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Posts posted by gperkins151

  1. Never been much of a fan. I have 5-6 of their albums because I keep finding them used for $4.

    I dunno about a favorite song, but I absolutely love the acoustic cut of Pop Song '89 off the rarities disc of In Time.

    I agree, that is a great track.

  2. The Beatles are my favorite but comparing them to Zep (or any other artist for that matter), seems as pointless as naming your favorite member of the band. It's music, not some kind of competition.

    That said, my favorite record is Hey Jude (aka The Beatles Again). Not a proper album, I know but still my fave.

    The tracks on this one sound just like the ones that turned up later on Past Masters. Am I correct? Same mix?

  3. Been a fan since day one. I like the early REM and Monster. I recently watched a live DVD of the band and was pleasantly surprised on seeing the human contact the singer has with his audience who love him and the band. Why don't they ever play Fall On Me at their gigs?!


    They play it on Tourfilm - an incredible DVD BTW. B)

  4. That was never released properly as a cd.....well, maybe in some countries..but even then, it'd have been a bootleg. But that vinyl was common back in the early to mid 70s. It just gathered some singles and a few album tracks to make it a full length record.

    Stuff like...Don't Let Me Down, Get Back, Paperback Writer, Rain, Old Brown Shoe, The Ballad of John and Yoko....for, at the time, recent singles that'd never been on LP.

    This was from the photo session for the LP....back cover....I think the Beatles 'looked' the coolest in this time period...photos taken in August of '69.


    I agree. GREAT photo.

    I just found Let it Be, BTW. B)

  5. I grew up with The Beatles, like most old farts. :lol:

    Still love the band. Just got the Capitol box sets (the American releases minus "The Beatles Again/Hey Jude" and "Yesterday And Today". Sound quality is phenomenal.

    So a big improvement on the origninal CD masters?

    Let It Be- Naked (a vast improvement over the original-get it!!!)


  6. 14495162.JPG

    For those that are interested.... this 992 page tome is now available at Barnes & Noble for an after-Holiday Sale of just $7.98.

    I particularly enjoyed reading about The Beatles first meeting with Bob Dylan in 1964 in NYC. You know, ehre Dylan got the Boys to go "Herbal", instead of Pharamacuetical..

    Check it out!

    I sure will!!

    Thanks for the tip! :)

  7. Well, how long have you been a fan?

    Since my friend forced me to listen to the IRS albums in the late eighties. Eventually they grew on me and I have been a fan ever since.

    Do you like all their stuff or just one era?

    I much prefer the IRS years plus Green, which I think was their last great album. Out of time was not as solid IMO and though Automatic for the People was incredible, their stuff as of late just sounds like it was written by old people. I bought Around the Sun and barely made it through it once.

    Seen them live? What did you think?

    Saw them twice for the Green tour - awesome shows!! Then I saw them for the Monster tour at MSG and thought it was OK, could've done with much more album tracks and less GR. Hits, but...

    Then I saw them for the UP show at Hammerstein Ballroom. I won tickets on the radio by singing the entire first verse of It's the End of the World As we Know it. B)

    What's the rarest release that you own?

    I finally got a copy of the 1991 Unplugged show (audio.) I also have the IRS compilation In the Attic, which apparently isn't as rare as I thought. Got some nice early Boots too.

    Favorite song?

    This is a toughie. Probably Sweetness Follows.

    Favorite album?

    Easy, Life's Rich Pageant.

    Favorite member?

    Michael. The others do very little for me, actually. I'm more a lyrics and message kinda guy.

  8. Well, how long have you been a fan?

    Do you like all their stuff or just one era?

    Seen them live? What did you think?

    What's the rarest release that you own?

    Favorite song?

    Favorite album?

    Favorite member?

    (I realize this a lot of questions, but they are one of my favorite bands (top ten))

    I'll answer when I have had more sleep. B)

  9. I haven't seen it for a reasonable price yet (I'm not gonna pay €45,- for 4 cd's), but I'm sure I'll find it cheaper when I decide to get it.


    Saw it last night at Virgin. It's still on sale. I guess you don't have one near you?

  10. I was one of the first 50 people to join the Stones' UK fan club in 1964, for 2/6d, and it got me a signed picture. Years later (I kept up my membership) it got me an invitation to the taping of Rock 'n' Roll Circus, but I couldn't go because they said it would end late and it was the night before I had a big exam. :(

    Looking back, my favorite periods were those early blues years, and then the Mick Taylor years. For me they went off the boil after that, but I'll always love them.

    Which album(s) were of the Mick Taylor years?

  11. I haven't heard this on cd. I used to have it on vinyl though, and I don't remember it being too deficient in bass. Can you not just boost it ?

    Hey Joel. I actually don't like the effect of using the tone controls, as my receiver does not boost the level in a way that sounds natural. Having said that, yes, I have tried boosting the bass and got decent results.

    Lots of early 60s recordings can be rather thin....is it that stuff on it and/or the latter songs ?

    It's a mixed bag, but yes, overall the earlier is worse.

  12. oh and...too bad that noise bothers you in Red House...it's actually part of the Beauty of tube amplifiers...not just the feedback but the crackly noise....you don't find that authenticity in solid state amplifiers...nothing like the warmth and glow of an analog system !!!

    I t doesn't bother me one bit during the song, just that last minute. Do you know the sound I am referring to? :huh:

  13. On my disc from the boxset....YES !

    Find it....it's the ticket !

    I finally heard disc one from the box. FWIW, I do hear a strange noise during the last minute of the live Red House. Perhaps that's feedback, but to me, it's really unpleasant. :(

  14. I love Dylan's music, more so the early stuff though. Not a huge fan of the post 70's stuff.

    Don't know if this already came up, but there's a new film based on Dylan called "I'm Not There". Just saw it the other night and I have to say I was blown away.

    I'm with you. I like everything up to and including Nashville Skyline. After that, I just couldn't deal with his voice. I am very grateful for No Direction Home, where I first discovered that Dylan had a voice. I had only heard the later stuff and never liked it due to his sandpaper vocals.

    That first plugged in performance of Maggie's Farm is easily the best live performance of anything ever! B)

  15. I've got several of the early Stones remasters..the DSD hybrids. Thing is, they're FULL price. I got them on sale when they were initially released and they were still about $13 for the unexpanded issues...ya know, 30-40 minute cd's ! I still got them, but was bummed they couldn't be offered for like $9.99 or something....

    I bet that box up there is about $150 !! maybe $129 ?

    Have you (or anyone else) heard both the DSD and the London Hot Rocks? The USD is good on some tracks, terrible on others. Overall, there's not enough bass for my taste. :(

  16. Big Jimi fan right here. Everyone should check out the new Jimi at Monterey DVD, we all know why the performance is so important, but on top of that there's great documentary parts on the disc, alot of nice little facts.

    Sweet! I'm gonna get that today. B)

  17. I recently shelled out the dough for the three single DVDs. As cool as their videos are, I always end up disappointed that I don't enjoy them nearly as much as the music. Am I alone in this?

    I have to say that Vicarious is by far their best video to date and I very much look forward to checking out Alex Grey's gallery in Manhattan in the near future.

    Has anyone been there?

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