one listen of the debut album and I was hooked. After all that time I still listen often, I have every studio album and go through little periods where that is all I listen to. Usually because I've stumbled across an IM riff while noodling and proceed to give my guitars a workout for a few weeks. Can't really say I have a fave album or anything but if I was forced to pick it'd likely be Powerslave, that is fun guitar playing. I have extreme diverse taste but my formative years were filled with Maiden, Priest, Kiss and Sabbath.

  8. I don't like any of their album covers. :run:

    (Though I suppose the one I dislike least is III. Fortunately the cover doesn't affect my opinion of the music inside! :D )

    Same here, as far as album covers go Zep's are pretty meh.

  9. IMO Zep's open alt\tuning stuff is amongst their "easiest" stuff to play. Actually it's that way for pretty much anything in alt\open tuning, the tunings make for easy fingering of exotic sounding chords. It's all about picking patterns, which has more to do with memory than anything. If you can play BIGLY your for sure can tackle Bron yr aur.

  10. Waking up and seeing the sun high in the sky with no clouds = happy. Showered and headed out to work, stopped to grab a bowl of menudo on the way = very happy. Not sure why but I've been doing a lot of praying and meditating lately. Not to anything or higher power in particular but because I feel like it gives me positive energy. Just want the world to know I feel fortunate and pay it forward via some good vibes.

  11. We don't need the media to fuel kneejerk reactions, the world's public does a fine job of that on their own. One thing is for sure we better pray it doesn't become a pandemic, that combined with faltering world economy will cause lots of problems. If a large percentage of the population becomes sick or subject to quarantine the already fragile infrastructure will start to fail. Who knows maybe it's time to thin things out a bit.

  12. Janie Hendrix says that Jimi At Royal Albert Hall will finally be released by the end of the year. The release is 105 minutes long and it will show Jimi getting in out of taxi's, limo's, at the airport, etc. It will show him before the show, the actual show, backstage after the show, at the Speakeasy, back at his apartment. And there will be extras on it as well. She said It will hopefully also get a short theatrical run

    She also said they have 3 more live concerts in the vaults to release on DVD.

    She also said they recently found 19 more reels of Band of Gypies material that will be spread out over 4 more releases.

    Yay! :D

    This is good news, it's about time. I hope they have footage of Little Wing in it's entirety, both bootlegs I have cut to some nature scenes right as Jimi starts soloing.

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