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Everything posted by clw

  1. I wish I could invent a time machine and bring back the most good looking angel God ever made
  2. Dreamt about him last night,was at a concert!
  3. I wish we could ask one of them wtf they were thinking That's because those people don't realize they're in the presence of Gods
  4. look at those freaky people on that video,they are sitting there doing nothing!!!!!!!!!!
  5. He has that shirt on in this video
  6. No,LOL,are you looking for a lush that worships led Zeppelin!!
  7. everyone had that awful haircut!
  8. when all the men wore those short shorts!
  9. whoever did it goofed
  10. I think this is carmen
  11. love this man--I think this is Carmen,for some reason I posted this twice!
  12. I can be at target and think of Robert and thinkwow,what if he was here like someone posted once,that they saw him at target in Austin!
  13. Hey girl,thats our Robert! Message me,you ok??
  14. watched Led Zep DVD again last night so awesome,what a great group all the way around
  15. watched Led Zep DVD again last night so awesome,what a great group all the way around....oh Robert
  16. I would be screaming too
  17. Is this from 2007,I swear I love this man more and more,all I need to complete my life is to see him
  18. I just watched this about 10 times in a row,makes me almost cry as in the past and we will never have anything but memories
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